• 当今最好方式就是上网

    With today's the best way, and that is the Internet.


  • 一种最好方式生活

    Find the best way to live.


  • 预算管理现代企业管理核心内容也是财务管理向企业管理渗透最好方式

    Budget management is the core content of the modern enterprise management, also well as the best way of financial management infiltrating to enterprise management.


  • 时候开诚布公了:也许初级程序员了解东西还不足以说出某件事情一种最好方式

    Time for some brutal honesty: Beginner developers probably don't know enough to state that there is one Best Way of doing something.


  • 这就是我,最好方式一种与他人无关方式展现我自己。音乐响起演出开始的时刻

    I think that I'm, in the best kind of way, as irrelevant as I am relevant and it's the timing of when the music came and when the show came.


  • 一种方式就是掌握变化最好观点吸收解决方案中。

    One way to do that is to stay on top of change and incorporate the best ideas into my solutions.


  • 骑自行车就是最好锻炼方式

    Cycling is one of the best exercises that there are.


  • 最好方法如果找到比较正式方式,比如说好好桌子坐下事情清楚。

    The best thing is if you can establish some kind of ritual, like regularly sitting down at a table to talk about your issues.


  • 但是这个项目最好部分发现了一种可以提高太阳能电池板收集太阳光效率方式

    But the best part was that I discovered a new way to increase the efficiency of solar panels at collecting sunlight!


  • 给予最好增加快乐方式今天就拥有这样机会给予

    Giving is among the best ways to increase your happiness and today you have the opportunity to give.


  • 可能这会迫使丢弃所有数据或者学习新的输入方式,或者放弃目前正在其它四大技术当然可能不是最好开始

    If leaving forces you to leave all your data behind, or to learn a new way of typing, or to surrender four other technologies you were still using, then maybe this is not the best one to start.


  • 相反最好是以一种认同幽默方式积极评价自身压力产生的原因因为人们应对失败情绪有效策略

    Instead, it is better to positively appraise the cause of your stress with acceptance and humor as these are the most effective coping strategies for people dealing with failures.


  • 一种点球方式相信能命中,全队成员给了信心,我也相信那是最好的方式,”阿布鲁这样说

    "It's a way of kicking (penalties). I believe in it, and the team has given me confidence to believe it's the right way," Abreu said.


  • 我们需要方式,(最好)消遣方式对付排队

    What we need is a way of coping with queuing, a distraction of some kind.


  • 几年确定减少鞋子数量最好方式是坚定不移的使用一种颜色

    Years ago, I determined that the best way to minimize my shoes would be to stick to a solid color.


  • 适应新的生活方式很难的,因此休假者最好自己相对容易适应地方国家度假这样他们容易专注于学习探索

    Adjusting to a new routine can be difficult, so sabbatical-takers would do well spending their time in an area or country where it's easy for them to adjust and focus on learning and exploration.


  • 方式懒散的,并且提供最好性能但是对于蓄意攻击无意识的失误几个薄弱环节

    The first way is the laziest and offers the highest performance, but it has several vulnerabilities to both deliberate attacks and innocent mistakes.


  • 有时候完成最好办法就是改变注意力一种方式去做

    Sometimes the best strategy to get something done is to change your focus and do something completely different.


  • 不同程序员会有不同的实现方式作为一种规律最好采用多个的功能不是少数几个的功能块。

    There are as many ways to do this as there are programmers, but as a rule, it is good to build programs from lots of small pieces rather than a few big pieces.


  • 有创造力工作。 与有创造力精力充沛而又积极的起工作,最好一种保持灵感方式

    Work with inspired peopleone of the best ways to stay inspired is to work with creative, energetic, positive people.


  • 我们知道目前最好教学方式就是面对面教学,但如果选择一种在线教育方式,你选择虚拟世界吗?

    While we know that face-to-face learning is currently the most successful teaching method, if you had to choose an online learning environment, would you consider a virtual world?


  • 实际上,这混合方式最好一种选择

    In fact, a hybrid approach to open source is your best option.


  • 最好方式就是截图然后分享

    One of the best ways is to take a screenshot and share it.


  • 墓地竖立纪念碑纪念逝者传统的也是最好一种方式

    In the traditional way, a monument erected in the burial ground would be the most appropriate way to pay tribute to the departed.


  • 跑步很多认为跑步最好运动方式因为简单、方便、而且还是一种好的减肥保健方式

    Running: Many people think this is the best type of exercise because it is very simple and can be done anywhere. Running is a very good way to lose weight and to stay healthy.


  • 26渴望有所作为- - -能找到改进获得有用能源方式,这能源最好稀缺、不易失、可预测无污染的。

    She was 26 years old and eager to make a difference-to find or improve upon a useful source of energy, preferably one that wasn't scarce or fleeting or unpredictable or dirty. The sun was going down.


  • 或许这个事实些让难以接受,但请铭记它——作为最好避免离婚方式,毕竟你为离婚付出太多太多。

    Grasping that hard-to-accept fact is one of the best ways to save yourself from a costly divorce.


  • 或许这个事实些让难以接受,但请铭记它——作为最好避免离婚方式,毕竟你为离婚付出太多太多。

    Grasping that hard-to-accept fact is one of the best ways to save yourself from a costly divorce.


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