• 一眼看去好像没有什么改变

    At the first glance, as if nothing has changed.


  • 还有当代工程一眼看去好像核电站一个量级

    One current project, at first glance, does appear to be in the same ballpark as the power station.


  • 知道一眼看去这位老太太喜欢这份工作的,而且胜任愉快

    I only know that one looked, this woman likes the job, and competently.


  • 一眼看去似乎要好一些,但是还记得纹理交错的粒子片劣势吗?

    At first glance, it may seem much better, but remember the disadvantages about textures and intersecting billboards?


  • 告诉绘制云层大体方式但是一眼看去感觉不到在那里

    It reminds me the cloud in general way, but on the first view you can feel, that its not quite there yet.


  • 一眼看去只有几个零落落地画画角落那边竟然个人水浒传》。

    A glance, only a few people sporadically in the painting, yet there are individuals in the corner over there to see "the Water Margin."


  • 上游一侧,原来是个很深水池现在一眼看去却是平坦暗绿色池。

    Above the dam there was what ought to have been a deep pool but was now, of course, a level floor of dark green ice.


  • 一眼看去建筑好似一个简单单层结构遵循街道环境下逻辑,”补充说

    "At first glance the building registers as a simple single-storey structure, one that follows the logic of its street context," he added.


  • 一眼看去,作品中悬挂形状奇异的深色阴影,神秘的鬼魂一样漂浮空气,既优雅诡异

    At first glance, what appear to be oddly formless, dark shapes hang from a mobile, floating in the air like unlikely spirits, with a mixture of grace and awkwardness.


  • 生活铜钱快乐悲伤分占两边一眼看去只是一面请记得另一面也许在下次投掷后相见

    Life is like a coin. Pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time. But remember other side is waiting for its turn.


  • 生活就像铜钱快乐悲伤分占两边一眼看去只是一面请记得另一面也许在下次投掷后相见

    Life eis like a coin. Pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time. But remember other side is waiting for its turn.


  • 一眼看去似乎一般房子啥两样,但如果走近去看,你会发现没有窗子……只是第一件与众不同之处

    Even if it looks like a typical house, if you look closer you will see that it doesn't have Windows... and that's the first unusual thing.


  • 一眼看去CSSNinjas似乎使用的是平直颜色不过其实每个色彩区域微弱的渐变,创造迷人的材质效果。

    CSS Ninjas appears to use flat colors at first glance, but each colored area has a subtle gradient, which gives it texture.


  • 一眼看去很多我们参加家长-婴儿的课大体上差不多,在那儿,老师鼓励我们唱歌拍手故事闲聊

    At first glance hers was much like many of the other parent-and-baby classes we've attended, where we're encouraged to sing songs, clap hands, listen to stories and gossip.


  • 帕森斯家温斯顿家,那种邋遢像也有一套——一眼看去所有东西全都给人捣毁砸烂,活像狂暴的巨光临过。

    The Parsons' flat was bigger than Winston's, and dingy in a different way. Everything had a battered, trampled-on look, as though the place had just been visited by some large violent animal .


  • ——主人。”桌子中间一个矮个子男人结结巴巴地说道。坐在那里显得特别,猛一眼看去,还以为椅子里没有人。

    "Yes, m-my Lord, " gasped a small man halfway down the table, who had been sitting so low in his chair that it had appeared, at first glance, to be unoccupied.


  • 一眼看去最近那些人造青春偶像——布莱妮贾斯汀麦莉乔纳斯,别无二致。他们在过去十年间已经占据青少年们

    He seems at first like nothing more than the latest in a line of manufactured teen idols — the Britneys, Justins, Mileys and Jonases that have dominated teenage hearts for the past decade.


  • 明显我们而言,一眼看去我们项目传递地形优势。 方棱的玻璃体块,与疏松多沙的黄土取得平衡……真是让人着迷的对比。

    For us, it was obvious from the very first sight that we wanted to transmit the formative terrain edge in this project.


  • 无法知道是什么原因使这位老妇应该颐养天年岁数还在充当上班族,我只知道一眼看去这位老妇人是喜欢这份工作的,而且也完全能够胜任这份工作。

    I can never understand what has driven this old woman to join the rank of wage earners at an age when she should take life easy and enjoy the few days she had left with her.


  • 无法知道是什么原因使这位老妇应该颐养天年岁数还在充当上班族,我只知道一眼看去这位老妇人是喜欢这份工作的,而且也完全能够胜任这份工作。

    I can never understand what has driven this old woman to join the rank of wage earners at an age when she should take life easy and enjoy the few days she had left with her.


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