• 他们被困一点空气弹丸之地,再40分钟洪水就会淹没这间屋子了。

    Trapped in a pocket of air, they had only 40 minutes before the tide flooded the chamber.


  • 一点空气没有

    There wasn't any air.


  • 那个空间只有那么一点空气也没有我们可能窒息,免得产生一个故事

    There is very little air in that space. But not so little that we might suffocate, and thus create a story.


  • 左边这个活塞完全外面右边的左边的这个活塞完全在里面这边没有一点空气,这边是P2,这边

    Our piston on the right side here fully out, and the piston on my right side, your left side, fully inside. There's no gas p1 on that side here. So there's p2 sitting here.


  • 呼吸一点新鲜空气

    I'm in need of some fresh air.


  • 顶部底部一点空隙这样空气可以流通了。

    Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate.


  • 空气充满掌声汤姆耳朵当然听到了一点

    The air being filled with applause, Tom's ear necessarily caught a little of it.


  • 窗户很快打开了,好一点新鲜空气进入

    The windows were quickly opened, to let in a little fresh air.


  • 一点确定喜欢新鲜空气茂盛的草丛锻炼身体

    I'm not at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass.


  • 无论什么必须的事,每天至少休息三四即使只有分钟外面走走,呼吸一点新鲜空气

    Whatever you have to do, take a break at least three or four times a day, even for just a few minutes and go outside and get some fresh air.


  • 根手指弹击足够使一个气球加速离去气球运动时,一点动力甚至空气摩擦力可以很快使下来。

    The flick of a finger is enough to make a balloon accelerate away. When moving, it has little momentum and even the friction of the air quickly slows it up.


  • 士:传统烹饪认为,好的芝士就像一个有生命的东西需要呼吸新鲜的空气可能是需要稍微一点吧。

    Cheese: According to conventional culinary wisdom, good cheese is a living thing that needs to breathe good air, maybe sweat a little.


  • 对于来说,在白天窗户打开出一缝隙为了呼吸一点新鲜空气

    To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air.


  • 干净清新空气喜欢圣达菲的其中一点原因。

    He said the clean air is one of the things he loves about living in Santa Fe.


  • 一点重要,因为空调的核心工作就是去除空气中的热量。

    That's important because an air conditioner works by essentially removing heat from the air.


  • 让桑德尔一点休息或者振作起来机会,只顾接一拳地下去,直到全场的观众起来,空气充满着狂的彩声。

    He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself, but smashed blow in upon blow till the house rose to its feet and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause.


  • 虽然这样不会每次加油都一点但是至少每年能帮多省空气过滤器价格出来。

    While it won't save you dollars per fill-up, it could save you at least the price of an air filter each year depending on your mileage.


  • 这时只要一点,含有水分空气马上移动到别的地方,这时新的干燥空气就会不断地补充近来,接触潮湿物体,以更快的速度时间内带走其中的水分

    But so soon as a little wind arises, the moist air is moved away, new dry air constantly takes its place, and coming into contact with the wet article, effects in a very short time the desired result.


  • 随着城市里那些密集冰冷高楼大厦拔地而起拥堵车流中,在污浊空气里,人们幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。

    With the sprouting of dense but grim skyscrapers in cities, people's happiness is falling and withering in the congestion of cars and foulness of air.


  • 随着城市里那些密集而冰冷的高楼大厦拔地而起拥堵车流中,在污浊空气里,人们的幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。

    With cold-faced high-rise buildings mushrooming, amid a congested traffic, breathing smog-polluted air, slowly our familiar contentment shatters, the broken pieces drifting away and vanishing.


  • 严重一点患者可能就得用CPAP来治疗,人们给它取这个名字是因为能够气管提供稳定空气压力,借以帮助患者在夜间呼吸

    More severe cases may be treated with a CPAP machine, so named because they maintain constant positive air pressure to the wind pipe to help users breathe easy at night.


  • 看到了天空中的两个月亮,在父亲床边空气正在形成,他一点都没有惊讶

    Ever since he saw two moons in the sky and an air chrysalis materialising on his father's bed in the sanatorium, nothing surprised Tengo very much.


  • 也许新鲜空气可以一点

    Maybe some fresh air will help.


  • 大概凌晨一点时候,有点累了想回家,于是我们起身她家走,那天夜里空气非常寒冷

    At about 1 a.m. she said that she was getting tired, and we set off walking towards her house in the chill night air.


  • 莎士比亚46一位目前还不知其姓名画家面前摆好了姿势,让作画。 那时的莎士比亚看起来是富裕的,精力似乎比较充沛的,甚至有点带有现代气息皱纹可能一点空气刷洗过的样子。

    Forty-six when he posed for an unknown painter, Shakespeare looks well-to-do, somewhat dashing, and, in modern fashion, his wrinkles may have had a bit of air-brushing.


  • 空气进一步冷却容纳更多水汽能力零(的一点)饱和状态就达到了。

    When air is cooled to a point at which the air's capacity to hold more water vapor is zero, saturation is reached.


  • 随着城市里那些密集冰冷高楼大厦拔地而起,拥堵的车流中,在污浊空气,人们的幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。

    With the rising of dense and cold high buildings in the city, happiness is being broken into pieces and drifting away in the congested traffic and the foul air.


  • 随着城市那些密集而冰冷高楼大厦拔地而起,拥堵车流中,在污浊的空气里,人们幸福正在一点点地破碎,飘零。

    As the dense, cold high-rises sprout up in the cities, the traffic congests, the air fouls, and bit by bit, people's happiness is tattering and dying away.


  • 不过一点至关重要——清洁空气并不一定要真的净化空气

    But-and it's a crucial but-you can clean the air without really cleaning the air.


  • 不过一点至关重要——清洁空气并不一定要真的净化空气

    But-and it's a crucial but-you can clean the air without really cleaning the air.


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