• 最近段期间累积周转率明显过高者。

    A significantly high cumulative turnover rate for the most recent period.


  • 请记得接受房屋贷款时,您需要期间经常金融机构打交道。

    Remember that when you take up a housing loan, you will be dealing with the financial institution on a regular basis for a period of time.


  • 周五媒体报道猜疑图雷加拉赛季段期间闹翻,但是现在问题得到了解决。

    Media reports on Friday suggested that Kolo Toure and William Gallas had fallen out for a period this season but the problem was now sorted out.


  • 这些成功学习期间需要材料

    Here are the materials you need to have a successful study period.


  • 各所大学鼓励学生本科期间其他国家交换一段时间

    Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country.


  • 然后,要经过一段培植时期,在这个期间我们必须坚毅稳定直到新的关系变为根深蒂固的常规。

    Then there is a season of establishing, settling and testing, during which we must "stay put" until the new relationship gets so fixed as to become a permanent habit.


  • 时间安装映像会存在期间捕获的任何快照都不能灾难数据中心中使用。

    There is a period of time when your install image is not consistent and any snapshot taken during that time will not be useful to you in your disaster data center.


  • 假休期间你们比较长的时间呆在直想问孩子们的学习生活那么现在时间了。

    You have some uninterrupted, quality alone time together during the break, so now might be a good time to ask the many questions you have about your child’s life.


  • 曼城提升他们的水平,这是因为他们非洲国家期间失去亚亚图雷时间

    City were looking to add to their ranks because they will be without Yaya Toure for a while during the African Cup of Nations.


  • 米兰——科比·布莱恩特NBA停摆期间效力意大利有可能的”而且这个国家对科比来说样,因为小时候在那里时间。

    MILAN -kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 米兰——科比布莱恩特NBA停摆期间有可能意大利打球,而且意大利对他来说味道,因为童年在那里渡过一段时间。

    MILAN -- Kobe Bryant said it's "very possible" he will play in Italy during the NBA lockout, adding the country is like home because he spent part of his childhood there.


  • 这次二次入院期间再次时间无法入睡并且经历了更多幻觉诡异情节

    During this second visit to hospital he was again unable to sleep for a period and experienced more hallucinations and later further psychotic episodes.


  • 1848年至1855年期间斯坦岛上经营了农场,也纽约家干货店工作一段时间

    He also ran a farm on Staten Island from 1848 to 1855 and spent time working in a New York dry-goods store.


  • 在这苍茫的人海里,单单是遇上了,相识了,而且携手走过一段不管期间,都是福气

    It is literally a blessing when you not only encounter each other, know each other and go hand in hand through way after way, however long or short, sweet or bitter.


  • 如果整个迭代期间都保持集合那么其他线程在锁外停留长的时间等待解锁。

    If you are going to hold the lock on the collection during an entire iteration, then other threads may be stalled waiting for the collection lock for a long time.


  • A北京奥运会期间度过愉快时光

    A You'll have a good time enjoying Beijing and the Olympics.


  • 外国记者采访期间中有几霓虹灯闪亮耀眼。但是住过一段时间的外国人晚上这里都黑灯瞎火

    Neon lights blazed in a few places during the journalists' visit, but foreign residents say that the city is normally dark at night.


  • 这位洛杉矶银河队球星租借AC米兰期间,开始接触女性体操普拉提,不想练习了时间后,身材达到数年来最佳水平。

    The LA Galaxy player was introduced to Pilates, which are particularly popular among women, while on loan at AC Milan and has been in the best shape in years, according to the tabloid.


  • 有些女孩甚至怀孕期间生产后经历一段抑郁的时期。

    Some girls may also experience depression during pregnancy or after delivery.


  • 过去年间仅仅非洲地,便有尼日利亚津巴布韦肯尼亚三国在大选期间紧随其后的一段时期内出现了广泛动荡不安。

    Over the past two years, in Africa alone, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Kenya have all experienced widespread unrest during and immediately after general elections.


  • 美国内战期间,相当时间,法案某些忠于联邦边境视为有效。

    For some time during the American Civil War, the Fugitive Slave Acts were considered to still hold in the case of blacks fleeing from masters in border states that were loyal to the Union government.


  • 开发期间,在很短的时间内用到了名为getvarsetvar函数

    During development, there was a brief period when we had functions named getvar and setvar .


  • 生病期间我们大家都担忧日子。

    The period of his illness was an anxious one for us all.


  • ”的婚姻维持第二婚姻——期间有了女儿两个儿子——则维持二十年。

    Her first marriage lasted for seven years and her second - in which she fathered a daughter and two sons - lasted for 20 years.


  • ”的婚姻维持第二婚姻——期间有了女儿两个儿子——则维持二十年。

    Her first marriage lasted for seven years and her second - in which she fathered a daughter and two sons - lasted for 20 years.


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