• 一次还是毛孩,从来没有时候匹马旁边疾驰对于他那熟练同伴,他一点也不担虑。

    Once, when I was a mere lad and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion.


  • 如果愿意可以使用目标设定分享网站43things这样的免费服务(当然正如以前谈论目标设定时所说,绝对鼓励大家追求43个学习目标)。

    Or, if you prefer, use a free service like 43 Things (though, as noted in my earlier post on setting goals, I would strongly encourage you not to pursue 43 learning goals at one time!).


  • 一次还是毛孩,从来没有时候匹马旁边疾驰对于他那熟练同伴,他一点也不担虑。

    Once, when I was a mere lad, and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion.


  • 即使认为大部分甚至全部应用程序转向云有意义,但是建议这么做,因为一次性完成这样的转移风险太大。

    Even if you think it makes sense to move most or all of your applications to the cloud, it might seem too risky to move everything all it once.


  • 有了那一声问候瞑目了,但是伤心,他从来都是给最好的例外所以下心肠她之后接二连三的电话

    With that greeting, he die rest in peace, but he did not want her hurt, he always gave her best, this one is no, so he hardened his heart not to pick her up after repeated calls.


  • 进行绿色装修项目面临许多挑战,一次例外

    Developing a green refurbished project has many challenges, and this one was no exception.


  • 似乎一点担心下一次海啸发生,因为她好像再没有什么可以失去了,现在她独自承担着失去亲人痛苦包括她的父母,最终她找到他们尸骨

    Why should I be afraid? " but is tormented by the loss of many of her relatives, including her parents, when the wave swept over their coastal village." Syamsiah had found only their bones.


  • 一次没有离开茨,希望离开瓦茨。

    This time I did not leave Watts. Nor did I wish to leave Watts.


  • 因为如果是那种女孩的话,有点吵闹南部中心一张双层下铺上,一个一点也不迁就我的男孩的第一次发生了。

    Because, if I had, losing it on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed in South Central, a little buzzed, with a friend who didn't go out of his way to make it special wouldn't have been in my plans.


  • AC米兰锋线球员托的最近一次受伤让球队总经理加利亚尼一点儿高兴起来了,加利亚尼还纳闷究竟什么原因让这位巴西攻击手最近几个赛季伤病面前变得如此“脆弱”。

    AC Milan CEO Adriano Galliani is far from happy with attacker Alexandre Pato's latest injury and wonders how it's possible that the Brazil international has become so injury prone in recent seasons.


  • 一些确实具有main方法应用程序可能希望这个方法被一次的调用。

    Some applications that do have a main method may not expect that method to be called more than once.


  • 因此选择了一位似乎是从Greene小说出来男人结束Colorado混乱统治奇怪

    It is not surprising that it took a man who might have walked off the pages of a Greene novel to end Colorado misrule.


  • 10月14号召开的一次政策会议会,日本银行退出策略沉默语,估计沉默多长时间了。

    The bank kept mum about exit strategies after a policy meeting on October 14th, but it cannot do so for much longer.


  • 徐静蕾现在每月更新自己博客只有有限的几有时甚至一个也不更新一次,今年5就是这样

    Now she updates her blog rarely, sometimes not even once a month, which was the case in May.


  • 有的几天公司提现超过1万美金,个人能超过300美金。

    Some queued for days and were denied their cash, or were allowed a limit of $10, 000 for corporate accounts and $300 for individuals.


  • 一次没有离开茨,希望离开瓦茨。瓦茨跟随一同了耶鲁大学。

    This time I did not leave Watts . Nor did I wish to leave Watts . Watts followed me to Yale.


  • 迈克:一点也不一次非常愉快的旅行

    Mike: Not a bit. It was a very pleasant trip.


  • 盖伯瑞尔握得时间长一些。“多么柔软呵,即便冬天一点粗糙!”

    Gabriel held it longer this time. 'How soft it is, even in winter, not rough at all!' he said.


  • 一轮复苏例外虽然一次就业市场以往更加萧条。

    This recovery, although it has come with a feebler job market than most, is no exception.


  • 出血很多几乎小时一次纸,但是一点

    The bleeding is quite heavy. I change my pads almost every hour, but there isn't any pain.


  • 一次也不例外。希望你们担心,我

    I can do it again. I want you to stop worrying about me. I'm fine.


  • 一次电话费起,只得父母亲借钱

    Once she could not even pick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money.


  • 一次布伦南提出停止出书(表示,丽莎希望出版)换取经济和解

    This time Brennan offered to shelve the book (which she says Lisa didn't want her to publish anyway) in exchange for a financial settlement.


  • 一次布伦南提出停止出书(表示,丽莎希望出版)换取经济和解

    This time Brennan offered to shelve the book (which she says Lisa didn't want her to publish anyway) in exchange for a financial settlement.


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