• 互联网一样都不能

    And the Internet, like Less.


  • 依我看来,解释杰克解释一样不能令人信服。

    In my opinion, your explanation is no more convincing than the one Jack gave us.


  • 虏获挚爱敏感果决和奋不顾身,一样都不能

    If they want to get her, true love, sensitive, resolute, regardless of danger, no one can less.


  • 同情,因为我知道他和我一样不能左右自己命运我们同病相怜

    We're communicating. I feel compassion for him, knowing both of us have lost control of our destiny. We are equals.


  • 很多设备包括智能手机可以显示不止的影像,但是他们不能报纸一样可以起来

    Ubiquitous devices, including smart phones, display far more than a few seconds, but they can't be rolled up like a newspaper.


  • 一种极度野蛮、像屠夫一样行为,在任何情况下不能原谅。

    This is most uncivilized and butcher-like activity. It cannot be supported under any circumstances.


  • 创作《瑞安女儿》时,也是一样大费周折。恩先生不想要爱尔兰元素:不仅标题旋律压抑马车节奏,而且八个竖琴的配乐,都不能有爱尔兰风格。

    He did the same with “Ryan’s Daughter” (1970), in which Mr Lean wanted nothing Irish: not only sliding in the rhythm of a suppressed gig in the title theme, but scoring for eight harps.


  • 认为,它已经进化其他email软件甚至不能它相提并论的地步了:线性对话存档邮件标签而不是把邮件放在文件夹里;邮件过滤搜索工具;还有各种Gmail任务一样的小工具等等,我可以一直说下去。

    Threaded conversations, archiving and labeling instead of filing in folders, filters and search and widgets such as Gmail TasksI could go on all day.


  • 任何中的一样必要条件不能达到预期效果

    Not that any of this necessarily had the desired effect.


  • 然而,两只眼看起来其他人一样,所以姐妹母亲不能忍受她。

    However, as Two-eyes saw just as other human beings did, her sisters and her mother could not endure her.


  • 不过和担心援助可能性一样不能成为不予救援的借口。

    But neither that, nor the likelihood that some food aid would be stolen, are excuses for giving nothing.


  • 如果同一品牌的,它们的鞋号不能保证一样

    If you take two pairs of shoes from the same brand, you will not be guaranteed the same size shoes.


  • 或许人生不同阶段学习的内容也不一样我们任何时候不能减慢甚至停下学习的脚步。

    What you learn may be different at different stages of your life, but you can never decrease or stop your commitment to learning.


  • 医生朋友建议道:“任何意义不能说是创造生命,只是像卡带创造出了磁带录音机一样。”

    One doctor friend of mine suggested that "they haven't created life in any sense of the word, other than a person playing a cassette has invented the tape recorder."


  • 怪罪于罗恩赫敏他们决意漠视就像无情大雨一样沮丧不能削弱他的信心,他依然是那么确信无疑

    He blamed Ron and Hermione: Their determined indifference was as bad as the relentless rain for dampening his spirits, but neither could erode his certainty, which remained absolute.


  • 故事总夹杂著一些做人的美德,常常教导我们一样不管环境如何不能偷窃

    Many of her stories entail lessons of virtues, especially the one where she taught us that, under any circumstance, it is never right to steal.


  • 当然,我们当中大部分不能那些杰出人物一样取得那么大成就

    Of course, most of us will never achieve the success of these extraordinary people.


  • 明白:为什么所有人工系统似乎不能真正的动物一样具有活力适应性

    I was trying to figure out why all artificial systems didn't seem as robust and adaptable as real animals.


  • ,”那个连不能小孩。“但是曾经过我是不是可以其他小朋友一样跑呢。”

    "No," said the little boy who could not walk or run. "But I have wondered what it would be like to walk and run like other boys and girls."


  • 我们没有信心,我们更多人死亡来临时候不能做,我们不能只牛一样睡觉意识不到有一天死亡

    We all have no confidence that we would be ok when and after we die. Most of us cannot meditate in our death. We cannot sleep like a cow not realizing we would die someday.


  • 然而之间有着共同犯罪铁链,不管他还是都不能打破。这一联系如同一切其它纽带一样有与之紧相伴随的义务

    Here was the iron link of mutual crime, which neither he nor she could break. Like all other ties, it brought along with it its obligations.


  • 传授给了他们技术,却传授他们教训对于才能来说,没有教训没有经验一样都不能使人成大器

    You can only pass on to their technology, not to teach them a lesson, for in order, there is no lack of experience and lessons with the same device can not make National Cheng Kung University!


  • 是的并且人和其他人一样清楚认识到一点但是一点不能影响

    Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone elsebut that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit.


  • 穿衣服不能忍受,棉布衣服碰触来说就像是刀割一样

    She was in such pain that she could barely stand to get dressed. Even the touch of her cotton clothes seemed like the scraping of a knife.


  • 人类一样一整天都不能睡觉果蝇试图第二长的时间弥补损失掉睡眠时间。这一现象称为睡眠冲动增多现象睡眠代偿现象。

    Like humans, flies deprived of sleep one day will try to make up for the lost time by sleeping more the next day, a phenomenon referred to as increased sleep drive or sleep debt.


  • 如果一样东西,你永远不能放手不能否则你将会永远失去

    NO. 5:If you love something, you can never let it go, not even for a second, or it's gone forever.


  • 我们不能忍受别人自己一样缺点

    None of us can stand other people having the faults as ourselves.


  • 不管丝巾多么光滑柔顺,不能代替爱人世上没有任何一样东西可以代替爱人的手!

    However soft the washcloth was, it could not match a lover's hands; nothing in the world could take the place of a lover's hands!


  • 不管丝巾多么光滑柔顺,不能代替爱人世上没有任何一样东西可以代替爱人的手!

    However soft the washcloth was, it could not match a lover's hands; nothing in the world could take the place of a lover's hands!


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