• 他们似乎许多事情意见一致老朋友一样相互理解

    They seemed to agree on many things, and understood each other like old friends.


  • 我们意见基本上是一样的。

    Our opinions are on the whole the same.


  • 认为我们更衣室一样一个整体,感觉我的意见

    I think we are together as a dressing room, that is my feeling and my opinion.


  • 对于我们如何应对这些问题有很强烈意见——我相信一样

    I hold strong opinions about how we should deal with these issues - and I suspect you do too.


  • 讨厌一些书评书评这个东西意见,也不最近一些人一样质疑存在的必要(他们遵循一种神圣传统)。

    I hate some book reviews, but I don't hate the book review and question its right to exist, as some have been doing recently (following in a hallowed tradition).


  • 假如项目甚至还没有开始之前出现沟通问题,获得创意的反馈意见处理难题的建议,那简直撞墙一样一点反弹都没有。

    If you have problems communicating before the project has even started, you will likely hit a brick wall when trying to get feedback oncreative ideas or dealing with set-backs.


  • 如同其他有关托尼布莱尔的事情一样今天有关托尼要自己出的回忆录的所得数百万英镑转交皇家军团慈善会通告公众中引发意见分歧

    Like so much else about Tony Blair, today's announcement that he will hand over several million pounds in proceeds from his forthcoming memoir to the Royal British Legion has divided opinion.


  • 因此其他统治精英一样用户征求管理方面建议。它允许其用户就服务条款即将作出的变更投票,还通过论坛搜集关于未来政策意见

    It allows users to vote on proposed changes to its terms of service, and it holds online forums to solicit views on future policies.


  • 我们收到意见刊登我们网站上行动举措一样收到重视。

    Comments received are posted on our website as are actions.


  • 专家们认为iPhone问题其它手机遇到的问题不一样,除了Jobs反对申明意见

    Experts agree that the iPhone's problem is different from that faced by other phones, regardless of Jobs' protestations to the contrary.


  • 任何人地方一样这些专家也对此项工作的未来方向持有不同意见

    And like any group of people, these specialists disagree on the future direction of this work.


  • 这些冒风险大胆发表自己意见其他人就会随之聚集其周围,就行人在下暴雨寻求遮蔽物一样

    These people are willing to take the risk of having an opinion, and so others flock to them, like pedestrians running for shelter during a downpour.


  • 往常一样我们希望听听意见

    As usual, we'd like to hear your opinion.


  • 正如芭拉博客中所提及一样,维基页面聊天副本讨论单元我们提供了他们挑战思维过程的意见

    But as Barbara has mentioned on her blog, the chat transcripts and the discussion tabs on the students' wiki pages have given us a unique view of their challenges and thought processes.


  • 人们歌剧意见非常一样

    A: People have very different opinions about opera.


  • 同样地这些来源淡出网络讨论它们将会结果排名上回来其他热门观点意见便泡沫一样浮出表面

    Likewise, when these sources fade out of the online debate, they will drop back down the results rankings, allowing other hot views and opinions to bubble to the surface.


  • 比如有十个人读了手稿如果他们当中大部分批评意见一样的话,你最好听从他们意见不要冥顽不化了。

    For example, if ten people read your manuscript and most of them have the same criticism, then it would be best to stop being stubborn and take them up on their advice.


  • 人们歌剧意见非常一样

    People have very different opinions about opera.


  • 如果沙特人不一样有足够运气生活一个人们可以自由讲话社会那么忽略不同意见的裨益就是犯傻

    If, unlike the Saudis, you are fortunate enough to live in a society where people are free to speak, it is foolish to ignore dissent's advantages.


  • 然而游说绝非易事因为意见请求阶段,小型开源公司必须设法达到和微软一样地位

    Nevertheless, lobbying will be no easy feat as smaller open source companies will have to jockey for position against Microsoft during requests for proposals.


  • 往常一样我们希望听听意见欢迎博客评论或者加入我们互助论坛社区

    As usual, we'd like to hear your opinion. You're welcome to comment here in the blog, or join our Webmaster Help Forum community.


  • 演说以往一样积极向上富有感染力,并且不时的和听众热情交流意见

    She spoke with the buoyancy and infectious joy that havecharacterized her addresses in the past, and her exchanges with the crowd weresometimes emotional.


  • 往常一样我们欢迎网站管理员互助论坛反馈意见提问

    As always, we welcome your feedback and questions in our Webmaster Help Forum.


  • 这里反驳他们的意见:行业主导者可以跨越障碍一样使用专利也是为什么美国反垄断监管机构对专利之争很兴趣的原因。

    There is a retort to that, too: that incumbents can use patents as barriers to entry, which is why America’s antitrust regulators are showing interest in them.


  • 米歇尔拿起电话征询克里斯蒂母亲南希意见时,惊讶地获悉,她们长大后上同一所学校——正像她们女儿一样

    Natasha asked one Saturday, and when Michele called to check with Kristen’s mom, Nancy, she was surprised to learn that growing up they had gone to the same school-just like their daughters.


  • 终于州长回答她根本没有必要因为意见法庭裁决一样

    The Governor finally says he didn’t need to look at the information because he agreed with the findings of the court.


  • 其中的位不惜早上5起床步行50英里发表自己意见。代表:“这名女性说之所以来,是因为她觉得由于国际刑事法院的存在,那些一样的人才能够生活得更好。”

    One had got up at 5am and walked 50 miles to make her statement: “She said she came because she felt their lot would be better now [thanks to] the ICC.


  • 以往一样我们做法是非正式的:我们年长的经济学教授中间征集意见包括我们以前的明星

    As before, our methods were informal: we canvassed opinion among older economics professors, including our earlier stars.


  • 问题是,我们就是不到事物的共同之见,我们意识到,我们在其它事物上意见完全一致一样

    The point arises at which we just can't find ourselves in agreement on things just as the point arises when we realize that we are in some profound way in agreement about other things.


  • 接下来便是关于阿富汗问题争论但是同之前的一样意见一致。

    Then came the debate over Afghanistan but this was, similarly, largely consensual.


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