• 有机会另谋新职

    As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.


  • 劳拉纽约到处跑来跑去,有机会就打出租车

    Laura flits about New York hailing taxis at every opportunity.


  • 只要一有机会那条就会咬你一口

    That dog will give you a nasty bite, given half a chance.


  • 他们同事们有机会就侮辱他们

    Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself.


  • 实在喜欢城市一有机会就让乡村吧。

    I don't really like cities—give me the countryside every time.


  • 有机会

    I shall speak about it at the first opportunity.


  • 善良的女房东——如那些擅长厨艺洗钱的房东,和那些恐吓客人一有机会就多钱的坏房东一样,都小说受欢迎人物

    Good landladiesthose who are superb cooks and launderers, are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones who terrorize their guests and overcharge them at the slightest opportunity.


  • 原本日落后的小型晚餐成为一天中的大餐一家人有机在一起的时候。

    The formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day, the only one at which the family has a chance to get together.


  • 因此原本日落后的晚餐成为一天中的大餐一家人有机在一起的时候。

    So the formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day, the only one at which the family has a chance to get together.


  • 懒人有机会逃避工作

    A slacker tries to avoid work whenever possible.


  • Lip-Lip 一有机会就攻击他。

    Lip-Lip attacked him whenever he could.


  • 一有机会就买书,但我几乎不看。

    I bought books whenever I got the chance, but I hardly read them.


  • 夏天安德鲁几乎每天网球高尔夫球冬天有机会滑雪

    In the summer, Andrew plays tennis or golf almost every day and in the winter he goes skiing every chance he gets.


  • 意思是开始的时候,我们抱怨没有足够的时间那些我们真正关心的事情,我们机会可从中获利不再是原来的回事了。

    I mean, in the beginning we complain that we don't have enough time to do what we really care about, but when we're presented the opportunity to make money from it, it becomes a turnoff.


  • 热爱英语有机会我就说英语但是真的从来都没有想到这么重要竞赛中获胜

    I love English and I speak every chance I get. I really never expected to win such an important contest though.


  • 微笑会上传到互联网来自于其他国家城市微笑集合保存文档中机会就拿出来展览。

    Your smile will join other smiles from other cities and countries, by being sent out on the Internet, and being also preserved in my archive to be shown whenever there is a chance.


  • 机会赢得竞选两个候选人何塞·穆希路易斯。一些担心,此二人很可能会带来两极分化战争。

    The only two candidates with a realistic chance of winning the presidency are Mr Mujica and Mr Lacalle, which some fear brings the possibility of a polarized campaign.


  • 恩雅我们家里开始进行创作,创作出了所有这些旋律所以我们一有机会聚在一起然后洛玛填词

    Enya was living in our house and she started, all these melodies started to come out, so we got together whenever we could, and then Roma started to write lyrics.


  • 猎食专门火山爆发时死亡动物尸体机会它们就会吃掉这些动物。

    That predator shrimp takes the opportunity to feed on dying animals that get caught in volcanic bursts of activity.


  • 毫无疑问许多开发者一有机会就会限制的开发环境转移。

    It's a sure bet that many developers, given the opportunity, would flock to a less restrictive environment.


  • 。耐南自己笑话,坚持不懈练习表演互联网推销自己机会就表演给他人看。

    Dan Nainan practiced his jokes relentlessly, promoted himself on the Internet, and performed when he had the chance.


  • 一有机会努力英文思考

    Try to think in English whenever possible.


  • 小时候只要一有机会单独走开一小苔藓坐在上面;整个下午观看虫,或者摘下花儿,把它揉碎

    As a child I would wander off alone whenever I got the chance, to find a patch of moss to sit on and spend the afternoon watching ladybirds and picking flowers to press.


  • 里奇完全尊重事实故事情节编造得完美无瑕并且有机会就开始讲这种故事。

    Never mind the facts; Gingrich had his story line down pat, and he applied it every chance he got.


  • 期间这些陆战队士兵们集中注意检查他们两翼,而且一有机会便躲起来,查看他们那装满水的行军水壶以防脱水

    During that time, the marines stayed focused to their flanks and took cover where possible, nursing their water-filled Camelbak canteens to stave off dehydration.


  • 不会任何地方一张名单一有机会公司开除出去名单。

    It's not written down anywhere but it's a list of people they'd be happy to get rid of if the opportunity arises.


  • 首先历史告诉我们共和党机会单方面背弃任何协定

    For one thing history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.


  • 首先历史告诉我们共和党机会单方面背弃任何协定

    For one thing, history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.


  • 正手机会,我就人用正手,我,他每个落点,我控制

    When I touched my forehand, when I had the chance to play my forehand, I think I had the control of the point almost every time.


  • 正手机会,我就人用正手,我,他每个落点,我控制

    When I touched my forehand, when I had the chance to play my forehand, I think I had the control of the point almost every time.


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