• 许多专家认为虚拟现实绝不仅是游戏领域一时流行风尚。

    Many experts believe that VR will be more than a gaming fad.


  • 一种明确的趋势朝向能持续饮食方式一时流行饮食

    There is a definite trend towards a more sustainable way of eating rather than fad diets.


  • 各的规律历久不磨的钻石不能一点儿瑕疵一时流行的出品不妨单薄古怪华而不实

    Each of the rules: do not wear a diamond can not have a little flaw, a popular product can thin, eccentric, flashy without substance.


  • 游遍过整个国家,也跟最顶尖交谈过,我可以保证,资料处理只是一种一时流行的热潮,它不会生存得今年

    I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that wont last out the year.


  • 2012年,一时惩罚可能走到尽头,无论好坏,未来观念都将重新流行起来。

    By 2012, this period of chastisement will likely have run its course, and future-mindedness will be back in vogue, for better or worse.


  • 里弗2005年去世曾与一位红极一时流行歌星结婚

    As for Schriever, who married a onetime pop music star and died in 2005, he proved to be a prophet with little honor.


  • 根据应用程序流行攻击幅度可以小时攻击次至间段内攻击数百甚至数千次

    Depending on the application's popularity, attacks can range from only a few an hour to several hundred or thousand in the same time period.


  • 新加坡数学可能只是一时流行支持者似乎解决数学教学中的一个难题:学生学习能力参差不齐。

    Singapore math may well be a fad, too, but supporters say it seems to address one of the difficulties in teaching math: all children learn differently.


  • 他们听到新的社会媒体成为一种风尚,就会使他们会痛苦万分,并绝望地诅咒东西只会流行一时不是他们在未来几十年里必须毫无目标地围绕新的该被诅咒的东西。

    When they hear about a new social media craze they cringe in agony, desperately hoping it's a passing fad and not another new goddamn thing they'll be aimlessly paddling around in for the next decade.


  • 现在回想起来,当时认为电脑相亲不过一些流行一时花招

    Looking back now, he says that he considered computer dating to be little more than a gimmick and a fad.


  • 在拥有无尽选择娱乐世界失败者不是那些风行一时的成功作品,而是流行失之交臂的产品。

    The loser in a world of almost limitless entertainment choice is not the hit, but the near-miss.


  • 早期懒汉行动主义的形式之一佩戴橡胶环,玩意红极一时、遍地流行因为根本极少费钱费神。

    One of the earliest forms of slacktivism was wearing one of those rubber wristbands that, for a while, were so ubiquitous -- doesn't cost much money and takes even less effort.


  • 通篇是煞费苦心隐喻隐晦暗示和这一时流行的复杂,却符合葛拉西安凝练而精致的风格

    Generally elaborate metaphor and far-fetched allusions go with long and involved sentences of the periodic type.


  • 上世纪70年代早期新德里我家基本那种经典印度风靡一时流行小踏板代步

    In New Delhi in the early 1970s, my family traveled by scooter in the classic, death-defying Indian fashion.


  • 作为一个脾气老人,见到过太多流行一时无用——或更严重,有害——的实践,完全理解他们之前就盲目实施,我不得不还原价值

    As an old curmudgeon who's seen too many fads and useless-or worse, harmful-practices that are blindly followed without fully understanding them, I have come to value.


  • 年龄段是许多婴儿发生营养不良时期,这一时很大程度导致全世界5以下儿童营养不良的高度流行

    It is the time when malnutrition starts in many infants, contributing significantly to the high prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years of age worldwide.


  • 就是东非震惊一时裂谷流行病爆发,波及五个国家,预估病亡的牲口高达10万头,感染人数高达9万,死亡病例数以百计。

    It was, at the time, the biggest recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in east Africa. Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected—hundreds fatally—in five countries.


  • 担心Web 2.0只不过一时流行所有流行事物一样流行,失宠快。

    Concern that Web 2.0 is merely a buzzword or a fad, and like all fads, it will lose popularity as quickly as it gained it.


  • Bighair最初的是一种向外蓬松胀起的发型长发了发胶以后梳理定型发根直立的形状,(也就是流行一时的“爆炸”)。

    Big hair refers to a bouffant hairstyle, especially one in which long hair has been sprayed, permed, or teased to make it stand away from the head and give it volume.


  • 安吉丽娜·朱莉在电影《古墓丽影稍显逊色的集中劳拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)这一角色的成功演绎,使得电子游戏中的女英雄立马成为轰动一时流行偶像。

    Videogame heroine Lara Craft became a pop-culture sensation when Angelina Jolie took on the character for one good Tomb Raider movie and a so-so sequel.


  • 这位如今已经84高龄的曾轰动一时流行乐手誉为“法国弗兰克·西特拉(Frank Sinatra of France)”,直到现在他仍然是一个传奇——上个月纽约艺术中心几乎让整个剧场陷入了癫狂

    The 84-year-old pop sensation, who's known as the "Frank Sinatra of France, " has still got ithe had them swooning in the aisles at New York's City Center last month.


  • 我们能从本季秋冬发布中看到新上货品中有Visvim曾经发布双男影子:曾经流行一时的波纹登山、斯金纳环形鹿皮靴全皮包裹的登山圆头靴。

    We’ve also received updates of three familiar Visvim footwear silhouettes including the ever-popular Serra hiking boot, Skynyrd ring moccasin and Whymper mountain boot.


  • “素泥浆疗法这样古老疗法,它们悠久历史证明了:人们对类治疗的兴趣绝不只是一时流行而已。

    The endurance of treatments as old as the Rhassoul is proof that interest in such therapies is not merely a passing trend.


  • 各家批判使流行一时主体哲学到了尽头

    Subjective philosophy's groundwork has been wobbled and it came to the end.


  • 服装历史而言只有一个趋势出现了好几年之后我们才能认识不仅仅一时流行而且应该历史档案得到承认

    In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad and deserves recognition in the archives of history.


  • 这个流行一时说法已经过时了。

    This once prevalent way of saying has become out of mode.


  • 广播衰转盛,“复兴”的说法一时大众传媒内部开始流行

    The radio industry changed from the weak position to the strong one, "rejuvenation" becomes an internal popularity way in the mass media at that time.


  • 自此欧洲风格宫廷风靡一时这种流行体现家具制作中。

    From this, European style is inside palace be the rage, this kind of popularity also is reflected in furniture in making.


  • 自此欧洲风格宫廷风靡一时这种流行体现家具制作中。

    From this, European style is inside palace be the rage, this kind of popularity also is reflected in furniture in making.


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