• 提交申请越早越因为一旦学生提交申请,学校会开始审核工作

    It is best to submit your application early because universities begin work as soon as forms start rolling in.


  • 对于那些孩子年轻女性她们一旦她们了孩子,她们重要工作便是抚养自己的孩子。

    And for young women with children, I often tell them that their most important job, once they have children, is the raising of their children.


  • 当然一旦某个警察机关侦探看到几个成功案例他们确信这项工作对于他们进行的调查一些潜在价值

    Certainly, once a police agency or a detective sees a couple of successful cases, they're convinced that there is some potential value to their investigation with this work.


  • 一旦了好的工作机遇,他就会离开煤矿那些老矿工不切实际家人却很支持

    He says he will leave the mine if there are better job opportunities. Older miners tell him he's being impractical, but his family supports him.


  • 一旦因为主意不错而停止工作,你能够过滤那些至关重要、最大影响力能产生最好的结果工作类型

    Once you stop working just because it's a good idea, you'll be able to develop a filter for the type of work that is essential, highest leverage and produces the best results.


  • 一旦了好的工作机遇,他就会离开煤矿

    He says he will leave the mine if there are better job opportunities.


  • 解决好这些问题一旦压力人们就会退回以前工作方式

    Failing to address such questions will result into people slipping back to their usual way of working when the pressure rises.


  • 完全支持Ajax视图不是编程典型特性但是一旦良好基础可以不断提高抽象层次上工作

    Full Ajax-enabled views are not what you'd typically think of as metaprogramming features, but once you have the right foundations in place, you can work at increasingly higher levels of abstraction.


  • 一旦可果腹,居定所,人们想要更高层次东西就是19世纪五六十年代该报工作经济学家Fred Hirsch所谓的“地位商品”。

    Once they have filled their bellies and put a roof over their heads, people want more of what Fred Hirsch, an economist who worked on this newspaper in the 1950s and 1960s, calledpositional goods”.


  • 我们想象自己一旦找到工作/到了男女朋友/就任要职/结婚/升职/了孩子/跳槽(搬家?) 了,就会觉得快乐

    We often imagine that we’ll be happy as soon as we get a job/make partner/get tenure/get married/get that promotion/have a baby/move.


  • 一旦一个访谈人员列表就马上开始进行访谈工作吧!

    Once you have the short list of the population to interview, let the interviewing begin!


  • 如果一旦看到他们可能影响工作就跟老板解释清楚你的麻烦,老板自然做出必要调整

    But if you explain that you are having some troubles as soon as you see they are affecting your work, your boss will be able to make the needed adjustments.


  • 世卫组织13个工作人员灾区国家卫生当局密切协调提供服务更多的国内和国际工作人员正在待命准备一旦需要时奔赴灾区。

    WHO has 13 staff serving in the area in close coordination with national health authorities and more national and international staff are on stand-by, ready to move upon as soon as they are needed.


  • 从未失业大学中学的时候,我总是份兼职工作一旦能力,我就开始了全职工作

    I always had a part-time job while at school and university and, as soon as I could, I started working full time.


  • 从未失业过,大学中学的时候,我总是份兼职工作一旦能力,我就开始了全职工作

    I had never been out of work. I always had a part-time job while at school and university and, as soon as I could, I started working full time.


  • 即使很多挑战这个系统一直鼓励饮用水进行频繁测试并且建立反馈系统,允许实地工作一旦问题能够迅速发送。

    Despite the challenges, the system is encouraging more frequent testing of water, and creating a feedback system that allows the field workers to have problems addressed more quickly.


  • 一旦的确做到往意义、帮助独特性方面努力工作,你就创造出自己竞争性优势

    When you work really hard to be relevant, helpful and unique, you are creating your own competitive edge.


  • 一旦工作完成运作职责执行主要职能定义来填充治理框架骨架必要的。

    Once that effort is completed, it is necessary to flesh out the skeleton of the governance framework with definitions of operational responsibilities and major functions that are performed.


  • 一旦空余时间你所做的工作个清单吧。

    Whenever you have a few spare moments, make a list of all of the things you are actually doing at work.


  • 知道一旦动力,我又拼命工作生命流动现在我很乐意偷闲

    I know my motivation will come back, and I will jump back into working, that is the flow of life, but right now I'm enjoying taking a short break.


  • 一旦资源创建删除修改Eclipse工作空间就会创建一个存储新旧层次结构的 IResourceDelta。

    When any resource is created, deleted, or modified, the Eclipse workspace creates an IResourceDelta that stores the old and new hierarchical structure.


  • 一旦安装失寻回系统,macs系统上windows系统上工作一样好的软件雪藏悄无声息——一旦有盗贼的数据,就采取行动

    Once installed, the software, which works on Macs as well as Windows machines, is passive and undetectable-and goes into action once a theft has been reported.


  • 一旦完成了工作你可以大把时间上facebook交朋友

    Once you finish you’ll have all the time in the world to spend making friends on Facebook.


  • 一旦学校毕业就会开始感到为了要找到好的工作竞争多么地残酷。

    Once you graduate from school, you'll start to feel fierce rivalry as you compete for a good job.


  • 一旦已经一个潜在候选人如何确切知道可以做好工作呢?

    Once you've got a potential candidate, how will you know for sure they can do the job?


  • 一旦已经一个潜在候选人如何确切知道可以做好工作呢?

    Once you've got a potential candidate, how will you know for sure they can do the job?


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