• 听从聪明人友好明智建议,反而一意孤行的不幸就不远了。

    They who will not listen to reason but stubbornly go their own way against the friendly advice of those who are wiser than they, are on the road to misfortune.


  • 一意孤行家长现在似乎除了孩子施加更多的压力之外,也没有办法

    Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.


  • 教授拥有这些性格大象通常融入群体的,那些那么可靠一意孤行大象则最可能脱离群。

    Professor Lee said that elephants with these traits tended to be the most socially integrated in the group while those who tended to be less reliable and pushy were more likely to split from the herd.


  • 如果回教选择一意孤行的高调推行回教化,只不过该党的本身的决定,希望广大马来西亚人民不要因此而怪罪于民联。

    PAS can choose to proceed with their agenda but hopefully the people can understand that this is strictly a PAS action and have nothing to do with PR.


  • 鲁宾归功于Android一个开源程序(能许多手机制造商所使用这个事实苹果只是一意孤行的自己开发那些专有硬件软件

    Rubin credits the fact that Android is an open-source program used by dozens of phone makers, while Apple goes it alone, developing its own proprietary hardware and software.


  • 意味着离开了原来领域,然而,对于尽管市场不好而仍物理学家的一意孤行的顽固分子,我认为必要 划"退一步"的工作-即后路,支付你做自己个人研究帐单比如兼职从事编程)。

    However, for the diehards who wish to do physics in spite of a bad job market, you may plan to have a “fall-backjob to pay the bills (e.g. programming) while you conduct research on your own time.


  • 一意孤行可能破坏性的

    Too much pushiness can be destructive.


  • 这个发行版决定潮流动,一意孤行上马自己桌面环境了,虽然每个人都失败

    The distribution that dared to buck the trends and go with it’s very own desktop that everyone said would fail.


  • 在布什先生一意孤行下,布莱尔先生只有两个现实的选择,要么伊拉克烂摊子全部丢美国;要么坚持下去,并尽力修复那些英国参与制造灾害

    Given that obstinacy, Mr Blair had two real choices: to leave Iraq and America to a still-worse fate; or to stay in, hoping to repair some of the damage Britain had helped cause.


  • 但是,正如前面讲到那样,两实现目标方式不同,很明显,如果美国一意孤行继续实行制裁类的手段而不采用土耳其建议实力,土耳其很难站到美国这边

    The difference is one of style, and Turkey will continue to diverge from the United States if Washington tries to realize its vision with hard power instead of the soft power that Ankara wields.


  • 如果萨科奇默克尔一意孤行很难预料举措下,东欧工人阶层还是西欧纳税人成为最后的输家

    Its hard to see who would lose more if Mr. Sarkozy and Mrs. Merkel get their way-neither workers in the east nor taxpayers in the west would benefit from such a move.


  • 如果日方一意孤行,继续在错误道路上走下去,日方必须承担由此产生的一切后果

    If Japan obstinately clings to the wrong path, it has to bear all the ensuing consequences.


  • 作为公司创始人一意孤行从不考虑行为是否公司有利

    Being a founder of the company, he went off and did them regardless of whether it ended up being good for the company.


  • 皮克斯很多作品一样,色彩光亮明快不会一意孤行同时保持一些现实性

    Like so many of the Pixar animated features, it finds a color palette that's bright and cheerful, but not too pushy, and a tiny bit realistic at the same time.


  • 一意孤行使自己必须依赖俄罗斯而后者虽然尚未发布一直巨额的信用额度而不决。

    His isolation has made him more dependent on Russia, which has been dangling (though not releasing) a large credit line.


  • 迈克·格林回忆起2005年发生的事情:当时妻子文本短信计划添加他们手机计划中,尽管来明尼苏达州mantako格林感兴趣妻子还是一意孤行,签订了协议

    Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan. Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.


  • 迈克·格林回忆起2005年发生事情:当时妻子让他文本短信计划添加他们手机计划中,尽管来明尼苏达州mantako的格林感兴趣妻子还是一意孤行,签订了协议

    Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan.Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.


  • 去年一份联合审判宣布亚特兰大lanier取水属于非法行为如果继续一意孤行2012年该市失去40%供给

    Last year, a federal judge declared Atlanta's withdrawals from the lake illegal, and if the ruling stands, the city will lose roughly 40% of its water supply by 2012.


  • 如果一意孤行,你以为不敢会上提到一些人的名字吗?。

    You don't think I dare to drop names at the meeting if you go ahead with this?


  • 但是,有丰厚石油收人后盾,伊朗一意孤行要跟他们对抗到底同时一直提高自己浓缩技术

    But Iran, perched on a cushion of high oil revenues, is betting on staring them out, all the while perfecting its enriching skills.


  • 性格坚强一个迹象一旦下了决心即使最有说服力的反对意见也充耳不闻因而有时也就是一意孤行蠢事

    A sign of strong character, when once the resolution has been taken, to shut the ear even to the best counter-arguments. Occasionally, therefore, a will to stupidity.


  • 智慧则无穷的包括一切知识行为方式我们只见树木不见森林一意孤行

    Wisdom is infinite, it includes knowledge and the way of action; but we take hold of a branch and think it is the whole tree.


  • 智慧则无穷的包括一切知识行为方式我们只见树木不见森林一意孤行

    Wisdom is infinite, it includes knowledge and the way of action; but we take hold of a branch and think it is the whole tree.


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