• 名中国记者辆救护车不停往返该地官方媒体报道只有50名左右孩子获救

    Several ambulances plied to and from the site, but the official media have reported the rescue of only 50 or so children.


  • 官方收到77份申请不过没有获得批准。

    Officials said 77 applications have been made, though none have been approved.


  • 甚至官方媒体很多观众觉得这位新的嘉宾令人讨厌。

    Even an official newspaper reported that many viewers found the new recruit a bore.


  • 中国官方媒体构想含糊不清[gm66nd]概念中国翻版。

    The idea was panned in the Chinese state-run media as vague and largely derivative of [gm99nd] concepts.


  • 瑞信发言人戴维·沃克说:“我们全力配合官方四名人员的调查。 起诉书四名银行工作人员与另外三家银行起操作,帮助美国富人们隐匿财产。

    We are cooperating with the authorities in their investigation of these individuals,” the spokesman, David Walker, said.


  • 虽然事故原因还得到官方确认但是篇报道,当时司机正在打电话,辆卡车迎面驶过来,惊慌之下失去了控制

    The cause has not been officially confirmed, but one report said the driver was talking on his phone and lost control while trying to make way for an oncoming vehicle.


  • 德国官方已经预测希腊可能会违约如果真的发生可能导致新的痛苦。

    German officials have predicted that Greece will default, which, if it happens, could precipitate a new round of panic.


  • 官方媒体欧洲标准评论家们应该等到他们的处罚实施后再进行反击

    Officials say the laws are in line with European norms and that critics should wait for their implementation before sniping.


  • 官方西瓜(高高地堆放路边)、洋葱已经达到自给自足水平;鸡蛋价格已经约旦河西岸价格的

    Officials claim to have achieved self-sufficiency in melons (piled high on the roadsides) and Onions; and the price of eggs has fallen to half what it is in the West Bank.


  • 官方媒体其中得到解救儿童越南越南人拐走然后在中国南方被贩卖的。

    State media said some of the rescued children had been taken in Vietnam by Vietnamese residents and sold in southern China.


  • 这种登记本通常发给孩子”,大家知道杨先生的孩子,只能巨额罚款(或者笔费用官方)。

    Normally such papers are handed to "black children", as offsprings like Mr Yang's are commonly known, only on payment of a huge fine (or fee, as officials say).


  • 立陶宛官方人士我们处在前线如果格鲁吉亚倒了,我们就是个。”

    "We are in the front line. If Georgia goes, we are next," argues a Lithuanian official.


  • 苏格兰行政院坚持全面禁烟很受支持可是官方透露的国内民意调查显示仅有人口对此感兴趣。

    The Scottish Executive insists that there is support for a total ban, but a leaked internal poll indicated that only half the population was in favour.


  • 山谷超信仰玛利亚·桑切斯姐妹地方慈善团体,山谷里30%人口生活水平处于美国官方贫困线以下。

    More than 30% of the valley's population still falls beneath America's official poverty level, according to Sister Maria Sanchez of valley Interfaith, a local charity.


  • 土耳其边境处BBC通讯员两个官方难民营现在已经人满为患,现在正在建造第三个。

    A BBC correspondent at the Turkish border says two official refugee camps are now overflowing and a third is being built.


  • 意大利官方此次行动普遍调查洗钱活动部分

    Italian authorities claimed that the moves were part of a broad investigation into money-laundering.


  • 官方媒体CCTV引用了目击者密封公交车着火发生爆炸之后火势蔓延迅速

    State broadcaster CCTV cited witnesses as saying the sealed, air-conditioned bus caught fire without an explosion, and then burned rapidly.


  • 官方两个袭击者杀害,被捕

    Officials said two attackers were killed and one captured.


  • 官方日本男子刚刚发生海啸中离岸15公里海水中,他趴在碎片上得以生还,今日获救。

    JAPANESE man who was swept 15km out to sea by Japan's deadly tsunami was plucked to safety today after being spotted clinging to a piece of wreckage, officials said.


  • 萨科奇希望法国税收结构更加德国明年早期会出台官方报告

    Mr Sarkozy says he wants to align France’s tax structure more closely with Germany’s; an official commission is to report early next year.


  • 健康保护局官方青少年争相效仿专业球员盘带技术样,他们照模学样地当起“洒水车”来。

    The HPA official suggested that just as youngsters seek to emulate professionals' dribbles, so too may they copy players' sputters.


  • 官方名日本男子在刚刚发生海啸离岸15公里海水中,他趴在碎片上得以生还,今日获救。

    A JAPANESE man who was swept 15km out to sea by Japan's deadly tsunami was plucked to safety today after being spotted clinging to a piece of wreckage, officials said.


  • 官方美国劳工部工资工时部门周三颁布规定阐述政策

    The policy will be set forth in a ruling to be issued Wednesday by the Labor Department's wage and hour division, the officials said.


  • 官方人员,已出现埃布氏菌患病者缅因州出现例,纽约出现例,之后立刻采取了召回措施。

    The move came after three people, two in Maine and one in New York, were identified as becoming ill from a strain of E. coli, the government said.


  • 官方死亡人数已经开始下降几乎所有死亡都是帮派成员而且剿杀仅限于热点地区。

    Officials argue that the death toll has begun to fall, that nearly all of the dead are gangsters, and that the killings are confined to a few hot spots.


  • 官方人员,他们在爆炸残骸中找到了气罐碎片。

    The wreckage of the vehicle included gas canisters, authorities said.


  • 9月18犹太赎罪日,全天禁食(官方数据显示,有69%以色列人过此节日)。沙斯党由于冬天到,赎罪日提前小时结束

    September 18th was the fast-day of Yom Kippur (observed by 69% of Israeli Jews, according to the same official statistics) and it ended an hour earlier thanks to the premature start of winter.


  • 9月18犹太赎罪日,全天禁食(官方数据显示,有69%以色列人过此节日)。沙斯党由于冬天到,赎罪日提前小时结束

    September 18th was the fast-day of Yom Kippur (observed by 69% of Israeli Jews, according to the same official statistics) and it ended an hour earlier thanks to the premature start of winter.


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