• EI 发现了这机遇进入印度奶制品行业

    Spotting the opportunity, EI is going into the Indian dairy business.


  • 英国利兹大学关于英国食品生产报告称,该国85%的土地面积肉类奶制品生产有关

    According to a report on UK food production from the University of Leeds, UK, 85 per cent of the country's total land area is associated with meat and dairy production.


  • 联合国份报告要实现目标,就必须大力增加密集高效畜牧业生产生产肉类奶制品

    A United Nations report says reaching that goal will require major increases in intensive, high-efficiency livestock operations for both meat and dairy production.


  • 许多知道面粉精盐有害影响但是却唯独不知道奶制品它们样。

    Most people are well aware of the harmful effects of flour, refined salt and sugar but dairy?


  • 有些无法消化乳糖种在牛奶奶制品中的碳水化合物是因为在他们身体缺少乳糖消化酶。

    Some people have trouble digesting lactose, a carbohydrate in milk and milk products, because of the deficiency of enzyme lactase in the body.


  • 如果食用高度饱和脂肪肉类奶制品富含这种脂肪,问题将会更恶化

    The problems became worse with a diet high in saturated fats, the kind that's abundant in meat and dairy products.


  • 这个刚刚18开设现在看上去仍有些简陋,但已经做成了几笔大买卖牛奶卖给了设在内罗毕的国际化奶制品加工厂

    The dairy opened only 18 months ago and may seem basic, yet it has just struck a deal to sell milk to an international processing plant in Nairobi.


  • 这项研究调查了516个奶制品农场主,其中66%农场主表示自己熟识牛群里,另有46%表示他们给奶牛起

    The study, involving 516 dairy farmers, showed that 66% of the farmers said they knew all the cows in the herd and 46% said the cows on their farm were called by name.


  • 消费者早上起来并不点儿谷物’、‘我吃点奶制品’,”Khan博士,“他们希望得到这些东西组合”,但他并未详细说明下步具体会有什么样的组合。

    "Consumers don't wake up in the morning and say, 'I'm going to have a whole grain; I want a dairy product,'" Dr. Khan said. "They're looking for combinations of those things."


  • Iserloh个很简单解决方法就是脱脂牛奶加料,加入固态奶制品可以获得更加浓郁的口感。

    An easy solution, Iserloh said, is to try skim milk plus, which has added milk solids for a creamier taste.


  • 那时法国奶农们争取之前奶制品购买价格体系(这灾难性的政策导致欧盟著名的“奶油”现象)。

    Back then French farmers fought for an earlier system of buying dairy produce at guaranteed prices (a ruinous policy that created the EU's famous "butter mountains").


  • 顺便提现在许多建议停止食肉之前停止食用奶制品奶制品是你可能摄入的最有损健康的垃圾食品之

    Incidentally, many people now recommend giving up dairy before giving up meat.


  • 传统动物养殖应该能够满足亚洲撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区预计将翻奶制品产品大部分需求可能不够

    Conventional animal breeding should be able to meet much of the anticipated doubling of demand for dairy and meat products in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, but this may not be enough.


  • 蒙牛乳业集团,作为国内领先奶制品公司奶制品添加未经批准蛋白质添加剂,目前正接受中国质检机构的调查

    The Mengniu Dairy Group Co, one of the leading dairy companies in the country, is being investigated by China's quality watchdog for an unapproved protein additive in one of its milk products.


  • 顺便句,大部分这里评估研究都是奶制品行业资助的—但是他们还是证明不了这些奶制品生产商数百万美元广告的效果。

    By the way, most of the studies reviewed here were paid for by the dairy industry - and they still failed to show their products met the manufacturer's multimillion dollar advertising claims.


  • 发现宣称消费者正在过度消费奶制品

    And further findings claimed shoppers were over-consuming red meat and dairy products.


  • 恒天然集团考虑如何帮助奶制品重建安全供应链

    Fonterra will also look at how it can help to rebuild a safe supply chain of dairy products.


  • 发现机遇EI进入印度奶制品行业

    Spotting an opportunity, EI is going into the Indian dairy business.


  • 这起卫生危机本月爆发以来,蔓延国内外销售系列中国奶制品

    The health scare has spread to a range of Chinese dairy products sold at home and abroad since emerging early this month.


  • 商人查韦斯先生最近水泥钢铁行业以及奶制品公司国有化吓到了

    Businessmen have been scared by Mr Chavez's recent nationalisations of the cement and iron and steel industries, and some dairy companies.


  • 虽然此次牛奶召回涉及规模较小上海乳品企业,但它提醒人们企业试图通过出售污染奶制品谋利

    While the recall involved products from only a single, relatively small Shanghai dairy, it was a reminder of continued attempts to profit from selling contaminated milk.


  • 奶制品。不在菜单之列的有:牛奶酸奶干酷黄油类的食物。

    Dairy products. Off the vegan menu: everything from milk and yogurt to cheese and butter.


  • 奶制品作坊具庞大的机器,与其说是农场不如说是工厂

    Dairy facilities are gigantic machine-filled buildings, more like a factory than a farm.


  • 上月问题爆发以来,缓解奶制品质量问题所带来担忧,重塑消费者信心中国采取系列措施。而通知最新举措。

    The notice is the latest in a series of measures China has taken to allay worries over the quality of Chinese products and restore consumer confidence since the uproar began last month.


  • 食品标准局(FSA)发现了这现象,当时他们正在调查来自于克隆牛后代奶制品进入公众消费市场的现象。

    The Food Standards Agency (FSA) made the discovery as it probed a report that milk from the offspring of a cloned cow had been put on sale for public consumption.


  • 般说来,价格要贵些的农作物诸如蔗糖蔬菜谷物用水量,而奶制品的用水量更多

    Generally, higher value crops such as sugar and vegetables are more water-intensive than cereals, and meat and dairy is even more water-intensive.


  • 虽然许多面包可行的,它四种成分(面粉酵母)。但是许多面包和烘焙食品含乳清(奶制品)或者含黄油鸡蛋

    While many simple breads are a-OK, containing just four ingredients (flour, yeast, water, and salt) many breads and baked goods are made with whey (a dairy product) or with butter, eggs, or sugar.


  • 新的研究发现饮食富含植物性食物低脂肪奶制品可能有助于降低肾结石风险

    One new study finds that a diet rich in plant-based foods and low-fat dairy may help decrease the risk of developing kidney stones.


  • 新的研究发现饮食富含植物性食物低脂肪奶制品可能有助于降低肾结石风险

    One new study finds that a diet rich in plant-based foods and low-fat dairy may help decrease the risk of developing kidney stones.


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