• 队长房间一头

    The captain was at the other end of the room.


  • 坐在桌子一头双唇紧闭,满面怒容。

    He was sitting at the other end of the table, tight-lipped and angry.


  • 条街家餐馆看起来还可以

    On the far side of the street was a restaurant that looked acceptable.


  • 突然举起根瘦小手指指向房间一头

    She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.


  • 胳膊带到走廊屋里

    She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.


  • 他们伦敦到了一头

    They crossed from one side of London to the other.


  • 管子一头堵上好不好?

    Stop up the other end of the tube, will you?


  • 这座房子很棒的景观,可以看到乔治亚海峡以及一头的落基山脉。

    The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond.


  • 大步跨到屋子一头

    He crossed the room in two strides.


  • 一个人在家时,摄像机让我感到安全,因为我知道我父母在一头看着我。

    When I was alone at home, the camera made me feel safe because I knew that my parents were watching on the other side.


  • 走廊(廊壁)上扶手一直延伸尽头这些扶手用来帮助犯人走到一头

    Handrails run down the middle of the hallway to help prisoners make their way from one end to the other.


  • 办公室市里一头公共交通不了那里,没有

    Her office is on the other side of town, inaccessible by public transport and I have no car.


  • 解说提示:“玻璃板一头洞里往这边。”

    "Go to the other side of the glass and see through the hole", instructs her guide.


  • 女儿有时她的裙子底下然后再从一头出来

    Her daughter would sometimes go under her dress and come out the other side.


  • 尸体分开它们耳朵标记看出其中驯鹿是的,一头表兄弟的。

    After separating the bodies, he saw from the ear markings that one belonged to him and the other to his cousin.


  • 栈桥诞生嘲笑让人失望”,固定陆地,走到一头空无一物

    Early piers were mocked as "disappointed Bridges", fixed at one end but, at the other, yearning towards the void.


  • 这些想法摆在桌子我们一边

    The ideas are like on the other side of the table, and we are on this side.


  • 回头看看那个坐在酒吧姑娘,和眼光对视,她笑着朝我眨眼睛

    I looked back at the girl from the opposite end of the bar. We made eye contact and she smiled and winked.


  • 这些可爱动物马路飞跑一头,再从排水道钻出来以免过路的撞到

    The cute animals scuttle from one side of the road to the other and pop out of drains in order to avoid being hit by traffic.


  • 传送信号一头机器出来复印件

    It transmits a signal and the machine on the other end spits out a copy.


  • 它们似乎房间

    The kind of photos that seem to stare at you from across a room.


  • 其中一头走,你打的电话被一家网络连接路由

    When you start at one end, you make a phone call and it's routed through the first house's network connection.


  • 病房,放着一张担架床。

    On the other side of the room was an empty cot.


  • 听见了电话抽泣

    I heard sobs on the other end of the phone line.


  • 房间教师们站着过道门口盖茨出现

    From another door at the opposite end of the room, the doorway near which the faculty stood, Gates had appeared.


  • 零件原料进去装配好的汽车一头出来。

    Parts and raw material come in one end and finished cars come out the other.


  • 英雄干掉怪兽继续出发,但不久,就这样一遍又一遍。

    The hero fights and slays the monster, sets off again and soon bumps into another monster.


  • 街,一头,并不怎么长,可是交战人,几乎彼此不见

    The combatants could hardly see each other from one end of the street to the other, short as it was.


  • 街,一头,并不怎么长,可是交战人,几乎彼此不见

    The combatants could hardly see each other from one end of the street to the other, short as it was.


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