• 之后我们再次听到有关甘达拉

    A generation later, we hear again about Gandara.


  • 我们知道婴儿之后出生率骤然下降。

    We also know there's a baby bust generation following the baby boomers.


  • 是继 1G、2G、3G、4G 之后的新一代网络。

    It is a new network after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G.


  • 现在之后一代每个人进入帕森斯

    Now, everyone in the generation after me wants to go to Parsons.


  • 完成安装之后可以使用这些基本概念体系结构描述构建自己浸入式环境游戏一代计算界面

    When you complete the installation, you can use these basic concepts and architecture descriptions to build your own immersive environments, games, or next-generation computing interfaces.


  • 在这之后一代音乐家们发现了认识到摇滚乐所献身的先锋事业。

    But then a new generation of musicians discovered him and his pioneering work for rock music.


  • 在改造完成之后可以使用强大一代注射器加热等离子体

    Thus they will be using powerful injectors of new generation to heat plasma.


  • 这里输入译文布鲁塞尔决策者担心这些青年人将成为“失落一代”,因为职业生涯早期阶段就业方面的差距可能会影响之后好几甚至几十年的工资收入。

    Policymakers in Brussels have warned of a "lost generation" of young workers, and worry that employment gaps in the early stages of a career can affect wages for several years, if not decades.


  • 正是因为没有认识一点,1982年之后一直陷在深深的精神痛苦中,就整整一代以色列人,就像目前正在治理这个国家的这些

    Without fully knowing it, I have been deeply traumatised since 1982, as has a whole generation of Israelis, people who are now running the country.


  • 女性生活只是为了一代,”莱辛谈到自己母亲所处的时代,“她们生活似乎在生了小孩之后终止

    "There is a whole generation of women, " she has said, speaking of her mother's era, "and it was as if their lives came to a stop when they had children.


  • 张先生通过组装纸板盒,每个月能260美元,但是生活花销之后,基本上多少钱。 不像一代人那样的拼命存钱也是种巨大转变

    Mr. Zhang saves almost nothing of the $260-a-month salary he earns assembling cardboard boxes, another notable shift from the previous generation, which saved voraciously.


  • 市场预期苹果2011年1月,也就是推出目前这款iPad整整之后宣布一代平板电脑

    Apple is widely expected to announce a new version of its tablet computer in January, a year after the company debuted the current version of the iPad.


  • 领取退休金之后他们拒绝静静的度过余下的时光如同他们的一代

    After drawing their pensions they are refusing to quietly see out their days as generations before them have.


  • 衰退期间衰退之后一代受到冲击大,弥补损失时间较少。”解释道

    During the recession and afterward, older generations have been more impacted and have less time to make up for losses, ” he explains.


  • 一代之后,两国关系修复更进一步。

    The next step of rapprochement came a generation later.


  • 他们之后重新获得自由一代人身上,可以清楚看到那种特有美国式理想主意的烙印-未来的美好畅想以及全力追赶梦想的驱动力

    But in the freedom generation who benefited from the fall of the Communist empire you see a very distinct breed of American idealism a hope for the future and the drive to get there.


  • 公民权利时期长大人和之后出生的之间一道代沟,在时期之后出生的包括嘻哈一代

    There is a generation gap between people who grew up during the civil rights era and those who were born afterwards; this includes the Hip Hop generation.


  • 之后多久电影即将到来一代愤青挖苦这个传统,把它作为上级利用自豪感提高效率一种象征

    It wouldn't take long before movies and an upcoming generation of cynics would lampoon the tradition as a token gesture by the higher-ups to leverage ego for increased efficiency.


  • 他们婴儿之后最大的一个群体,而且人口数上有超过婴儿潮的趋势。

    They're the biggest generation since the Boomers now and will eventually outpace them in Numbers.


  • 袭击之后美国人前往服兵役,决定直面我们敌人

    In the wake of the attacks, a generation of Americans stepped forward to serve in uniform, determined to confront our enemies.


  • 1960年,沉默离家的时间之前之后任何一代因为他们结婚太早了。

    In 1960, that silent generation left home earlier than any generation before or after, because they married so young.


  • 20世纪80年代大规模公众宣传活动之后年轻人却在无知成长——超过三分之一年轻人回想不起是否曾经看过有关艾滋病感染广告

    After the huge public campaigning efforts of the 1980s, we have let a generation of young people grow up ignorant - more than a third say they cannot recall ever seeing an advert on the infection.


  • 然而想使他们一代能够安享退休生活,他们之后一代陆续进入退休年龄的人提供所需的生活保障日本经济就不能这样随波逐流,日本就必须有所作为。

    Yet to support them in their retirement, and provide the generations that follow them with the economic opportunities they need, Japan cannot afford to drift.


  • 建立Web服务之后可能要求团队如何更快地建立一代服务支持快速XForms开发

    After you build the first generation of Web services, you may start asking your team: How can we build our next generation faster to support faster XForms development?


  • 整个一代消沉经历之后撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲国家(下称撒哈南的非洲)20032007年间创下年均6.5%的经济增长扭转人均收入长期低下的局面。

    After a generation in the doldrums, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) grew by an average 6.5% a year in 2003-07, reversing the long-term decline in income per head.


  • 长达之久一代伟大游戏平台期待之后最初iPad对此未能实现

    After a year of promises about the "next great gaming platform," the original iPad failed to deliver on expectations.


  • 同时运行多个程序的问题一代操作系统ios4出现之后得到解决。

    But running more than one simultaneously was a problem until its new operating system - iOS 4 - was introduced with the new iPhone.


  • 对于而言有意思问题在于新的iPod Touch有了所有硬件之后保持目前相同细长尺寸,重量也许会略微上升。

    The more interesting question for me is whether the new iPod Touch will retain the same slender formfactor as the current models or gain a little heft with all the new hardware.


  • 大获成功Xen之后KVM迅速成为新兴的一代虚拟化技术

    KVM technology has rapidly emerged as the next-generation virtualization technology, following on from the highly successful Xen implementation.


  • 大获成功Xen之后KVM迅速成为新兴的一代虚拟化技术

    KVM technology has rapidly emerged as the next-generation virtualization technology, following on from the highly successful Xen implementation.


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