• 作者推测也许能解释自闭症中出现一些语言问题

    The authors speculate that this could explain some of the language problems seen in autism.


  • 我们发现如果五六小孩解决一些语言问题,不管是只会说一种语言还是两种语言的小孩,他们所掌握的语言知识相差无几

    We found that if you gave 5 - and 6-year-olds language problems to solve, monolingual and bilingual children knew, pretty much, the same amount of language.


  • 比利时一些严重问题因为一个人们不同语言国家

    We have also some severe problems in Belgium because it's a country where they speak different languages.


  • 一个编程人员或将会遇到表达式问题因此每一编程语言都会一些答案

    Every programmer will encounter the Expression Problem sooner or later, so every programming language has some sort of answer to it.


  • 确定这样问题不会一些有为的企业家解决他们通过设计一种新的并行编程语言以此发财

    Surely this problem will be solved by some bright young entrepreneur who will devise a new parallel-programming language and make a fortune in the process?


  • 探讨一些其他问题之前,简单一下语言三个成分

    And I want to talk briefly about each of these three parts of language before looking at some other issues.


  • 本文不但说明了若干个迁移问题而且一些时间说明如何使用这些主要语言特性

    Although this article covers several migration issues, I also spend a lot of time showing how to use these new key language features.


  • 议会法案足够使英国放弃一些实在微不足道的否决权比如说,在欧盟机构使用何种语言问题就没有必要再争了。

    An act of Parliament would suffice for Britain to drop some more trifling vetoes, for example over the languages used inside EU institutions.


  • 一些新的语言结构已经加入其中最大问题正是这样Ruby 1.9是否仍是“感觉上的Ruby”?

    Some new language constructs have been added, but the big question is whether Ruby 1.9 willfeel like Ruby” anymore?


  • 解决一些已经了一时间的语言设计问题

    Address some language design issues that we'd been putting off for some time.


  • 访谈中Goerzen解释了为何认为Haskell一门值得学习语言,剖析了Haskell的各种特质,还讨论了一些可能令人对Haskell敬而远之问题根源

    In his interview, Goerzen explains why, in his opinion, this language is worth learning; he provides insights into its specificities and addresses some issues that may be a source of reluctance.


  • 那时起通过发行许多版本逐步解决语言实现中的问题满足开发人员社区一些特性请求Groovy已经成熟许多

    Since then, Groovy has matured quite a bit through a number of releases that have progressively addressed problems in the language implementation and feature requests from the developer community.


  • 现在我们已经解决基础设置问题接下来让我们通过编写一些Clojure程序进一步研究这个编程语言

    Now that we have the basic setup out of the way, let's explore the language by writing some Clojure programs.


  • Ruby语言虽然很多令人喜爱之处,一些问题

    There are a lot of things to like about the Ruby language, but there are some concerns too.


  • 尽管Web服务不是所有问题解决方案,但是它们确实能够帮助解决一些问题,特别是使语言系统的集成问题变得容易

    While Web Services are not the solution to all problems, they can certainly make some problems, notably problems of cross-language or cross-system integration easier.


  • 最初语言问题(有些比利时囚犯法语而不是荷兰语)物资供应(许多物资来自最近比利时监狱在40公里—25英里—之外)上存在一些麻烦。

    At first there was grumbling about language (some of the Belgian prisoners speak French, not Dutch) and ease of access (many supplies come from the nearest Belgian prison, 40km-25 miles-away).


  • 的确许诺一些语言上的建议那么就来回答一些关于词汇量问题

    I did indeed promise to give you some language tips this week, so I'll address your question about vocabulary.


  • 其中一些问题实际熟悉编程语言一种?

    Some questions were factual: What programming languages are you familiar with?


  • 其他一些编程语言中,可以一个调度器附加这个文件然后使用查看内容初步了解出现问题原因

    In some other programming languages, you can attach a debugger to this file and then use it to view the contents and possibly gain some insight as to the problem's cause.


  • 尽管一些可能会质疑语言必要性,但是应该语言看作可以用来解决问题工具

    Although some may challenge the necessity of a new language, another way to view languages is as a set of tools that can be used to solve problems.


  • 这种语言几个严重漏洞程序员利用它们实现一些使用其他方式难以实现的技巧使问题更加严重(或者更好取决于询问的对象)。

    To make things worseor better, depending on who you askthe language has a couple of powerful holes programmers use to perform clever tricks that are otherwise difficult.


  • 一些国家比如印度比利时英语充其量不过第三第四种语言,多语言注释或者语言代码的问题想像的还要大的一个问题

    In countries, such as India and Belgium, where English is a third or fourth language at best, multilingual comments or multilingual code is a slightly bigger issue than you might imagine.


  • 训练一些社交动作技巧眼神交流自信身体语言介绍用语对话提问问题还有喜欢发出邀请

    Practice social behaviors like eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small talk, asking questions, and invitations with the people you feel most comfortable around.


  • 然后关于口头语言觉得好听问题非常重要,同时也应预先准备自己答案,准备一些面试过后想要问题

    Then in terms of what you say, I think it's good to listen well to the erm... to the questions, to be also prepared in advance. And to prepare some questions to ask after the interview.


  • 其他一些问题则是语言动态特性引起的,但是这些问题大部分语言提供并发扩展并无关系。

    Other issues are caused by the language's dynamic nature, but these issues are mostly orthogonal to concurrency extensions the language offers.


  • 相反他们激烈争论了一些拥有大量说法语居民弗兰芒社区内的语言权利问题其他一些地方性难题。

    Instead they have argued about language rights in a set of Flemish communes with lots of French-speaking residents, and other local arcana.


  • 同样,它既冒犯一些听众有可能使部分问题少年对他们所使用语言产生些许学术上的兴趣——哪怕兴趣十分短暂

    The same word that offended a number of listeners was likely the hook that turned a few of these troubled youth-for however short a time-to an interest in an academic aspect of their language.


  • 2007年,经历过一次爆炸之后,发现自己语言表达身体平衡思考眼睛聚焦功能出现一些问题

    After a blast in 2007, he developed problems with speech, balance, thinking and focusing his eyes.


  • 类似VisualBasic延迟绑定(late binding)语言中的一些常见问题比如拼写错误造成的“missingmethod exception”)并不C#中出现。

    This does not open up C# developers to the kinds of problems associated with late binding in Visual Basic such as missing method exceptions caused by spelling errors.


  • 类似VisualBasic延迟绑定(late binding)语言中的一些常见问题比如拼写错误造成的“missingmethod exception”)并不C#中出现。

    This does not open up C# developers to the kinds of problems associated with late binding in Visual Basic such as missing method exceptions caused by spelling errors.


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