• 面对一切一些公司例如万豪国际集团,一家美国酒店集团,制定了新的银行信贷额度即使他们并不急需资金

    Faced with all this, some companies such as Marriott International, an American hotel group, have drawn down bank credit lines, even though they did not need the money urgently.


  • 一些私募公司支持国际私募股权估值委员会解释相关的会计准则作出了大胆的尝试。

    Valiant efforts to interpret these rules are being made by the International Private Equity Valuations Board, an industry body that some buy-out firms support.


  • 一项雄心勃勃的国际计划支持者研究机构公司包括BBC在内的一些公共广播机构

    It is an ambitious international undertaking backed by research institutes, companies and some broadcasters, including the BBC.


  • 最近油田投标中,美国石油公司一些国际石油巨头所获寥寥。

    In recent contract auctions, US oil companies and other international majors were all but shut out.


  • 帕特里克·麦戈文科技媒体项目研究公司国际数据公司创始人报童的时候学到了一些重要的东西。

    Patrick McGovern, founder of the technology media, events and research company International Data Group, says he learned several important lessons as a paperboy.


  • 个传统至理名言说,意大利经济衰败部分原因无法建造一些强大参与国际竞争的大公司

    CONVENTIONAL wisdom has it that Italy's economy is failing, in part because it cannot produce corporations big enough to compete internationally.


  • 一些公司国际空间站提供商业再供应

    Several companies are involved in providing for the commercial re-supply of the International Space Station (ISS).


  • 每年出版180本的英文书籍其中一些还被翻译印地马拉地语或者乌尔都语版本,企鹅出版集团作为率先在印度建立子公司国际集团,保持了她领先的优势

    With 180 English titles published a year - and some in Hindi, Marathi and Urdu too - Penguin retains first mover advantage.


  • 一些国际公司看到中国良好长期潜力希望参与本土市场竞争

    Some international companies see great long-term potential in China and want to compete in the domestic market.


  • 此外一些国际公司选择英国安家落户即使他们的并不在这里。

    Moreover, some international companies have sought to base themselves in Britain even if their deepest roots are elsewhere.


  • 鉴于现在国际市场现状,一些不错的公司成立几个月可能倒闭

    With the current situation of the world market, even promising new companies may fold up months after they open.


  • 一些那么知名巴西公司,虽走向国际步伐稍慢提升自己的地位。

    Less glamorous Brazilian companies, slower to make their presence known abroad, are now raising their profile too.


  • 此外,临时高管拥有一些特定经验可能公司内部人士所具备的,例如扭转局面、并购扩展国际市场等。

    And interim executives may have specific experience that's not available within the company, such as turnarounds, acquisitions and expanding into international markets.


  • 然而根据道夫先生研究,也一些劳动者美国公司营业税中获利:那些因为国际资本流入赚取更多报酬国外劳动者。

    According to Mr. Randolph, however, some workers do benefit from the American corporate tax: those abroad who earn higher wages from the inflow of capital.


  • 国有化公司法国电力法国天然气公司工人们也参与了罢工,同时还有银行以及一些大型国际公司部分员工也都纷纷参与罢工。

    Workers at the state-affiliated utility Électricité de France and the gas company GDF Suez walked out, as did some employees of banks and big international companies.


  • 国际金融公司一些投资方得以成为行业率先实行良好惯例的领头者。

    A number of IFC investees have been able to establish themselves as the good practice leaders in the industry.


  • 财政大臣最大担忧一些公司欧洲拓展国际业务时,英国已经不再首选之地

    The chancellor's biggest anxiety is that Britain is no longer seen as a first choice for international businesses looking for a European base.


  • 俄罗斯国家通讯社国际文传电讯社援引联邦安全局的话说,两个嫌疑人一些外国石油天然气公司搜集机密情报

    Russia's state news agency, Interfax, quoted the FSB as saying the suspects were collecting classified information for a number of foreign oil and gas companies.


  • 国际互联网名称和编号分配公司(ICANN)首尔举行的一次会议通过允许一些国家网址中使用本国语言

    At a meeting in Seoul ICANN agreed to allow countries to apply for Internet addresses using characters from their national language.


  • 1917年设立研究部门这个部门既制造出的专利其他任何一家公司实验室的都进行一些国际一流水平、不符合实际的研究。

    He established a research arm in 1917, which went on to generate world-class, blue-sky research as well as more patents than any other corporate laboratory.


  • 信贷危机累积过程中,一些诸如美国国际集团这样的公司在场外市场承受了极大风险,这些市场的运作很大程度上神不知鬼不觉。

    In the run up to the credit crisis financial companies such as AIG took enormous risks in the derivatives market that went largely undetected.


  • 排除不正当的行为,当必要时,国际一些例外情形这个行为就是上述例外情形,”善治先生告诉英国广播公司

    "International law recognises that there are exceptional circumstances where necessity precludes wrongfulness, and this will be said to be one of those cases," Mr Sands told the BBC.


  • 其中有些银行中国国际金融有限公司经验丰富。而别的一些机构,如银行证券部门,则依靠更为强大公司来赢得业务。

    Some, such as CICC, are experienced players.But others, such as the securities arms of the Banks, get deals because of their more powerful parents.


  • 用笨拙手段保护一些公司免受竞争对手挑战,会使其他公司失去其国际市场上赖以维持兴旺的廉价原材料

    Clumsy efforts to protect some of them from foreign competition deprive others of the cheap inputs they need to thrive in world markets.


  • 导致这场危机部分原因那些毫不负责的进行金融交易并将其当成衍生工具的美国国际集团一些下巨额和高风险赌注的公司

    Part of what led to this crisis was firms like AIG and others making huge and risky bets - using things like derivatives - without accountability.


  • 一些公司急救紧急事件应对训练已经成为国际旅行者们出国的必要课程。

    At some companies, he said, first-aid and emergency-response training is now "part of the orientation for the international traveler."


  • 包括削减1000个职位取消一些国际航线启动亚洲业务(那里成本低),包括日本成立一个廉价航空公司

    It involved cutting about 1, 000 jobs, dropping some international routes and launching new operations in Asia, where costs are lower, including a budget airline in Japan.


  • 包括削减1000个职位取消一些国际航线启动亚洲业务(那里成本低),包括日本成立一个廉价航空公司

    It involved cutting about 1, 000 jobs, dropping some international routes and launching new operations in Asia, where costs are lower, including a budget airline in Japan.


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