• 美国导演理查德·林克莱特这部电影中做了实验12年来使用一个演员记录一个男孩成长过程

    American Director Richard Linklater did an experiment in this film, using the same cast for 12 years to record a boy's growth.


  • 一个美国研究人们播放演员在做天气转变演讲录音

    An American study played people recordings of actors delivering speeches about climate change.


  • 美国演技低劣的新人也常常和英国的著名演员一样受欢迎

    A cheap, blank-slate actor is often as welcome here as an expensive home-grown one.


  • 这位演员当时正和珍妮弗·安妮·斯顿交往美国一个电视节目:“是的,在心里。”

    The actor, who was in a relationship with Jennifer Anniston at the time, told a US TV show: 'Yes, I have got family on the mind.


  • 喜剧演员迈克尔·理查德几年喜剧俱乐部一位美国黑人质问者搞得懊恼不安时,他用了一大段带种族侮辱色彩的话作回应

    When comic Michael Richards was unnerved by an African American heckler at a comedy club several years ago, he responded with a racial-slur-laced tirade.


  • 1970年3月27日流行音乐歌手玛利亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)出生纽约亨廷顿家庭中,她的母亲一个有着爱尔兰血统的美国歌剧演员他的父亲则是一个有着非洲-委内瑞拉血统的工程师

    Pop singer Mariah Carey was born on March 27, 1970 in Huntington, N.Y. to an Irish-American opera singer mother and an African-Venezuelan engineer father.


  • 高特的鼻子不是劳合承保鼻子,此前,劳合社曾为美国喜剧演员吉米·杜兰特的“招牌鼻子”上过保险。

    Gort's will not be the first nose insured by Lloyd's, which famously insured U.S. comedian Jimmy Durante's trademark.


  • 期间,只有叫史蒂夫·特鲁格利人,45岁,职业是电影特技演员并且英国特种部队的一一个类似计划:7月份的时候从美国上空跳下

    But Steve Truglia, a 45-year-old movie stuntman and a former member of the British Special Forces, said he planned a similar jump over the United States in July.


  • 2006年31日,喜剧演员兼《谁敢来挑战》(美国著名的真人秀节目)主持人罗根收到了一封来自MySpace(我的空间)好友的短消信,发信人名叫凯文消息内容如下:“乔•罗根,我恨死了.......你一点都不搞笑…….”

    On March 1, 2006, comedian and Fear Factor host Joe Rogan received the following message from a MySpace friend named Kevin: Joe Rogan, I hate you… you’re not funny…


  • 赛琳娜·戈麦斯一个来自美国的著名受欢迎歌手演员最近开始了生活

    Selena Gomez, a famous and popular singer and actress in America started her new life recently.


  • 开始美国朋友医药一个房间里面面试演员了。

    I began testing actors in a backroom of my host's pharmaceutical company.


  • 表演者评委来自一个特定社会群体时——比如都是美国——演员可能得奖

    When the performer and judge Shared membership within a particular social group - for example, being American - the actor was more likely to win.


  • 美国演员无声电影《吃人陷阱》(1926年)姑娘》(1927年)中扮演角色,她成为二十年代热门的象征

    Bow: American actress whose roles in silent films, such as Mantrap (1926) and It (1927), made her a symbol of the Roaring Twenties.


  • 演员美国亲善大使尼可。基德曼国会一个听证会发言

    This week, actress and United Nations goodwill ambassador Nicole Kidman spoke at a hearing in Congress.


  • 老来得美国演员罗伯特德尼罗英国摇滚歌手洛斯蒂沃特就是两个很好的例子,前者68岁了第一个孩子,后者66岁有了第八孩子

    Among those to father children later in life are Robert De Niro, who had a child at 68, and Rod Stewart, who was 66 when his eighth child was born.


  • 听说一个布鲁斯·威利斯美国演员吗?

    Have you ever heard something about an American actor called Bruce Willis?


  • 今年35岁的美国演员佐伊·丹斯切尔就自己脸书上粉丝们分享过一个关于秘密花园》的链接

    American actress Zooey Deschanel, 35, once Shared a link about Secret Garden with her Facebook followers.


  • 难怪评为美国大电影之一(排名第11位)汤姆·汉克斯实在一个伟大的演员

    No wonder he was named one of America's 100 movies (ranked the 11) Tom Hanks is really a great actress.


  • 认为对非亚洲巨大吸引力(毕竟一个非常厉害的演员),美国很多怎么外国电影

    I think he would have great appeal to non-Asians (he's a great actor after all), but a lot of people in America don't go out of their way to see foreign films.


  • 1990年,金·凯利开始走红,当时得到了嬉皮士喜剧扮演角色的机会。这部名为《跳动的色彩》的剧目演员包括一组美国黑人唯一白人小伙子凯利。

    Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990, when he landed a role on the hip new sketch comedy show in Living Color which boasted a cast of African-Americans and Carrey. the sole white guy.


  • 只要一个还有所追求没有直到后悔取代了梦想,他才算老。- - - - - -美国演员巴里穆尔·j

    A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. — J Barryomre, American Bctor.


  • 季的集中,一大突出看点便是美国演员布莱丝•达拉斯•霍华德所扮演年轻女子。 在剧中,她身处于一个一切都会被纳入评分体系的世界中,而自己也渴望被他人认同

    A particular standout among the new episodes sees US actress Bryce Dallas Howard *portray a young woman yearning for approval in a world where everyone and everything is constantly rated.


  • 最近一集美国深夜中,讲着普通话太空英雄拯救美国著名喜剧演员StephenColbert,他说:名字未来

    "MY NAME is The Future. " So declares a heroic Chinese astronaut in Mandarin after saving the life of Stephen Colbert, an American comedian, during a recent episode of the "Late Show".


  • 最近一集美国深夜中,讲着普通话太空英雄拯救美国著名喜剧演员StephenColbert,他说:名字未来

    "MY NAME is The Future. " So declares a heroic Chinese astronaut in Mandarin after saving the life of Stephen Colbert, an American comedian, during a recent episode of the "Late Show".


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