• 巨大寺庙deMayo高达197英尺双子金字塔45个公共建筑一个皇宫两个动物园一个植物花园许多房屋

    It contained the massive Temple DE Mayo, a twin-towered pyramid 197 feet tall, 45 public buildings, a palace, two zoos, a botanical garden, and many houses.


  • 然后急急忙忙地飞回去,照着王宫样子蜂蜡建造了一个皇宫模型,建造的速度如此之快,竟人以为是从地底下冒出来的一般,天黑之前,已经是大功告成了。

    Then they hurried back and modeled the palace in wax with such rapidity that any one looking on would have thought it was growing before his eyes.


  • 看到一个从容的人,哪里也皇宫一样生活心满意足而富有愉快思想

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


  • 解锁一个汽车门对来说不值一提”贝利凯撒皇宫赌场饭店的黑客大会上CNN记者说。

    'I could care less if I could unlock a car door, ' Bailey told CNN during the conference at Caesar's Palace.


  • 图中背景占据着一个岛屿闪闪发光湖上皇宫饭店他们之前这儿共进午餐确认了结婚打算

    It was over lunch at the gleaming Lake Palace Hotel, occupying an island in the background, that they confirmed their intention to wed. Photograph by Steve McCurry.


  • 游览埃塞俄比亚最后一个君主海尔·塞拉西(Haile Selassie)皇宫最后的葬身之地,然后拉利贝拉(2天巴士行程)由坚石雕古代教堂

    Visit the palace and final resting-place of Ethiopia's last emperor, Haile Selassie, then head north to Lalibela (a two-day bus journey), to see its ancient churches carved into solid rock.


  • 1734年,查尔斯选择醒目山顶作为皇宫的基址, 他那不勒斯波旁国王.

    The striking hilltop site for a new royal palace was chosen in 1734 by Charles, the first Bourbon king of Naples.


  • 闺密评价戴妃:“一个忙碌女人但是还是会抽空我们咖啡厅相聚,甚至邀请我们去她下榻皇宫做客。”

    She was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.


  • 闺密评价戴妃:“一个忙碌女人但是还是会抽空我们咖啡厅相聚,甚至邀请我们去她下榻皇宫做客。”

    'she was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.


  • 虽然皇宫算不上特别宏伟但是扩建皇宫其它公共建筑这里变成一个景区,意味着大部分老城区拆毁了。

    By palatial standards it is not particularly grand, but the process of extending it and the other public buildings, and landscaping them, has meant that much of the old town has been knocked down.


  • 一个美食家的天堂,里拉皇宫提供多种美味餐饮选项上。

    A haven for the gourmand, the Leela Palace offers a variety of delectable Udaipur dining options.


  • 为庆祝一个互动经验皇宫巴黎历史展览莫奈

    An interactive experience celebrating Claude Monet for the historic exhibition at Grand Palais, Paris.


  • 皇宫饭店一个接待员

    I'm a desk clerk at the Palace Hotel.


  • 通过这些望塔可以发布烟雾信号作为皇宫沟通一个途径

    It was from these watchtowers that smoke signals could be sent as a way of communicating with the Forbidden City.


  • 了个大贮水池放在皇宫一个房间内

    He made the tank and put it in a room in the palace.


  • 看到一个从容的人,哪里也皇宫一样生活得称心如意而富有愉快的思维

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


  • 作为一个临时皇宫颐和园建于1153年,于1888年重建

    The palace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace. It was rebuilt in 1888.


  • 看到一个从容的人,哪里也皇宫一样,心满意足而且富有愉快思想

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


  • 梦中声音告诉首都挖取皇宫旁一座桥下的宝藏

    In his dream, a voice told him to go the capital city and look for a treasure under the bridge by the Royal Palace.


  • 只是看到一个心绪宁静的人就算居住在贫济院,生活起来也会心满意足思想愉悦,如同生活在皇宫中一样。

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, asin a palace.


  • 命名为俄罗斯作为一个美丽放置皇宫博物馆冬宫

    It is named the Hermitage as a museum of Russian large and beautiful, which is placed in the royal palace.


  • 其间古树参天,花园繁花似锦一个说书中的皇宫大院。

    The in the interval thou tree 3 day, garden blooming flowers, the whole one says big hospital in the regal palace in the book.


  • 任何窃取寺庙或者皇宫财产,他处以死刑那里获得赃物一并处以死刑。

    If anyone steal the property of a temple or of the court, he shall be put to death, and also the one who receives the stolen goods from him shall be put to death.


  • 看到一个从容的人,哪里都皇宫一样生活得心满意足而且富有愉快思想

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and haye as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


  • 看到一个从容的人,哪里都皇宫一样生活得心满意足而且富有愉快思想

    I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and haye as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


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