• 作为一个高三学生,生活一切围绕进入理想大学

    As a high school junior, everything in my life revolved around getting into the right college.


  • 生活称之为外向理想型”的价值体系——一个无处不在的信念理想的善于交际的,聚光灯感到舒适的。

    We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal—the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, and comfortable in the spotlight.


  • 先,想讲一个自己生活中的故事。

    To begin with, I'd like to tell a story from my own life.


  • 一个盲童的眼睛,看到了生活中的美。

    Through the eyes of a blind child I saw the beauty in life.


  • 一个年长的女人,一边教书,一边享受再次学习的乐趣,” 安妮可说,她希望其他人在以后的生活中也能在这段旅程上赶上她的步伐。

    "I'm an older woman, teaching and having fun learning again," Anneke said, and she wants others later in their lives to catch up with her on this journey.


  • 不过为什么本该生活中提供一个合适的位置呢?

    But why should I have given her a place in my life?


  • 不论现实生活是什么人,一个总是正义秘密身份

    No matter what he ends up as in real life, I want him to have a secret identity that always fights for justice.


  • 上周末简朴生活》一书看到一个故事一句话

    The above quote is from a story I read last weekend in The Simple Life.


  • 几天实际生活意外地得到了双重分发模式一个演示

    I got an unexpected demonstration of the double dispatch pattern in real life the other day.


  • 生活许多方面帮助一个策略跟踪自己进步

    One strategy that I find hugely helpful in many aspects of my life is to track my progress.


  • 但是认为一个千载难逢的机会你认真思考生活什么重要的,剔除那些不要紧东西

    But I think it's a golden opportunity to really think about what is important in your life, and weed out the things that don't really matter.


  • 生活一个最近例子

    I'll give you a recent example from my own life.


  • 一个简单日程表组织生活使用google日历所有活动安排——包括孩子们的你自己的——输入进一个日程表

    Organize your life with a simple calendar (I use Google Calendar) and enter all activities and appointments on this one calendar, from kids’ stuff to your own goings on.


  • 除了电影发生这种事外,现实过。 在现实生活中,这并不是问题,所以在说什么话上不要太大的压力自己。

    I've never once heard of that happening to anyone besides in the movies.


  • 知道,知道...理想主义者,这样世界永远也不会存在.但是没关系.可以接受世界现在的样子...同时,拥有的这么美妙一个世界表示感激.为生活拥有这么多这么(比如屏幕前的)表示感激.通过一行为,的感激将会辐射到这个世界,从某种程度上说对也会有所改善.

    I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we have. And what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.


  • 所有一切进行时候,并没有离开平行生活轨道那个来到华盛顿所追求生活轨道。

    While all this was going on, I stayed on the other track of my parallel lives, the one I came to Washington to pursue.


  • 病人死亡看起来一个吃肉僵尸28”,甚至现实生活中甚至世界上所有医院这样死亡令人不安的。

    My patient died looking like one of the flesh-eating zombies from "28 Weeks Later," and indeed in real life, even in the world of the hospital, a death like this is unsettling.


  • 追求个人成长意义生活的过程发现在这么多的重要工具起决定性一个创建自己人生指南

    One of the key tools I found critical in my pursuit of personal growth and living a purposeful life is creating my own life handbook.


  • 不再生活神奇形象后,他就是他,还是,这部分是因为他不是一个尽责父亲

    While he is no longer this mythical figure in my life, he is who he is and I am who I am, partly because of his absence.


  • 不是强烈的忏悔主义追随者…已经错误吸取极大的教训…并且生活现在相当

    I'm not a big believer in regrets... and I have learned tremendously from every single mistake... and my life is pretty great.


  • "一个93祖母交谈,生活中,她从来没有打算接近互联网, "科尔

    I talked to a 93-year-old grandmother who never planned to go near the Internet in her life, ” Cole says.


  • 想象着一定一个受到严重污染,黑水横流,生活条件极差并且烟灰遮日的城市。

    I had envisioned this polluted wasteland where rivers ran black, living conditions were terrible, and soot blocked out the sun.


  • 生活一个观点:由于思想极具开放性强吸收性,发现自己可以接受各种相互矛盾观点有时候甚至是相反观点

    Here's another peek into my life: A side effect of being extremely open minded and absorbent is that I find myself believing all kinds of contradictory ideas, sometimes even opposite ones.


  • 认为一个可以狩猎者群体吸取到的教训那些狩猎者依旧祖先那样生活

    I think that is the lesson we can take from current hunter-gatherer groups, people who still live in a way that our ancestors did.


  • 一个电话起,许多朋友同事参加这部电影创作时,它生活中占据了越来越重要的地位。

    Since that first phone call, the presence of this film in the background of my life has continued to grow as a great many friends and colleagues became involved in the production.


  • 建议生活一个重要尺度分割开来。

    I would also suggest that you separate each of the important dimensions of your life.


  • 们面对真实生活问题时候,通常问题看到是什么

    When facing problems in real-life situations, the first question is always, ‘What am I looking at?


  • 作为生活了一外国人自然知道一位作者方面给出了什么样忠告

    Naturally, as a foreigner who has been living in China for a year, I was curious to see what kind of advice a Chinese writer was giving on this matter.


  • 有时因为耻于生活想法一个行动种模式并不想缕光闪耀

    Sometimes I feel like I don't want my light to shine because I am ashamed of a thought or action or pattern in my life.


  • 有时因为耻于生活想法一个行动种模式并不想缕光闪耀

    Sometimes I feel like I don't want my light to shine because I am ashamed of a thought or action or pattern in my life.


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