• 此外他们还配有一个洋葱包——而且不是细碎粉末,而是美味的洋葱

    What's more is they include a sachet of Fried onion - not pulverized little bits but good sized pieces that are just wonderful.


  • 快跑!”阿拉布尔太太命令着小猪弗恩手里抱过来面圈塞手上埃弗里赶紧抓起一个炸面圈。

    Run!” commanded Mrs. Arable, taking the pig from Fern and slipping a doughnut into her hand. Avery grabbed his gun and another doughnut.


  • 他们飞机跑道上一个大坑

    They blasted a huge crater in the runway.


  • 地上一个大坑

    The bomb blew a huge hole in the ground.


  • 德斯特最喜欢黄蜂说:“老挝较大乳制品加工厂中很多人支持改善缺乏。”

    "There were some proponents of the bigger dairy industry in Laos to improve a calcium deficiency," says Durst, whose favorite is fried wasp.


  • 作为规定,在用油丢弃重复使用第一次使用周内重复使用。

    As a rule, reuse it one time before disposal, and reuse it within a few weeks after the first use.


  • 从健康角度来说,烘烤蒸煮土豆或许一个更好办法土豆仍然影响控制腰围

    And while baked and boiled potatoes may be an even more attractive option for the health-conscious, chips will still likely be bad for the waistline.


  • 例如一个面包圈似乎健康密集大面包圈6面包热量

    Example: a bagel might seem healthier than a doughnut hole, but dense bagels have the calorie content of six slices of bread.


  • 孩子却找到一个小小的路边摊,售卖牧场酱的咸菜

    But our kids find a little roadside stand that sells Fried 32 pickles served with ranch 33 dip.


  • 杜斯特最喜欢黄蜂非常脆非常可口清淡小吃说:“老挝一个较大乳制品加工厂很多人支持改善缺乏。”

    "There were some proponents of a bigger dairy industry in Laos to improve a calcium deficiency," says Durst, whose favourite is Fried wasp - "very crispy and a nice light snack".


  • 其他人花费小时的时间来把多脂肪的汉堡包油腻的土豆条或者其他堆积的干酪弄碎,在走路燃烧著热量

    As others spent their lunch hour pounding down fat-laden burgers and greasy fries or some other cheesy Fried piled-high dish, I walked, and burned calories.


  • 一个巨大星球垂死挣扎时,可能自己大部分外层物质太空

    In a massive star's death throes, it can blast most of its outer material into space.


  • 还有法拉费尔(falafel)。”鹰嘴豆饼一个主要菜肴。

    "And falafel," she said, referring to the Fried chickpea patties, a big part of the cuisine.


  • 我会高高兴兴地吃完一整马铃薯条或者一个汉堡包或者一瓶苏打饮料

    I will happily eat a whole bag of chips or a veggie burger (or 3) or a pizza or a 2 liter bottle of soda.


  • 预先过的牛蛙与辣椒、花椒味道浓郁的香料一起油锅里煮,然后一个大碗盛好,新鲜香菜装饰,就可以上桌了。

    Pre-fried bullfrogs are poached in oil packed with strong spices, such as chili peppers and flower peppers, then served in a larger bowl and garnished with fresh coriander.


  • 制作根海水天线电流探针电子线圈尺寸形状大致相当于一个面圈)要连接一副无线电天线端子上

    To make a seawater antenna, the current probe (an electrical coil roughly the size and shape of a large doughnut) is attached to a radio’s antenna jack.


  • 拒绝接受代码行为一个仆人结婚

    Fry rejected the accepted code of behavior and married one of his servants.


  • 诺基亚手机是不是建立一个能够承受厕所意外大跌现在应该

    Your Nokia phone isn't built to withstand an accidental plunge in the toilet, but a little rain every now and again shouldn't fry it.


  • 这次事件距离圣诞节发生美国航空公司飞机机未遂事件还不到一个星期,这次航空未遂事件促使了提高航空飞行安全

    The incident took place less than a week after a botched attempt on Christmas Day to blow up a U. S. -bound airliner. The airline incident has prompted heightened air travel security.


  • 干酪汉堡包,一土豆条一份奶昔含有将近28饱和脂肪这大约一个没有心脏病通常应有消耗量

    A cheeseburger, a large order of chips and a milk shake can contain nearly 28 grams of saturated fat, about as much as the average person, without heart problems, should consume in a day.


  • 小学时候作为课程一部分稻田里劳动,稻田的旁边一个采石场,他们用石头

    When I was in elementary school, as part of the curriculum, I have to work at a rice paddy, right next to a quarry where they use explosives to break rocks.


  • 尽管土豆片甜甜面圈容易获得,但是苹果却成为了稀有货物

    Though crisps, sweets and doughnuts are easy to come by, an apple is a rare commodity.


  • 面团必须达到一个温度85至87氏度之前面圈

    The dough must attain a temperature of 85 to 87 degrees Farenheit before the doughnuts are deep fried.


  • 面团必须达到一个温度85至87氏度之前面圈

    The dough must attain a temperature of 85 to 87 degrees Farenheit before the doughnuts are deep fried.


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