• 电影公司的老板们可以强迫演员扮演不好角色利用庞大内部宣传部门操纵明星形象细节

    Studio bosses could also force bad roles on actors, and manipulate every single detail of, stars' images with their mammoth in-house publicity departments.


  • 他们得到了反堕胎团体有权知道”的支持。“有权知道”建设网站一个脸谱页面宣传他们意见

    They are backed by the campaign group Right to Know, which has set up a website and Facebook page to promote the idea.


  • 一直在宣传这个事实重要动因就是告诉那些失眠症患者一点完全没有问题,以此减少他们的痛苦

    One of the reasons I like to publicize these facts is that I think we can prevent a lot of insomnia and distress just by telling people that short sleep is o.k..


  • 这样一个宣传网站whyfirefoxisblocked.com 它标题嘲弄FIREBOX用户 "到达了此页是因为试图访问网站阻止firefox浏览器 "。

    One such advocacy site, whyfirefoxisblocked.com, taunts a Firefox user with the headline, “You’ve reached this page because the site you were trying to visit now blocks the Firefox browser.”


  • 先生灵巧地处理了他素材,将贝尔作为一个有疾病症候行业描写,即相信自己大肆宣传看不到实际上内在地多么的不稳固。

    Mr Cohan handles his material deftly, portraying Bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was.


  • 对于依靠使用顾客数据宣传产品以及卖出广告杂志社说,一个非常棘手问题

    This is a particular problem for magazine firms, which use customer data to push other products and to sell advertising.


  • 我们不少客户都面临同样的问题,有公司我们希望我们可以通过了解事实管理宣传活动帮助他们树立一个更好企业形象。

    Many of our clients face these issues; companies come to us hoping we can help them better manage their reputations through Get the Facts or issue management campaigns.


  • 我们给了宣传材料,上面介绍一个非常简单技能一些情绪化表情显示处于什么心情中;如果高兴笑脸如此之类。

    We gave her a handout which was about a really simple technique, using little mood faces to show what sort of mood you're in; smiley faces if you're happy, that sort of thing.


  • 他人他们或许会用广告宣传解决一个根本不用广告就能解决的问题

    In others, they may be looking to advertising to solve a non-advertising problem.


  • 广告商们利用这么一个特点。他们聘请那些扮演英雄的男演员以及漂亮的演员宣传他们的产品,但是这些演员们这些东西一点都专业

    This is used by advertisers who pay heroic actors and beautiful actresses to promote products about which they have absolutely no expertise.


  • 与此同时,过去,生物学完全等同激素已经作为一个安全选择宣传没有足够的数据表明它们合成的激素更安全。

    While bio identical hormones had been promoted in the past as a safer alternative, there aren't enough data to indicate that they're any safer than synthetic hormones.


  • 如果已"成功"地错过Twitter盛大宣传,那么我告诉你,一个俗称“迷你博客”的网络即时交流工具

    If you’ve managed to miss the hype around Twitter, it’s generally described as a “mini-blogging” tool.


  • 我们正是想通过心脏等活动宣传、教育大家合理饮食戒烟、坚持运动,使每个人都健康人生

    Though the events like the world heart day, we want to promote health living by balancing diet, quitting smoking and having regular exercises.


  • 不过某人真的打电话,要把视为一个建立狂热忠诚客户的绝佳机会这个客户到处宣传你们做得多么

    But when someone does call, look at it as a great opportunity to create fanatically devoted customer, one who will prattle on and on about what a great job you did.


  • 论坛一个伟大方式宣传您的产品和服务。

    Word of mouth is one of the best ways of promote products.


  • 我们六根大萝卜划出了一个街区然后全市覆盖线杆来宣传当地农夫超市

    We lined a city block with six big carrots, then covered the town with antenna skewers for a local farmers' market.


  • 没有任何其他网站南京提供这样一个全面完整服务帮助企业宣传自己

    There is no other website in Nanjing which offers such a full and complete service to help businesses promote themselves to this wealthy customer base!


  • 英语公示我国对外宣传一个窗口中国外国人非常重要

    As a window of our countrys propaganda work to the outside world, English public signs are very important to foreigners in China.


  • 简而言之,对于新型系统的出台,必然需要一个具备营销力征服力的名字进行系统产品的自我宣传这样才能更容易形成产品的优势形象品牌声音魅力

    In a word, a new system has to own a marketing-powerful and conquering name to self-advertise so as to easily set up its production image and brand voice with charm and uniqueness.


  • 简而言之,对于新型系统的出台,必然需要一个具备营销力征服力的名字进行系统产品的自我宣传这样才能更容易形成产品的优势形象品牌声音魅力

    In a word, a new system has to own a marketing-powerful and conquering name to self-advertise so as to easily set up its production image and brand voice with charm and uniqueness.


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