• 夏达笔下有精灵公主武士的中世纪小镇有着追逐梦想的年轻学生的繁忙现代城市一个有着天真孩子神秘传说安静古镇

    Xia Da has created a medieval town full of elf princesses and knights, and a quiet ancient town with innocent children and mysterious legends.


  • 年轻送到陌生的城市导师那儿那里呆了整整一年

    The youth was sent into a strange town, and remained a whole year with the master.


  • 卢旺达,一个年轻人在城市里工作一天只能赚10元(1.4美元),但如果他们根据盒马的订单种植辣椒,一天可以赚50到60元。

    A young man in Rwanda will only make 10 yuan ($1.4) a day by working in the cities, but if they grow hot peppers due to Hema's orders, they can make 50 to 60 yuan a day.


  • 兴趣,明显创造一个紧密,且高度自制年轻战士骨架他们保卫城市就像看门狗顾家一样。

    His interest here is in the creation of a tight, and highly disciplined cadre of young warriors who will protect the city much as watchdogs protect their own home.


  • 尤其城市大多数家庭只有孩子如果孩子长大结婚一对年轻夫妇就要赡养四位老人,这是一个非常重的负担。

    Especially in the cities, most families only have one kid. If the kids grow up and get married, one couple needs to support four parents.


  • 在这座富丽时髦城市里,年轻妻子苔丝一个乡下姑娘,会在什么地方呢?

    Where could Tess possibly be, a cottage-girl, his young wife, amidst all this wealth and fashion?


  • 他们在一起差不多十年了,不过最后几年段关系中出现了第三者他们离开XY杂志社,迁至新斯科舍省的省会城市哈利法克斯遇到的一个年轻

    They had been together nearly a decade, though for the last few years the relationship had a third member — a young man they met in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they moved in 2001 after leaving XY.


  • 一个城市,都大量年轻奋斗音乐家如果有机会他们可能会成为一个披头士

    In every city there are unimaginable Numbers of young struggling musicians who could be the next Beatles if given the chance.


  • 2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个害人犯罪陷阱,工作为诱饵欺骗失业城市年轻来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充战死叛乱分子

    In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.


  • 尽管年轻整个中亚游荡,在帐篷里度过了许多光阴,但他本质上一个城市男孩

    Although he had spent much of his youth wandering around Central Asia with a tent, he was at heart a city boy.


  • 年轻职业女性一个新的城市

    A young professional has just moved to a new city.


  • 一个充满生气地方年轻真正成为了城市生活一部分

    It was a very vibrant place, and young people were really part of the life of the city.


  • 年轻需要城市,靠低劣的街道生存耀武扬威但是如果一个温和小镇,那不仅仅是失去和平。

    The kid needed that big city swagger to survive on mean streets but doesn't just lose it if he moves to a mild-mannered town.


  • 现在说说农户100英里以外拥挤城市的一位年轻

    Now consider a young man in a crowded city 100 miles from that farmer.


  • 认为非洲需要一个年轻城市更加充满抱负形象

    What Africa needs, he reckons, is a younger, more urban, more aspirational image.


  • 周六晚上一个网球拍,菜刀其他自制武器武装起来的由年轻组成的非正式组织已经控制局势,在城市四周设置检查点

    By Saturday night, informal brigades of mostly young men armed with bats, kitchen knives and other makeshift weapons had taken control, setting up checkpoints around the city.


  • 这个年轻他们城市边缘荒僻的农田附近抢劫辛格开始有所怀疑看起来不像一个会被抢劫地方

    When the young man claimed they had been snatched near some isolated farmland at the edge of the city, Mr. Singh became suspicious: it was an unlikely place for a robbery.


  • 罗马尼亚这个相对较为贫穷的国度中,沃尔恰比较富裕的城市——这里一个数十年历史化工厂过得去的旅游业,但还是有很多年轻不到工作

    Râmnicu Vâlcea was better off than many towns in this relatively poor country—it had a decades-old chemical plant and a modest tourism industry.But many young men and women struggled to find work.


  • 美国一个相当年轻人口中心尤其是郊区很大程度上城市设计为了方便

    But America's much younger population centers, especially suburbs, were largely designed to be navigated by car.


  • 许多年轻农民工来说,城市生活一个选择——他们一直期望在城市里安家

    And yet for many younger migrants, life in the city is a choice - one they are not ready to give up in order to have a family.


  • 出生一个靠近海岸城市喜欢钓鱼年轻

    Born in a city near the coast, I loved fishing from very young.


  • 一个年轻喜爱室内外生活城市家庭设计的。

    It was designed for a young urban family that enjoys indoor-outdoor living.


  • 青年朋友们深圳一个创造了无数奇迹年轻城市你们一定也能够在这里,展现不一样的精彩,创造新的奇迹。

    Young friends, Shenzhen is a young city of miracles. I am sure that all of you will make a difference here and create your own miracles.


  • 实际上上海以前一个相对年轻人口结构,现在已经美国欧洲多数城市一样,具有相同比例退休人口。

    Indeed, Shanghai, which has always had a relatively youthful populace, now has the same proportion of retirees as an average city in the United States or Europe.


  • 。 “住在城市不仅生活节奏快而且生活成本很贵,事实上许多年轻开始回到他们的小乡村去寻找更好、更平静的生活。”

    A lot of young people who come to the cities looking for work become disappointed,” said Lee.


  • 最后对于一些年轻来说,城市原因是因为他们一个更好地方施展他们能力实现他们的梦想

    Finally, for some young people, the reason for moving to cities is that they want to find a better place to show their capacity and achieve their dreams.


  • 穿上一双运动鞋,营造一个漂亮年轻城市造型

    Pop on a pair of sneakers for a nice kinda young, urban look.


  • 穿上一双运动鞋,营造一个漂亮年轻城市造型

    Pop on a pair of sneakers for a nice kinda young, urban look.


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