• 没必要分享生死起落经历或者奥林匹克冠军故事

    You don’t have to have a life-and-death experience or be an Olympic champion to have a story to share.


  • 救援大本营看上去就像一个奥林匹克,这里飞扬着全球各国国旗

    The relief camp looks like an Olympic village with national flags flying from nations all over the world.


  • 现在距明年七月伦敦奥运会还有九个的时间,英国设置了一个奥林匹克档案

    Britain has set an Olympic record nine months before the games begin in London next July.


  • 同样地,并不是一个奥林匹克运动员赢得金牌实在不是终极目标

    Similarly the Olympic athletes can not all win the gold metals, and this indeed is not ultimately the most important goal.


  • 实用角度来看那么运动永远不会成为有效减肥方法除非训练计划毅力——一个奥林匹克运动员

    From a practical perspective, then, exercise is never going to be an effective way of slimming, unless you have the training schedule - and the willpower - of an Olympic athlete.


  • 奥林匹克进行城市当中一个位于城市中间小小房间照片都挂在墙上而且还有很多留言,是的这里就是梅花家人

    An Olympic torch has pride of place in the middle of the room, photos line the walls and hundreds of notes cover the middle pillar of the Meihua Jiaren (Plum flower Family) Dumpling Restaurant.


  • 曾是奥林匹克一个强大竞争者

    She was a strong contender for the Olympic team.


  • 高中数学竞赛包括那些最终通往国际数学奥林匹克竞赛最大支持者之一一个叫做“Math Counts”的中学项目

    One of the largest feeders for high school math competitionsincluding those that eventually lead to the IMOis a middle school program called Math Counts.


  • 否则的话我们可以看见奥林匹克怎样的投入一个民族怀抱

    Otherwise, we have seen how the Olympics can be transformed by a nation that embraces them.


  • 作为泡泡学家,最终梦想中的就是2012年的奥林匹克运动会上表演

    I think one of my ultimate dreams as a Bubbleologist would be to perform at the 2012 Olympics.


  • 里面两个游泳池,其中奥林匹克标准泳池,一个是供儿童使用的。

    There are two swimming pools.One is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children.


  • 北京官方喜欢谈论奥林匹克如何成为世界了解中国一个机会

    Beijing officialdom loves to talk about how the Olympics were a chance for the world to "get to know" China.


  • 种种措施目的就是建立一个科技”,西尔延伸至2012年奥林匹克运动会会址的地带。

    The aim is to build a "Tech City" stretching from Shoreditch to the 2012 Olympic games site farther east.


  • 即使排除城市参加2016的事件芝加哥也曾同意一个耗资86millon美元的奥林匹克

    Even without a city having been picked for the 2016 event, Chicago agreed this summer to spend $86 million on land for an Olympics village.


  • 其实,我只是不太确定没有拐杖的帮助下我是否能够绕场走一圈 (笑声) 他们告诉我并非玩笑 这会是第一仅仅女性举着奥林匹克位女性代表了五个大陆,另外还有三位奥林匹克金牌获得者相当自然地,我的第一个问题是,我穿什么好呢?

    This would be the first time that only women would carry the Olympic flag. Five women, representing five continents, and three Olympic gold medal winners.


  • 她说:“对于我们来说,作为一个公司奥林匹克就是我们一部分。”

    "The Olympics for us is part of who we are as a company," said Kerner.


  • 奥林匹克带给人们不仅仅运动员在夺得金牌那一瞬间喜悦,其实影响到我们人的生活

    To me Olympic Games do not only bring their champions moments of joy, they can also affect the life of each and every one of us.


  • 做了一个照片集,里面关于奥林匹克照片即将举办奥林匹克城市的照片。

    I set a storyboard filled with photos of the Olympics and of the city where the games were hosted.


  • 虽然父亲一个超级体育迷老实说奥林匹克运动会没有大的兴趣。

    Despite my father being a super sports fan, to be frank, I'm not that interested in the Olympics.


  • 这些标志简单直接的方式传达一个信息它们成为了奥林匹克运动奥运会标识

    These symbols transmit a message in a simple and direct manner and they give the Olympic Movement and the Games an unique identity.


  • 尽管如此,短短的年内萨马兰奇还是把奥林匹克运动变成一个几十亿英镑产业也能够继续主持当代世界上一些伟大运动会

    Within a few years, however, Samaranch had transformed the Games into a multi-billion pound industry and he would go on to preside over some of the greatest sporting occasions of modern times.


  • 爸爸奥林匹克公园里一个森林

    Dad: The Olympic park has a small forest.


  • 年前伦敦获得奥运会举办权时,很多人认为是肮脏的难看伤疤的地方,现在成了奥林匹克公园

    When London was awarded the games six years ago, much of what is now the Olympic Park was a dirty, unsightly scar.


  • 奥林匹克运动会有助于实现一个更美好安宁世界

    The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world.


  • 见证拥有古老文明现代风范民族对于奥林匹克精神崇尚;呈现着一个面向未来都市奥林匹克理想的诉求。

    While witnessing the advocacy of the Olympic Spirit by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture, it also unfolds the city's future-oriented city's pursuit of the Olympic Ideal.


  • 这对吉祥物的设计还有背后的故事一个焊接工用尽最后一滴钢铁奥运会浇铸成了新的奥林匹克体育场

    The mascots are based on a story, where a welder used the last drops of steel from the final girder added to the new Olympic Stadium, to create the Olympic duo.


  • 2008年8月8日夏季奥林匹克运动会正式中国北京开幕奥林匹克圣会来自全球各地人们聚在一起, 这点总是使感到很吃惊一个非常好的机会让我们观看这些伟大运动选手们的非凡表演

    On 8-8-08 the 2008 Summer Olympic Games will officially kick off in Beijing, China. This event always amazes me in its unique ability to bring together people from all walks of life across the world.


  • 我们生命中奥林匹克似乎驿站

    The Olympics are like the rest of life.


  • 最早想到要马拉松设成比赛项目一个米歇尔的法国人,恰好现代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦朋友

    The guy who dreamt up the idea for a marathon race was a Frenchman named Michel Bréal who just happened to be a buddy of Pierre de Coubertin the guy who started the modern Olympics.


  • 最早想到要马拉松设成比赛项目一个米歇尔的法国人,恰好现代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦朋友

    The guy who dreamt up the idea for a marathon race was a Frenchman named Michel Bréal who just happened to be a buddy of Pierre de Coubertin the guy who started the modern Olympics.


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