• 一个咳嗽就把一切走。

    A cough blows all.


  • 今天感觉舒服因为一个咳嗽

    Today I don't feel very well, because I have a cough.


  • 诊断软件工作原理,把手机用户咳嗽一个咳嗽数据库(各种呼吸道疾病有关)进行对比。

    The way the diagnostic software works is by comparing the sounds of the mobile user's cough to a database of coughs associated with all the different types of respiratory diseases.


  • 一旦侵入身体一丁点病毒液体,病毒快速蔓延开来,常常喷嚏一个咳嗽一个亲吻就足以致病,因为导致感冒的病毒成百上千种,所以身体无法所有病毒都产生免疫

    It spreads quickly once tiny beads of fluid enter your body, often from a sneeze, cough, or kiss. There are hundreds of viruses that can cause a cold; you can never build up immunity to all of them.


  • 无法控制咳嗽一个

    Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery.


  • 咳嗽丈夫脸色苍白房间跑出来好像见到一个暴怒巫婆,像是某种恐怖片幽灵似的

    She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with an ashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition.


  • 持续咳嗽已经一个多月了。

    I had a persistent cough for over a month.


  • 这种情况下面临着一个不间断咳嗽

    You could face a month of continual hacking in this situation.


  • 但是D博士说:如果咳嗽持续时间长达个星期以上应该医生因为可能哮喘胃酸回流一个征兆

    But if your cough persists longer than eight weeks, you should see your doctor because it could be a sign of something else, such as asthma or acid reflux, says Dr. D.


  • 我们下来D博士谈论医生每年这个时候访问常见原因一个邪恶咳嗽

    We sat down with Dr. D to talk about the most common reason for visits to the doctor this time of year: a wicked cough.


  • 典型感染感冒的过程是已经感冒了的周围打喷嚏咳嗽或者握手表现出感冒的症状需要几天的时间。

    You typically catch a cold when an infected person sneezes, coughs or shakes hands with you. It may take a few days for the symptoms to appear.


  • 一个男士抱怨他的持续无故咳嗽

    A man complained about a "constant inexplicable cough".


  • 伤风咳嗽打喷嚏有时候工作的地方听起来像是一个医院病房尤其是现在这种流感高发期。

    Hacking. Coughing. Sneezing. Sometimes the workplace sounds less like an office and more like a hospital ward, especially now that we're at the height of cold and flu season.


  • 短发的拉阿巴斯先生一个经过熟人打着招呼,抽着骆驼牌香烟、不时地街上磕去烟灰沙哑地咳嗽

    Unshaven with long sideburns and close-cropped hair, Mr. Abas greeted acquaintances as they passed by, smoked Camels, flicked the butts into the street and coughed raucously.


  • 虽然咳嗽打喷涕时通过飞沫传播认为是主要流感传播途径,但是通过受污染传播可能一个促进因素

    Although transmission by large droplets when people cough or sneeze is considered the major route of influenza spread, transmission via contaminated hands may be a contributing factor.


  • 这儿正对付第二只鸭舌头,邻桌男人频频大声咳嗽一口痰啐地上

    It was while eating my second duck tongue that the man at the next table hacked up a loud wad of phlegm and spat it on to the floor.


  • 然而喷嚏而液滴漫游双层巴士长度并且咳嗽感染公尺以内任何人,但未必永远如此

    However, since droplets from a sneeze can travel the length of a double-decker bus, and a cough can infect anyone within about a metre, this is not always possible.


  • 结果就是一个非常普通咳嗽永久的保留记忆中

    As a result, a simple cough would be imprinted on his memory forever.


  • 咳嗽丈夫脸色苍白房间出来,好像见到了喜好怒斥人巫婆一个死亡女人的讲话,某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。

    She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room ashen-faced, as if he’d seen a fulminating witch, a dead woman speaking, some kind of horror-flick apparition.


  • 车库里一个盒子中,放过去吃剩咳嗽可能用来防止疝气紧身胸衣。

    Another box in the garage is full of other reminders of past coughing fits and tight corsets that probably prevented hernias.


  • 视频随后显示名少年咳嗽袋子里呕吐,然后无力地上,身上着一块白布

    Later, the teenager is seen coughing and apparently vomiting into a bag before lying on the ground, limp and covered in a white sheet.


  • 治疗鼻腔充血,第二个是热饮的,治疗咳嗽发烧

    The first is for sinus congestion and the second is a hot drink for coughs and fevers.


  • 伤风咳嗽打喷嚏,有时候工作的地方听起来像是一个医院病房尤其是现在这种流感高发期。

    Sneezing. Sometimes the workplace sounds less like an office and more like a hospital ward, especially now that we're at the height of cold and flu season.


  • 整顿情况合适咳嗽一个良好打嗝厕所也许巨大的飞溅

    Rectify the situation with the sound of a coughing fit, a good burp, or perhaps a huge splash in the toilet?


  • 已经一个星期了,一直流眼泪、流鼻涕还有这个咳嗽

    I have been having watery eyes, runny nose, and this cough for almost a week now.


  • 已经因病卧床不起超过一个了,爱德华下腰面颊时,她开始咳嗽起来。

    She'd been bedridden for more than a month, and just as Edward bent down to kiss her cheek, another coughing fit took her.


  • 受苦就是Luke自己会得慢性咳嗽整夜无法入眠。

    The first to suffer as a result of this is Luke himself: he has developed a chronic cough that often forces him to stay awake entire nights.


  • 如果一个正在讲故事突然咳嗽其实并不要紧

    And really if somebody is telling you a story, and he has to cough, it doesn't matter!


  • 如果一个正在讲故事突然咳嗽其实并不要紧

    And really if somebody is telling you a story, and he has to cough, it doesn't matter!


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