• 为了一个更好比较我们需要深入一步谈谈诸如维修保险问题

    To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance.


  • 问题医师哪些服务应该收费:不同健康计划保险覆盖范围均有不同,而庞大的联邦计划却只覆盖一小部分的服务。

    There's the question of what services physicians should be paid for: Insurance coverage varies from health plan to health plan, and a big federal plan covers only a narrow range of services.


  • 不过一个问题每个保险公司不同机制接受报价请求提供报价

    But you have a problem; each of the Insurance companies has a different mechanism for accepting quote requests and providing quotes to you.


  • 许多飓风“艾琳”的受害者发现一个问题就是他们的保险包括由于断电污水停止工作而造成的损失

    And a big problem that many Hurricane Irene victims are finding out is that their insurance doesn't cover damage after sump pumps stop working thanks to a power outage.


  • 一个更加基本问题存款保险多大程度上扭曲银行激励

    A more fundamental problem is how deposit insurance distorts Banks' incentives.


  • 他说:“我现在正在和DfT讨论如何处理这个问题保险一个明显的大问题如果电脑做出错误的决定要负责呢?”

    Insurance is obviously a big issue. Who is culpable if the machine goes wrong?’


  • 担心一个潜在问题保险

    I do not worry about having insurance for every potential problem.


  • 改革者认为,这个问题要求另外一个解决方案命令每个人都购买健康保险

    This problem, according to the reformers, calls for another solution: a mandate requiring people to buy health insurance.


  • 美国这样保险金资助的医疗保健体系,这不应该一个问题

    That should not be a problem in insurance-financed health-care systems, such as America's.


  • 问题的关键在于是否应该健康保险命令-要求一个签字同意健康保险,即使他们认为他们需要健康保险

    The central question is whether there should be a health insurance "mandate" - a requirement that everyone sign up for health insurance, even if they don't think they need it.


  • 最好保护工作的保险特别对于一个新任者就是有争议问题尽量保持中立

    The best job-protection insurance, especially as a newbie, is to remain as neutral as possible on controversial issues, he says.


  • 繁忙亚丁湾印度洋靠近索马里地区海盗猖獗成为一个日益严重问题,海盗问题高了保险费用迫使船只采取替代路线

    Rampant piracy in the busy Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, near Somalia, has become a growing problem, driving up insurance costs and forcing ships to take alternative routes.


  • 意识到这个问题时候,各州保险监督,决定建立一个组织,就是美国保险监督协会,定期开会

    Recognizing this problem, the insurance commissioners in the various states have decided to form an organization, that's the NAIC, and they hold regular conferences.


  • 所有这些问题源于一个根本性事实我们的医保赔付范围保险公司操控的,就像一张由碎布缝成的被单一样。

    All these problems were rooted in one fundamental fact: we had a crazy-quilt pattern of coverage in which insurance companies called the shots.


  • 一个显而易见问题对手方风险如若保险无力赔付,保险还有何用?

    One clear problem is counterparty risk; insurance is worth nothing if the insurer cannot pay up.


  • 一个反映汽车业问题迹象是,全球信贷保险目前认为美国汽车业违约风险最高的行业之一。

    In another indication of the industry's problems, the world's three dominant credit insurers now consider the U.S. auto industry among the riskiest sectors for default.


  • 高速成长中的州营保险公司居民财产保险公社正在解决问题

    The slack is being picked up by a fast-growing state-run company, Citizens Property Insurance.


  • 但是困扰医保制度不仅仅一个保险问题

    But the problem that plagues the health care system is not just a problem of the uninsured.


  • 大多数保险计划会一个24小时热线,让你得到医生牙医帮助咨询其他健康问题

    Most plans include a 24-hour hotline for assistance with doctors, dentists, and other health concerns.


  • 如果Adobe认为这么做能够解决漏洞问题我们就会这么做,或是提供一个保险部署更新

    We might if Adobe agreed that it was the best way to deal with a vulnerability, or to provide "safe cover" for an update to get deployed.


  • 解决问题一个办法可能需要扩大联邦储蓄保险公司的紧急备用金,原先的300亿美元扩大5000亿美元,这项计划需要通过国会审核

    One hope of topping up the pot may lie in an expansion of the FDIC’s emergency credit line, from $30 billion to as much as $500 billion, though that would require congressional approval.


  • 网络化促进了保险蓬勃发展使保险进入一个新的历史时期同时导致一系列新的问题发生

    Promoted the flourishing development of the insurance networked, make the insurance enter one new historical time, but caused the emergence of a series of new problems at the same time.


  • 海上保险合同效力问题海上保险合同制度一个核心问题,对海上保险合同目的实现具有至关重要影响,直接关系到合同双方当事人切身利益

    The validity of marine insurance contract is a very important problem on the legal system of marine insurance, and it could have influence on the interests of the parties of contract obviously.


  • 中国已加入WTO背景下如何推行监理职业责任保险成为一个急需解决问题

    On the background of China entering WTO, how to implement professional liability insurance for supervision engineers has become an imminent problem which needs to be solved.


  • 中国已加入WTO背景下如何推行监理职业责任保险成为一个急需解决问题

    On the background of China's entering WTO, how to implement Professional Liability Insurance for Supervision engineers has become an imminent problem need to be solved.


  • 中国已加入WTO背景下如何推行监理职业责任保险成为一个急需解决问题

    On the background of China's entering WTO, how to implement Professional Liability Insurance for Supervision engineers has become an imminent problem need to be solved.


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