• 当今竞争激烈商业环境中领导力重要一个因为引导企业管理者关注内在,关注他们个人能力风格

    Leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style.


  • 大多数企业环境管理者认为一个特定行业,环境法规所有竞争者影响一致

    Among the myths taken as fact by the environmental managers of most corporations is the belief that environmental regulations affect all competitors in a given industry uniformly.


  • 经理人上课得到一个经验就是企业行为理论能够引起这些管理者共鸣并且也被证明他们有启发的。

    It has been my experience in teaching executives that a Behavioral Theory of the Firm resonates with these managers and proves instructive for them.


  • 如何防止优秀员工的流失,一个企业管理者所面对巨大挑战

    One challenge managers face is how to keep their top employees.


  • 一个主要企业高级管理者符合临时性高级管理签证(161164)。

    Senior executives of a major business may be eligible for a provisional senior executive visa(subclasses 161 and 164).


  • 激励企业管理领域一个非常重要问题因此企业管理者运用激励工具的时候越需要十分慎重

    The motivation is an important problem in enterprise's management field, so the top managers of the enterprise should be very cautious on using the motivation tool.


  • 纳税筹划作为现代理财一个组成部分,越来越多的企业管理者财会人员所接受

    Tax payment planning is a component of modern financial management and has been accepted by more and more enterprise management personnel and accountants.


  • 作为一个外籍管理者,这一定优势知道企业文化西方的一些高效管理体系

    You as a foreigner do have certain advantages. You know the corporate culture and western style of management.


  • 企业社会责任概括来讲,需要领域有经验的培训师来实践指导公司一个管理者如何来甚至有限预算的情况下。

    A good overview of CSR and what it entails and a practical guide by experienced personal in this field in what a company and a manager can do, even with a limited budget.


  • 跨国企业经营管理实践中,跨国企业管理系统一个经常被跨国企业经营管理者提到的术语。

    In the practice of transnational enterprise management, the term "transnational enterprise management system" is often referred by transnational enterprise managers.


  • 对于第一探索特许经营的企业管理者MSA提供一个客观估算帮助他们决定特许经营是否迎合他们的公司目标

    For business owners exploring franchising for the first time, MSA provides an objective evaluation to help them determine if franchising can actually meet their goals.


  • 营销主管作为企业中层管理者执行者虽然是个很尴尬职位,但却是一个很重要的关键岗位整个营销团队的领头人。

    Though in an awkward position, marketing manager, as a middle-class administer and executive in an enterprise, plays an important and key role and is the head of the whole marketing team.


  • 作为创业者企业管理者今天作为一个投资者觉得非常重要使命

    As an entrepreneur, and managers of enterprises, to today as an investor, I feel a very important mission.


  • 解决企业中层管理者考核难题提供一个有益的参考

    Middle-level managers of enterprises to solve problems assessment provide a useful reference.


  • 因此设计一个针对性很强指标体系然后采用适当方法企业中层管理者进行评价重要而且必要的。

    Therefore, it is very important and very necessary to design a highly targeted index system, and use the appropriate method to evaluate the middle managers of enterprises.


  • 因此如何迅速提高中小制造企业竞争力中小制造企业经营管理者面临重要课题

    Therefore, how to boost the competitiveness of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises rapidly is the major task for the operators and managers.


  • 如何提高企业绩效水平打造企业核心竞争力成为摆在企业管理者面前一个重要问题目标

    How to improve enterprise performance level and create the core competitiveness of enterprises facing enterprise managers to become a major issue before and objectives.


  • 民营科技企业管理者营造一个良好社会环境

    V. To improve the social environment for the managing personnel of privately owned science and technology enterprise.


  • 建筑业一个竞争激烈行业建筑企业如何成为激战中的胜者,便称为企业投资者管理者们关心问题

    The construction is a trade with keen competition. How to become the victor in fierce fighting is the important question of investors and administrators of building enterprise.


  • 企业如何才能低于平均成本的投入取得较高的质量呢?一个管理者关心和努力做到的目标

    How to retain quality while keeping costs under average is a goal for which every person in managerial position strives.


  • 20世纪80年代以来随着卖方市场买方市场转变、技术飞速发展、市场全球化企业管理者面对一个更加变幻莫测竞争环境

    Since 1980, with the changing seller"s market to buyer"s market, technology development rapidly and market globing , the enterprise managers have to face a more changeable competition condition.


  • 资本结构问题企业财务决策中的一个重要问题,不仅企业的管理者所重视而且广大投资者所关注

    The problem of capital structure is an important one in the enterprise's financial decisions. It is not only closely supervised by the managers, but also observed by the investors.


  • 兰奇一个国际企业管理者的姿态有备而来,领导碁迈向坚实国际品牌适当人选

    Lanci comes across as a serious, international business man... that's probably the reason why he is the right person to lead Acer forward as a serious international brand.


  • 作者希望通过此文使房车企业管理者企业战略管理全新认识,从而更好地开发完善中国房车市场

    The author hopes this article can give out some new understanding of strategic management and inspirations to the management of RV industry to better develop and improve China's RV market.


  • 不是建议作为小型企业管理者集中精力学习一门全新领域或者放弃专业特长

    This is not to suggest you, as a small business person, should now concentrate your efforts on learning a whole new field, or abandon your area of expertise.


  • 如何提高员工工作责任感激励他们工作热情减少人才流失成为困扰企业管理者一个日益尖锐的问题

    How to improve the responsibility of its faculty and stuff, to encourage their enthusiasm of working, to reduce the loss of talents has become a sharp problem.


  • 如何提高员工工作责任感激励他们工作热情减少人才流失成为困扰企业管理者一个日益尖锐的问题

    How to improve the responsibility of its faculty and stuff, to encourage their enthusiasm of working, to reduce the loss of talents has become a sharp problem.


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