• 我们更大地方比如林肯礼堂似乎一个不错主意

    Having us move to a bigger space like the Lincoln Auditorium seemed like a reasonable idea.


  • 尽管可能认为拜访发型设计师一个令人毛骨悚然经历但这确实相对真正面临剪发来说是个不错主意

    Though you may find visiting a hair stylist as a thrilling experience, it is certainly a good idea to rightly know your hair type as well as face cut.


  • 如果一家公司工作一个全职图书管理员可能是个不错主意

    If you work in a large company, appointing a full-time librarian might be a good idea.


  • 在向所有添加名称空间之前定义一个名称空间策略是个不错主意

    Defining a namespace policy is a good idea before you start adding namespaces to all your classes.


  • 输入字段进行某种检查一个不错主意

    It's not a bad idea to do some sanity checking on input fields.


  • 为了有效率地工作,在处理它们之前模型进行批次转化,一个不错主意

    In order to work more efficiently, it's a good idea to batch migrate your models by migrating them before you begin working with them.


  • 发现创建类型数据集选择名称始终一个不错主意

    I find that it is always a good idea to choose the name for your strongly typed DataSet when you create it.


  • 主意起来很不错但是一个隐患

    It sounds like an innocuous idea. But there is a problem with it.


  • 一个地方住下来,不用再跟随巡回游艺马车上四处颠簸主意不错

    I liked the idea of being in one place, escaping the bumpy horse carts of carnival life.


  • 三思一下使用毒品原因以及如何戒毒将是一个不错主意将会保障日后精神健康

    It's then a good idea to look at what's causing you to want to take drugs and how you can find a way to stop. This will safeguard your mental health for the future.


  • 如果任何疑问,请数据发送给组件之前对数据进行检查(实际上,不管怎样都检查一个不错主意)。

    If there's any doubt at all, check the data before you send it to the component (in fact, it's not a bad idea to check anyway).


  • 因为我们很少else子句希望保留变量进行显式检查,所以代码清楚说明该不变量一个不错主意

    Because there is rarely an explicit check on the invariants that are expected to be held in an else clause, it's a good idea to make that clear in your code.


  • 万一指定资源不可用返回404 (NotFound)状态一个不错主意

    In case the specified resource is not available, it's a good idea to return a 404 (not Found) status code.


  • 如果希望服务器rampart配置WSDL分离(通常是一个不错主意!)

    If you want to keep your server-side Rampart configuration out of the WSDL (generally a very good idea!) you need to include it in the services.xml.


  • 迁移之前,在系统运行pre_migration脚本来捕获可能阻止迁移成功执行的问题总是一个不错主意

    Prior to a migration, it is always a good idea to run the pre_migration script on the system to catch any issues that may prevent the migration from completing successfully.


  • 不管怎样。在Twitter诸多用途中,Twitter成为紧急广播工具看上去一个不错主意

    For what it's worth, it sure seems like it would be a good idea if Twitter was another tool available for emergency broadcasts, among its many other USES.


  • 爱的关于死亡的话题时,考虑这些不同的阶段是个不错主意——不是作为死板准则而是作为理解他的行为一个向导

    When talking to a loved one about his death, it's a good idea to take these stages into account -- not as a rigid formula, but as a guide to understanding his behavior.


  • 认为关键点互联网已经不再属于那些年轻技术天才——他们可以拥有一个不错主意在线实现

    I guess my point is this: the Internet no longer belongs to the young tech genius with a great idea and the means to execute it online.


  • 可以使这个元素向后兼容可选项,您发现这个字段的这个选性一个不错主意因为并不是所有地址都有房间号码

    You made this element optional for backward compatibility, but you'll notice that the optionality of this field is a good idea anyway, because not all addresses have apartment Numbers.


  • 最好不久能跑更远些,这或许是一个不错主意

    I better do a longer one soon. Probably not a bad idea.


  • 对于他,去里约热内卢度过假期曾经似乎是一个不错主意看着贫民窟人们载歌载舞的表演

    It must once have seemed a good idea to spend a weekend in Rio DE Janeiro, watching a song-and-dance show in a favela.


  • 对于定义测试变量容器使用有意义名字个不错主意

    It is always good to use meaningful names for your test variables and the containers that you define.


  • 这样看来留有余量或者允许团队超出限制多一点对有些团队来说可能不错主意

    Thus, having a slack or allowing the team to work more might seem like a good option which works for some teams.


  • 在那时,靠跳舞来靠近女孩起来是一个不错主意

    A dance at a time in my life when getting that close to a girl seemed like a very good idea.


  • 总之快餐一个不错主意匆忙的时候,而且不要时常去。

    All in all, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.


  • 阈值使用过滤器(称为限定符)一个不错主意

    Using filters (also called qualifiers) on thresholds is an excellent idea.


  • 张颖认为老板相信他们亲眼见时,自己认为最好提案夹杂多种备选方案之中呈交一个不错主意

    When your boss only believes what's before their eyes, it's a good idea to hand in alternatives with the proposal you deem the best, Zhang suggests.


  • 例如如果希望Pixie存储用户数据库,那么创建一个与我在前面创建TodoCollection相似的集合可能是个不错主意

    For example, if I wanted to use Pixie to store my user database, it would probably be a good idea to create a collection similar to the TodoCollection I created above.


  • 例如如果希望Pixie存储用户数据库,那么创建一个与我在前面创建TodoCollection相似的集合可能是个不错主意

    For example, if I wanted to use Pixie to store my user database, it would probably be a good idea to create a collection similar to the TodoCollection I created above.


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