• In other international news, Xinhua and China Daily highlight calls by Chinese and US officials and experts for more cyber-security co-operation and less "blame or accusations without evidence" of state-sponsored hacker attacks, during the US-China Internet Industry Forum in Beijing.

    BBC: China media: Views on North Korea

  • People's Daily publishes the Xinhua report on page 16 of its domestic edition, while the copy in the Overseas Edition was on page 4.

    BBC: China morning round-up: Wang Lijun in court

  • Xinhua and the People's Daily Overseas Edition condemn authorities in Okinawa for including the disputed islands in Japan's application for Unesco World Natural Heritage status for the Amami and Ryukyu Islands.

    BBC: China media: Housing law anger

  • Xinhua news agency, China Daily, Global Times and other state mouthpieces see Apple boss Tim Cook's apology for any misunderstandings that had led to the perception that Apple's attitude was arrogant in its dealings with Chinese consumers as better late than never and call for an end to "double standards" and privileges for foreign companies in China.

    BBC: China media: Concerns over bird flu

  • Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily dismiss recent allegations of China-based hacker attacks by US newspapers as an excuse by the US to engage in "'pre-emptive' cyber-attacks'".

    BBC: China media: Pyongyang warned

  • The news of Mr Shi's recognition triggered a heated debate in academic circles, China Youth Daily notes in an article republished by Xinhua news agency.

    BBC: China media: Internet rumours

  • Newspapers including the Chongqing Economic Times and China Daily published only a report by the official Xinhua News Agency in their inside pages, without further commentaries.

    BBC: China morning round-up: Wang Lijun in court

  • Only news that has already been published by a state outlet (such as the People's Daily, the official Communist mouthpiece, or Xinhua, the state news agency) is now allowed.

    ECONOMIST: The flies swarm in

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