• Yet there is a limit to what the leadership can do to supervise the chaotic process of state withdrawal.

    ECONOMIST: Out of the shadow of Deng

  • The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has criticised the Big Society as "aspirational waffle designed to conceal a deeply damaging withdrawal of the state from its responsibilities to the most vulnerable".

    BBC: Big Society guru urges newly retired people to volunteer

  • As a result, withdrawal rates from state adult literacy programmes were extremely high, estimated at 80-90 %, while the ability of graduates to read unfamiliar texts, even after two years of instruction, remained very low.

    UNESCO: Literacy Through Poetry (LTPP)

  • As a practical matter, Moscow has no choice but to accept the demise of its client state and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East German territory.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The Washington Summit: The Worst Strategic Miscalculation Since Yalta

  • Of course, what Lebanese officials are working hard to change, they want the U.N. to demand an Israeli withdrawal immediately, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who was with the president, said she's listening to their concerns, and of course this resolution is far from done yet.

    NPR: From the Ranch: Bush on the Middle East, Iraq, Cuba

  • As tension between the US and EU and Iran heats up, as a tenuous peace dialogue plods along in the Middle East, and as the withdrawal from Iraq continues, a state stuck in between these conflicts with unclear alliances can be a powder keg, unless Brussels changes its mind.

    FORBES: Turkey, Between Rocks and Hard Places

  • He thinks Labour's presence will soothe international worries about his hardline pronouncements (he has said there will be no Palestinian state for now, no withdrawal from the Golan Heights, and no partition of Jerusalem) and especially about his alliance with Avigdor Lieberman's extreme nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party.

    ECONOMIST: Long accouchement, broad baby

  • The PA's ability to build a proper state still depends on Israel's withdrawal from the land it occupied after the 1967 war and on negotiations with Israel leading to Palestinian self-rule and sovereignty.

    ECONOMIST: The Palestinians' West Bank

  • In his race for the state Senate he used technicalities to force the withdrawal of Alice Palmer, the incumbent.

    ECONOMIST: The candidates at home (2)

  • Another CPR leader, Chokri Yacoub, told the state-run TAP news agency that the withdrawal would be confirmed during a news conference on Monday.

    BBC: Tunisia President Marzouki's CPR 'to withdraw ministers'

  • It isn't only Israel's experience with post-withdrawal Gaza and South Lebanon that make it clear that a post-withdrawal Palestinian-controlled Judea and Samaria will become a terror state.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's Only Two Options

  • With most of the former political class now behind bars, the withdrawal of the army from politics and a lifting of the state of emergency would carry the risk of retribution.

    ECONOMIST: The generals show who's boss

  • He announced the withdrawal at an emergency regional summit on CAR, during which African heads of state refused to recognise the rebel leader.

    BBC: South Africa to withdraw troops from CAR

  • The unexpected withdrawal of Dick Gephardt from the presidential race after Iowa has left his home state's primary on February 3rd up for grabs.

    ECONOMIST: A wide-open race now that Dick Gephardt has retired

  • According to Fish and Wildlife Service salmon biologist Paul Nickerson, the withdrawal was based on the Maine Atlantic Conservation Plan, an effort launched by state, federal and private entities.

    CNN: Atlantic salmon protection expected

  • The state review board report said CMC failed to follow its own intoxication and withdrawal policy after Alvin Rios was booked into jail following his July 2011 arrest for criminal possession of a controlled substance.

    WSJ: Pa. service company probed over NY inmate deaths

  • However, the withdrawal of the declaration shall not take effect in regard to the contribution due by the State until the date on which the subsequent session of the General Assembly opens.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Both claimed that any settlement with Israel be preceded by an Israeli withdrawal to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines and by Israel's destruction as a Jewish state through its acceptance of millions of foreign-born, hostile Arabs as immigrants within its truncated borders.


  • And in the three years since Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, the Palestinians have again squandered an opportunity to start building a state with bright lights, instead focusing on weapons and striking Israel.

    ECONOMIST: Ode to joy

  • So, too, the Palestinians' election of Hamas in the 2006 elections, and their missile war against Israel from Gaza in the aftermath of Israel's complete withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, all made clear that they are not interested in a Palestinian state.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Let us embrace our friends

  • And you have the right wing option presented by Mr. Netanyahu, which says any concession now, before the Palestinians change, before they truly recognize the right of a Jewish state to exist here, and before they give up terror, any Israeli concession or withdrawal right now will be perceived as defeat, will increase violence, will bring war rather than peace.

    NPR: The Future of Sharon's Kadima Party

  • "The full and phased withdrawal" of Israeli security forces from the West Bank has to be accompanied by evidence of a Palestinian state that can help secure the peace and prevent attacks against Israel, he said.

    CNN: Obama announces 'new chapter' in U.S. Mideast diplomacy

  • Yes, HSBC had a pretty high profile and much-touted withdrawal, but Morgan Stanley just learned it will manage a multi-billion dollar privatization of SovComFlot, a state-owned ship construction and shipping business, and other Western investment banks are chomping at the bit to get a piece of the other asset sales that are coming down the pike.

    FORBES: Sorry Ian Bremmer, the Russian Economy Is Growing

  • The Kansas state House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a measure that would require a guardian to obtain court approval for the withdrawal of care.

    BBC: A younger Terri Schiavo

  • Yet there are hawks on Golan withdrawal, both in the coalition and in the opposition, who contemplate with equanimity the eventual creation of a Palestinian state in most of the West Bank and Gaza.

    ECONOMIST: Albright��s perilous debut

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