• Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani says his government fully supports the armed forces, amid a deepening crisis with the military.

    BBC: Pakistan PM Gilani seeks to calm military tensions

  • This phenomenon, in concert with the ongoing and possibly deepening global credit crisis, could also result in unprecedented volatility in the stock market, not to mention currency crises and related economic dislocation.

    FORBES: Investing For A Peak-Oil Future

  • And that deep sense of interconnection, our shared values, our shared interests, infused the work that we have done today -- from supporting a resolution to the eurozone crisis to moving ahead with the transition in Afghanistan, from deepening security cooperation here in the Americas to supporting reform and democratic transitions in the Middle East and North Africa.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister Harper of Canada | The White House

  • Along with our Treasury Department, this agency has been prolonging, deepening the currency crisis that is roiling more and more of the world.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Mr. McCourt filed the team for bankruptcy protection in June amid a deepening cash crisis and an ongoing feud with Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig.

    WSJ: Dodgers Sold for $2.15 Billion

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