• This is the result of my unwillingness to provide publicity to those who really have nothing to offer of a serious nature and only stand to profit by those who buy into their self aggrandizement and feed the beast by giving it media attention of any kind.

    FORBES: NBC And Donald Trump No Longer Apprentices At Diminishing The Office Of The Presidency

  • Keeping the records of those who have done nothing wrong undermines the traditional presumption of innocence, the Tories say.

    ECONOMIST: The vast police directory is trimmed, but only a little

  • Civil liberties campaigners have always opposed the suggestion, arguing it is intrusive to make such demands of people who have done nothing wrong.

    BBC: DNA tests sought 'for every Briton'

  • The sheer number of families like who have seen their homes turned into nothing more than piles of rubble is staggering.

    BBC: Pakistan Indus flood diary - day two

  • That worries other tribes, who have nothing to show for seven years of talks, except large debts.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • Gaffney, Jr. argues that the United States can no longer afford to indulge in the delusion that international agreements will actually bind tyrants who have nothing but contempt for the rule of law and those who adhere to it.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Non-Triumph of Hope over Experience

  • Yet Arabs living in those dictatorships underperform their stateless brethren in the Palestinian Authority, to say nothing of Arabs who have chosen to live in Israel, on almost any measure of human development: life expectancy, literacy, education and political freedom.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Rights groups said such a measure would be abused and hit the civil liberties of people who have done nothing wrong.

    BBC: England riots: Government mulls social media controls

  • It flatters a vacant-eyed kid with a joystick (to say nothing of the grownups who have bought it for him or sold it to him) to think of himself, spiritually, as an intrepid spelunker.

    NEWYORKER: Master of Play

  • Also, many in leadership financial firms have derided the participants as a bunch of hippies, college kids and ragged individuals who have nothing better to do with their time.

    FORBES: The "Occupy Wall Street" Communications Gap

  • Business owners who created something where before there was nothing and handed some of their proceeds over to bureaucrats who have never known what it means to risk everything for a dream.

    FORBES: Texas Entrepreneurs Tell President Obama: 'I Built This'

  • Citigroup tried to persuade a federal judge the suit should be tossed out of court because Brinson, who is representing herself, accused Citigroup of violating laws that seem to have nothing to do with her case.

    FORBES: Does Being Single Hurt Your Credit Limit?

  • People are suffering, and people who are suffering have got nothing to do with the origins of the crisis.

    CNN: Sarkozy talks tough over G-20 regulation

  • Right-wing newspapers representing the clerical establishment argue defensively that Iran remains on good terms with the great bulk of its Jewish citizens, who have nothing to do with Zionism.


  • Even if these long-time friends of Saddam are genuinely open to persuasion to say nothing of Germany and Syria, who have recently expressed strenuous objections to any military action against Iraq the wisdom of trying to buy their support obviously depends on the cost of doing so.


  • Even if these long-time friends of Saddam are genuinely open to persuasion -- to say nothing of Germany and Syria, who have recently expressed strenuous objections to any military action against Iraq -- the wisdom of trying to buy their support obviously depends on the cost of doing so.


  • Communism is now textbook stuff to the young people of the Czech lands, who have known nothing but freedom.

    WSJ: Gareth Harding: Europe Reborn

  • From April, many Haringey residents who have paid nothing in the past will have to pay 20% of their council tax.

    BBC: Haringey Council faces legal challenge over council tax

  • Yet nothing short of a prosecution will satisfy demonstrators who have remained in Tahrir Square since a mass rally on Friday.

    BBC: Egypt protesters defiant over Mubarak

  • The drivers who now work at the beginning and end of the day but have nothing to do in between would have second jobs assembling sets.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • Cameron's words also tell voters at home that British Conservatives have nothing to do with the type of American Conservatives who call Obama a socialist and go on about gay marriage.

    BBC: Cam hearts Bam and now they're BFFs

  • David Archer, an anti-Good Friday Agreement Ulster Unionist councillor, was among the demonstrators and said the minister's visit was "nothing short of an insult to the many people who have suffered at the hands of republicans".

    BBC: Loyalists protest at hospital visit

  • As a Mets fan can (and will) tell you, there's nothing more agonizing than playing disgruntled no-hopers in late September who have nothing more going for them than their desire to knock your team out of the playoffs.

    WSJ: How to Enjoy Lousy Baseball

  • While I have nothing against travel agents, I'm one of those people who likes to make my own plans.

    CNN: Technology: Flight Planning 101

  • However, for researchers who have been analyzing facial expressions in a lab for decades, this feature was nothing short of ground breaking.

    FORBES: Volkswagen Ad Gets Better the More You Watch It: Results from the Affectiva Smile Tracker

  • Trustees of the Florida funds who have engaged these consultants boast that they pay nothing for the advice they receive from their consultants.

    FORBES: U.S. Institute Senior Delegates�� Roundtable Speech (June 7, 2004 )

  • Academics, who live in a culture which values the free and easy movement of information (and who edit and referee papers for nothing) have long been uncomfortable bedfellows with commercial publishing companies, which want to maximise profits by charging for access to that information, and who control many (although not all) of the most prestigious scientific journals.

    ECONOMIST: Scientific publishing

  • It is inherent in the fact that regimes like that of Kim Jong-Il have nothing but contempt for the rule of law -- and for those who put stock in such concepts.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: North Korean scorecard

  • Nothing reflects the face of AIPAC more than the 1, 200 students who have traveled here to make it clear to the world that the bond between Israel and the United States is rooted in more than our shared national interests it's rooted in the shared values and shared stories of our people.

    NPR: Transcript: Obama's Speech at AIPAC

  • To consultant Lambert, the roly-poly mastermind of many offshore trusts, there's nothing wrong with shielding clients who have suffered financial reversals from creditors.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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