• While stressing the need to move beyond the "black and white divide", he said.

    BBC: South Africa trade unity plans slammed

  • In a nod to such sentiment, Wen said railway officials owed the public an answer while stressing the importance of an open and transparent investigation.


  • When we sat down for our official dialogue in Naypyidaw, we were able to convey the concerns raised in these meetings to our counterparts, while also stressing the importance of their building an inclusive reform dialogue that would seek inputs from Burmese civil society.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • "The confiscation of equipment, money and other materials is unacceptable and must end immediately, " it said, while stressing that the agencies involved affected had acted "in a neutral and impartial manner".

    BBC: UN pleads with Sudan over aid ban

  • The World Conference on Human Rights endorses efforts under way to strengthen these arrangements and to increase their effectiveness, while at the same time stressing the importance of cooperation with the United Nations human rights activities.

    UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

  • Yet Morsi, who resigned from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party shortly after the results were announced in an apparent effort to send a message that he will represent all Egyptians, said late Sunday that he is "in charge" thanks to the vote, while stressing he must answer to the people.

    CNN: June 24, 2012 -- Updated 2308 GMT (0708 HKT)

  • White House Press Secretary Jay Carney acknowledged the uniqueness of the contest, while also stressing there's no doubt where the president stands.

    CNN: Wisconsin recall campaign winds up

  • To his credit, Obama argued against a lot of the pork while stressing that time is our enemy.

    CNN: Commentary: You can blame Pelosi for Democrats' stumbles

  • He paid special tribute to troops who have been scarred in one way or another while serving their nations, stressing the importance of giving them supporting well after they leave the battlefield.


  • He said he regretted the decision to re-mortgage at the taxpayer's expense, describing it as a "bad judgement", while stressing that he had acted entirely within the rules.

    BBC: MPs pay back ?500,000 in expenses

  • But he also indicated all the parties would prefer MPs to have a "free vote" on the issue, while stressing that was not a decision for him.

    BBC: Labour MPs attack anonymity plan for rape defendants

  • While stressing their support for his leadership of the war in Afghanistan and his response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, Democrats have said Bush and congressional Republicans need to do more to help workers laid off since the September attacks.

    CNN: Bush calls education 'civil rights issue of our time'

  • In the middle call for bipartisanship while stressing issues important to your base.

    FORBES: Live Blogging SOTU With My Students

  • As debate continued into the early hours of Thursday morning the conference's chairman, Mohammed Nasser al-Ghanim asked for a "feel of the room" noting afterwards that the resolution had majority support, while stressing that this was not a formal "vote".

    BBC: US and UK refuse to sign UN's communications treaty

  • It said the talks would go ahead while stressing that its concerns over terrorism would dominate them.

    ECONOMIST: Terrorism in India

  • While stressing justice should be done, Bishop McCulloch will say "the problems won't be solved by individual court sentences".

    BBC: Riots 'result of me-first society' - bishop

  • While stressing New York has one of most sophisticated counterterrorism infrastructures in the world, Mr. Bloomberg acknowledged the threat posed by the suspects.

    WSJ: Times Square Was a Target, Officials Say

  • While stressing a "constellation of factors" appeared to have prompted the youngsters to take their lives individually, including relationship break-ups to problems with family and friends, he said they were vulnerable to influences.

    BBC: Parents attack suicides coverage

  • The government for its part has accepted the resignation - arguing that it was necessary in the interests of transparency and neutrality - while simultaneously stressing that Mr Haq had in no way behaved improperly.

    BBC: Bangladesh war crimes judge Nizamul Huq resigns

  • The Edinburgh consensus statement is expected to be similar to the English advice - stressing the benefits of HRT to most women, while advising women, particularly long-term users, to be aware of the likelihood of an increased risk of cancer.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Experts issue fresh HRT advice

  • While stressing behavorial remedies, Frieden also noted treatment potential for some of the non-communicable afflictions.

    FORBES: CDC Chief Would Thank China for Not Smoking

  • He punched out words when stressing the 600, 000 jobs that the company supports while adding that Apple is the nation's largest corporate taxpayer.

    NPR: Apple's Cook Faces Senate Questions On Taxes

  • So while stressing that he is keeping all options open, Feeney's focus now is on the lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court.

    CNN: The Florida Gambit

  • But the uncertainty created by market turmoil gave him a good reason to wait while still stressing medium-term inflationary risks.

    ECONOMIST: Central banks have played a starring role

  • The US bid makes a point of stressing how many of the facilities are already in place and ready to use, while Russia's much-lauded proposals promise to open new markets for football in the former Soviet Union.

    BBC: Beckham hands over England 2018 World Cup bid

  • While he confirmed the Pentagon was looking at military options, he sounded distinctly unenthusiastic about them, stressing that America was planning alongside its allies.

    BBC: Obama steers cautiously on Iran

  • Syria has denied the allegations as "ridiculous" and has pledged to co-operate with inspectors, while stressing it would not allow national security to be compromised.

    BBC: Syria gives way in IAEA contest

  • Western-style journalism risks being complacent and stressing its moral superiority in supporting "investigative work" while not realizing that uncovering corruption in Africa and not having the resources to follow up on that story will produce little or no results, apart from praise to the brave (probably white, middle aged) journalist who reported it.

    CNN: Opinion: China's positive spin on Africa

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