• The federal government will, in addition, do everything it can to ensure that our people are no longer vulnerable to the sorts of attacks we suffered last week and to those, far more deadly attacks that might be in the offing involving weapons of mass destruction that might be delivered by ballistic missiles or other means.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What President Bush Should Say Tonight

  • It was still possible the Iraqi Survey Group - a team of experts tasked with looking for evidence of weapons - might turn up some weapons, he said.

    BBC: Iraq weapons 'unlikely to be found'

  • Dirty bombs made of such materials might better be called weapons of mass dislocation.

    ECONOMIST: How dirty bombs are made, and what they can do

  • But if passed, they believe it will put pressure on countries involved in the export or transfer of arms to scrutinise more rigorously both the potential use of weapons and what the consequences of their use might be, such as breaches of human rights.

    ECONOMIST: Regulating the arms trade: One more heave | The

  • Some said the map would prompt burglaries because thieves are now aware of where weapons might be found.


  • The effect could be to allow Saddam to use weapons of mass destruction that might otherwise have been destroyed.


  • We are in very close contact with countries like Turkey and Jordan that immediately border Syria and have an impact -- and obviously Israel, which is having already grave concerns, as we do, about, for example, movements of chemical weapons that might occur in such a chaotic atmosphere and that could have an impact not just within Syria, but on the region as a whole.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference

  • Moreover, there are no carrots more appealing to the Mullahs than possession of nuclear weapons, and the sticks of harsher sanctions might only be perceived by the Administration as potentially jeopardizing negotiations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: All carrots, no sticks

  • Also al Qaeda's leaders such as bin Laden have pushed back on the use of such weapons only insofar as their use might damage the image of al Qaeda in the eyes of the Muslim public, not because of international norms that the use of these weapons is beyond the pale.

    CNN: Al Qaeda's track record with chemical weapons

  • On the other hand, if this crisis is resolved with the perpetrator of aggression decisively defeated precisely because his aggression was backed by weapons of mass destruction, this first conflict of what might be called "the Proliferation Age" may well send a highly salutary deterrent message to those considering obtaining such weapons.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • There was a brief moment of collective panic around Memorial Day in late May, after the federal government started sharing its fears that terrorists might target cities with weapons of mass destruction and the New York Times Magazine ran a cover story exploring what might happen if a dirty nuclear bomb went off in Times Square.

    ECONOMIST: New York city one year on

  • The traditionalists argue that existing definitions of war are more than adequate, that while the practice of war might change (including weapons and tactics) the fundamental nature of war does not: it is still about damage, destruction, injury, or death inflicted for political purposes, usually by state actors.

    FORBES: Cyber War and the Expanding Definition of War

  • And he has blocked development of new nuclear weapons that might replace aging devices in the current arsenal.

    FORBES: Nuclear Weapons: How Few Is Too Few?

  • In another potentially destabilizing element, Israel signaled last week that it will keep striking at shipments of advanced Iranian weapons that might be bound for Hezbollah.

    NPR: Turkey Says It Won't Be Drawn Into Syria Conflict

  • Speaking on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, Bush maintained Wednesday that the war was the right thing to do and that Iraq stood out as a place where terrorists might get weapons of mass destruction.

    CNN: Report?fuels Iraq WMD debate

  • Suppose the United States seizes a vessel it suspects of shipping dual-use items that might be utilized to build weapons of mass destruction or other tools of terrorism.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Key critics dissect arguments for LOST

  • Whether Ahmadinejad believes that he can prompt the return of the Mahdi through the instigation of a regional war, perhaps one that might see the use of nuclear weapons, is unknowable, but this is not a prospect on which we should wait around for the answer.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Nuclear Iran: The Case for Action

  • The US has refrained from arming the rebels, in part because of concerns the weapons could eventually fall into the hands of Islamist militants who might attack its interests.

    BBC: John Kerry holds talks on Syria crisis in Ankara

  • However, he has also expressed optimism in the past that a more complete account of Iraq's weapons programs might emerge once people involved are free to speak.

    CNN: Former U.N. inspector to head WMD hunt in Iraq

  • He said Iraq had stepped up its production of chemical and biological weapons, and might even be close to developing a nuclear bomb.

    ECONOMIST: Saddam's latest gambit | The

  • But, whatever Mr Bush's scepticism about the usefulness of sanctions, he is unlikely to pursue a softer policy so long as Iran is suspected of using Russian technology to develop nuclear and biological weapons, devices that Iran's ballistic missiles might be capable of delivering to Israel.

    ECONOMIST: Iran and Russia

  • Of course, one can only imagine what Iran might do once it has nuclear weapons, and this is part of the cost-benefit analysis Israel must make before launching attacks in the first place.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What if Israel strikes Iran?

  • It is, in short, infinitely better to err on the side of having too much nuclear capability than to have catalyzed, however unintentionally, circumstances in which nuclear weapons might wind up being used by having unduly diminished the credibility of one's deterrent.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Critical Mass: Getting the Bush Nuclear Review Right

  • We didn't guard the foreign office, where you might have found information about weapons of mass destruction.

    NPR: Transcript of Presidential Debate

  • She acknowledged that other provisions of a gun-control package might have a better chance of passing without the controversial assault weapons ban.

    CNN: Senate leader says new weapons ban won't pass

  • Since the Iranians are allowed to come and go as they wish and there is no surveillance by the Nicaraguans as to what goes on inside this compound, it is easy to imagine that this new embassy might be used for smuggling of weapons and development and execution of plans to attack American interests.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Tehran threat in the US' backyard

  • Washington has been reluctant to provide rebels with more sophisticated weapons for fear they might end up in the hands of the radical Islamic factions, including the al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, a group that has been the most effective fighting force on the opposition side.

    NPR: Britain: EU Ends Arms Embargo On Syrian Opposition

  • Powell and other top officials say proof of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq will be found, but it might take time.

    CNN: U.S. official: Congress to get CIA's Iraqi WMD report

  • Third, the Review envisages the development of new, tactical nuclear weapons with smaller warheads, which might, for example, be used to penetrate fortified underground bunkers.

    ECONOMIST: America’s new posture | The

  • There are pressing practical issues, such as how to control refugee flows and whose special forces China's or America's might secure North Korean nuclear weapons in the event of the regime's collapse.

    ECONOMIST: Dealing with North Korea: The nightmare scenario | The

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