• But a war-weary American public has been slow to embrace many of the efforts.

    NPR: Commander: Contingency Plans Under Way For Syria

  • The president faces political pressure from a war-weary public as he runs for re-election in November.

    WSJ: Obama, Karzai Sign Strategic Pact on Surprise Afghan Visit

  • By appealing to the war-weary majority, Mr Wahid hopes to strike a deal on autonomy.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • To help war-weary home cooks, its austerity recipes ran in newspapers and on its daily radio broadcast.

    BBC: The toast sandwich and other hyper-cheap meals

  • Iran does not believe it will be attacked because American forces are war-weary after Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • It will be more remarkable still if the Republicans, amid a war-weary public, go along with the illusion.

    WSJ: Henninger: The Magician

  • This is critical for both men - and for their war-weary electorates.

    BBC: Pomp and substance for Obama's Britain visit

  • Maybe all parties--including the supposedly Westward-leaning dynastic ruler of Syria, Bashar Assad--soon will accept a modus vivendi allowing war-weary peoples to live better.

    FORBES: In Other News

  • As with other issues, Obama has found a pragmatic middle ground that protects core strategic needs, reduces risks and appeals to war-weary voters.

    CNN: Obama's strategic retreat in Afghanistan

  • Lacking charisma or a record of delivering better public services, he has built his electoral strategy on delivering better security for war-weary Iraqis.

    ECONOMIST: Bombs in Iraq

  • The long-promised road map for Israeli-Palestinian peace, which Syria condemns as inadequate, is likely to be endorsed by the rest of the war-weary region.

    ECONOMIST: Syria hates the war, but is too weak to play the spoiler

  • The Syrian presence helped end the war in 1990 and stabilise the country thereafter, with the occupation accepted by war-weary Lebanese as a price worth paying.

    ECONOMIST: A damning finger points at Syria's regime | The

  • In 1997, Sierra Leone's military leader, Johnny Paul Koroma, was sworn in as head of state and pledged to restore peace to the war-weary West African nation.

    CNN: Wednesday,

  • But after decades of internal conflict, the mere fact that the two sides have agreed on a formal framework for their efforts has been a source of optimism for war-weary Colombians.

    ECONOMIST: Colombians dream of peace

  • Though opinion polls have shown most Palestinians to be war-weary and keen for reconciliation with Israel, they also show that a majority think that violence has so far achieved more than negotiations.

    ECONOMIST: Abbas wins a popular mandate | The

  • Lacking charisma or a record of delivering much-needed schools and hospitals, he has built his strategy for getting re-elected in national polls next January on the supposed gains in security for war-weary Iraqis.

    ECONOMIST: Security in Iraq

  • Mr Romney would take a more hawkish line abroad, with more criticism of enemies and more buttering-up of old allies, though a war-weary America would be no more likely to get involved in new conflicts.

    ECONOMIST: Conclusion

  • And while it is true that his political capital has dwindled since the mid-1990s, when his can-do attitude inspired his then war-weary countrymen, the 59-year-old Mr Hariri still has plenty of cash, and those powerful friends.

    ECONOMIST: For now, at least

  • This may be due less to the fraying convention that it is unseemly to criticise the commander-in-chief and more to the fact that even a war-weary America tends to rally behind wars in their early stages.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • And just as the rise of China is a straight-line projection of current economic trends, American decline is a straight-line projection of the fearful, pessimistic mood of a country war-weary and in the grip of a severe recession.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Decline is a choice

  • On the campaign trail last year, Pena Nieto vowed to reduce violence and said he'd take a different tack -- an election promise that played well with voters in a country weary of a drug war with a growing body count.


  • The Japanese are growing weary of the safe haven label because it has caused the Japanese currency to reach post-war highs compared to other currencies.

    FORBES: Strong Yen Hurting Japanese Economy

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