• Millions of voters lined up across Brazil's vast territory to vote in the heated runoff.


  • But, given the vast territory and forests the police need to cover, more forces are required, he said.

    WSJ: India Antiterror Agency to Probe Deadly Maoist Attack

  • This change opened up a vast territory for these dinosaurs to roam.

    MSN: Dinosaur boom linked to rise of Rocky Mountains

  • The maps are in urgent need of updating and the chronology is confusing - perhaps the result of attempting too much over a vast territory.

    CNN: Two women on an intriguing stroll through Asia

  • So it is hardly surprising that the government controls only about half of Colombia's vast territory (though that includes the cities, where most people live).

    ECONOMIST: Colombia's presidential election

  • Northern Quebec, a vast territory twice the size of France, will be the focus of the legislation on a conservation and sustainable front as well as preserving and respecting aboriginal communities and culture in the area.

    FORBES: Groundbreaking Legislation in Northern Quebec Expected

  • Playing out deep in Algeria's desert, the drama focuses international attention on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, and related groups that have spread across a vast territory that encompasses parts of Mali, Algeria, Libya and Chad.

    WSJ: Rescue Raid Turns Deadly

  • The new research radically changes the picture by revealing the diversity and extent of the multitude of smaller components spread over the vast territory of the Third Reich with different local functions and characters, but forming part of one vast inter-locking system.

    FORBES: Finer-Grained Data Transform Our Understanding Of The Holocaust

  • By 1989 the name and the boundaries of Zululand had all but vanished from the maps of South Africa, its vast territory attached to provinces with less-exotic names, its best acreage confiscated and given to others, its people scattered about the country in ugly ghettos or squatters' camps.

    NPR: One Boy's Heroism in the Face of AIDS

  • With a stunning series of campaigns, almost all of them directed against fellow Muslims, he first subdued Central Asia, then added to his dominions by conquering the Khanate of the Golden Horde, a vast territory stretching north into Russia and Ukraine, and the biggest of the Mongol fragments.

    ECONOMIST: Tamerlane

  • Nunavut, a vast northern territory in Canada, was created a decade earlier by a settlement with the Inuit.

    ECONOMIST: The Inuit prepare to defend their rights

  • They made that journey in the spirit of discovery to learn the potential of the vast new territory and to chart the way for others to follow.

    CNN: Bush: 'It is time for America to take the next steps' in space

  • And while the first papal resignation in 600 years has left behind a vast uncharted territory to navigate how does one address or even dress a retired pope?

    NPR: Vatican Sends Message: Pope's Retirement For Real

  • Growing up on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Yellowtail's aunties taught her how to bead and make shawls in the tradition of her people, the Crow and Cheyenne who share the vast tribal territory.


  • Greenland, a vast autonomous Danish territory, is not in the EU, even though Denmark is.

    BBC: Greenland rare earths: No special favours for EU

  • The Malian military was low on morale and equipment, the distances vast and the territory difficult.

    CNN: France vows to halt jihadist charge in Mali

  • Sudan's southern rebels advance rapidly, capturing vast tracts of territory.

    ECONOMIST: War and paper peace in Sudan

  • In the two years since Mr Rajapaksa's government started its military offensive, the Tamil Tigers have been beaten back steadily from vast swathes of territory they had dominated for years.

    ECONOMIST: Sri Lanka

  • For the time being, their rise will be most notable in "the zone of sanity, " the vast range of territory between south Texas to the Great Plains, which largely resisted the housing and stock asset bubbles of the past decade.

    FORBES: New Geographer

  • Mitra said the traditional system of education is largely based on the necessities created by Britain's colonial empire in which a vast amount of territory had to be governed by people writing things on paper and sending them around the world on ships.

    CNN: What if students learn faster without teachers?

  • During a tightly controlled tour on January 24th, the army escorted journalists through vast swathes of northern territory including Pooneryn, Paranthan and Elephant Pass recently wrested from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

    ECONOMIST: Sri Lanka's war

  • New rail links and good roads are seen by some Central Asians as a potential springboard for China's expansion even further west, into Kazakhstan's vast and largely empty territory, maybe 20-30 years from now.

    ECONOMIST: China still spooks its neighbours

  • Hongkong Land owns vast swathes of the territory's most expensive land, including its own towering port-holed head offices and even those of its old rival, the Swire group, which has managed its relations with China rather better.

    ECONOMIST: Superman versus the hong

  • This is no slight to perennial earnings season opener, Alcoa (NYSE: AA) which has been toiling away in bear market territory for the vast majority of 2012, or to companies like Yum!

    FORBES: Wells Fargo And The Case Of The Falling Financials

  • Character-controlled settlements can grow into full-fledged kingdoms that compete for resources as they seek to become the dominant force in the land, raising vast armies to hold their territory against the depredations of monstrous creatures, NPC factions, and other player characters.

    FORBES: A Brief Look At The 'Pathfinder Online' Sandbox MMO On Kickstarter

  • That means there are vast opportunities for Asians to stake Internet territory at home applying and adapting the better ideas while leap-frogging some of the mistakes and missteps made (understandable in a new arena) in Silicon Valley.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Asia Buzz: It Still Isn't Very There Here

  • Inside a three-level building there would be a vast oasis dedicated to arid climate - or "Blade Runner territory" - and beneath would be chambers with displays whose designers will include musician Peter Gabriel and children's author Philip Pullman.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Final four in ?50m lottery race

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