• The initial response from the main UK parties to Sir Christopher Kelly's report on political finance has been lukewarm.

    BBC: Northern Ireland

  • The Conservatives are the last of the three main UK parties to hold their annual conference, running from Monday to Thursday in Manchester.

    BBC: Tories 'to get Britain working'

  • Politicians from the three major UK parties have expressed concerns that voters could use elections for the European Parliament to punish them for the expenses row bedevilling the House of Commons.

    BBC: Stand tall in Europe, Clegg urges

  • The party insisted that it was a one-off at the end of last year, but again, it's a useful and very public means of differentiating between the Welsh and UK parties.

    BBC: State of Play 3 - The Lib Dems

  • The Scottish government did not endorse the expert panel's findings and are now trying to get the royal charter proposed by the leaders of the main UK parties amended to make it comply with Scots law.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • Deputy PM Nick Clegg, whose Liberal Democrats are the most pro-European of the three biggest UK parties, has said the eurozone crisis should not be used as a justification to radically alter the UK's relationship with the European Union.

    BBC: Cameron: 'Moment of danger' for global economy

  • So, as well as the three main UK parties, that means the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists, the Greens, UKIP, the Scottish Socialists, Respect, plus the Northern Ireland parties, will all be on Question Time, to a greater or lesser extent.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • It was a tricky question, designed to force the President to insult one of the two UK political parties.

    FORBES: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and the Future of the World

  • Certainly, the representatives of UK coalition parties in the chamber were swift to point out that the origin of the cash doled out by Mr Swinney was Number 11 Downing Street.

    BBC: A time for Christmas miracles

  • The Conservatives' coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, have traditionally been the most pro-European of the major UK political parties and the coalition agreement drawn up after the 2010 general election states "we will ensure that the British government is a positive participant in the European Union".

    BBC: 'Strong turnout' at new eurosceptic Conservative group

  • Often, UK ministers of all parties when interviewed by Welsh media, are not across the detail of events in Wales but she had clearly done her homework.

    BBC: An hour with Maggie; Thatcher and Wales

  • All three of the UK's largest parties committed themselves to changing the make-up of the Lords in their 2010 general election manifestos but there has been little sign of agreement on the way forward.

    BBC: Peers attack Nick Clegg's Lords reform plans

  • The island's Commerce and Employment Department has invited comments from all interested parties on the UK's Retail Distribution Review.

    BBC: Guernsey firms urged to have say on commission review

  • In the UK, where ugly sweater parties had never quite caught on in the same way, the onset of the phenomenon was perhaps more sudden.

    BBC: The rise of ironic Christmas jumpers

  • When offered a chance to vote for someone other than the UK's big three parties, more and more have chosen to vote Green or UKIP or Respect - though not, interestingly, for the BNP.

    BBC: Vote 2012: What were the people saying?

  • The US tradition of having a baby shower to celebrate an impending birth is now commonplace in the UK. But "foetus parties", where people gather to view 3D and 4D scan pictures are also gaining in popularity.

    BBC: Foetus parties: Womb with a view?

  • The Irish prime minister Enda Kenny suggested Britain could secure many of the changes it wanted "from inside" the EU while Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte said it was "vital" for both parties that the UK remained a member.

    BBC: Nick Clegg says Cameron's EU goal 'wholly implausible'

  • Meanwhile there are a number of local battles with smaller parties like the Greens and the anti-EU UK Independence Party fighting hard to capitalise on disillusion with the big three parties.

    BBC: Analysis

  • The Newspaper Society, representing local papers, said the proposals agreed by the three parties would place "a crippling burden on the UK's 1, 100 local newspapers, inhibiting freedom of speech and the freedom to publish".

    BBC: Press regulation: Papers seek legal advice

  • The UK government has a policy of not paying ransoms and advises third parties against doing so, arguing that this would encourage future kidnappings.

    BBC: Pakistani police 'close in' on UK boy's kidnappers

  • Some 300 British politicians from all the main parties supported his quest for a retrial - including a former UK attorney general.

    BBC: Newsnight special report

  • Bearing in mind that Question Time is a UK wide programme, this is how the line is drawn between those parties which are represented and those which aren't.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • Military chiefs welcomed the UK troop reinforcement, insisting their requests had been fully met but opposition parties said more details about the timing of the deployment were needed.

    BBC: UK sends 500 more to Afghanistan

  • The Treasury and opposition parties in the assembly have asked why the rest of the UK has been able to prepare for the changes without the row that has erupted in Wales.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • Instead the shooting is thought to have been was caused by what the MoD suggests was "a third party or parties whose identities have yet to be established but who are not UK personnel".

    BBC: Cpl David O'Connor, Cpl Channing Day

  • Welsh Conservative leader Nick Bourne asked the other parties in the assembly to present a "united front" to the UK government's culture minister over the cuts.

    BBC: Seventeen jobs to go at ITV Wales

  • The unionist parties insist further substantial devolution would be a decision for the whole of the UK, not just Scotland.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • Asked if the UK Independence Party should take part, he said usually it was just the three major parties, but it was up to the debates' organisers.

    BBC: Ed Miliband 'relishing' PM TV debates

  • The Liberal Democrats called on all parties to work constructively with the Calman-style process being conducted by the UK Government and argue against a temporary cut in VAT.

    BBC: Plaid Cymru debate

  • Opposition parties at Holyrood criticised the appointment, as Europe is a matter reserved to the UK government.

    BBC: Andrew Scott

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