• It may force the Treasury to pay higher interest rates to those who buy its debt, to make it a more attractive long-term prospect, observers say.

    BBC: US budget deficit at $1 trillion

  • Tacked on to a bill that addressed domestic violence, slavery and teenage suicide was a provision that directed the Treasury to pay out compensatory damages (but not punitive ones) to victims of terrorism who filed suit within a certain period of time.

    ECONOMIST: The legal battle

  • More draining of the U.S. treasury to pay for so called friends in incompetent foreign countries, and the dismissal of a once powerful military defense, conceding to huge cuts in budgets to pay for the spongers, scroungers and freeloaders amongst the population who have no intentions of finding a job.

    FORBES: Is Diversity the Secret Key to America's Economic Renewal?

  • It's considering two alternatives: First, allow corporations (which include nonprofits) and unions to use their treasury funds to pay for issue ads, but require that this funding be reported to the FEC.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • By making it a tax instead, the revenue raised can be channelled straight to the Treasury, helping to pay for the government's own spending.

    BBC: Q&A: Bank levy explained

  • It is also money the country has already borrowed by issuing bonds and treasury bills to pay for programs we have funded in the past.

    FORBES: How The Debt Ceiling Talks Affect All Americans

  • His handling so far of the tricky welfare-reform issue has been assured, provoking neither indignation among Labour backbenchers nor yet the hostility of a Treasury reluctant to pay for expensive programmes to propel benefit claimants into work.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • This will help to fund our treasury and help to pay for community infrastructure, the operation of federal and state departments, all government projects, and policy developments.

    FORBES: The Perils Of A Cashless Society

  • Whatever happens, the world will want some sign that the US Treasury is going to pay some attention to the global economy this year - even as the president and his treasury secretary go forth in battle over the budget.

    BBC: Obama puts a trusted man at the Treasury

  • Is the Treasury raiding my pension to pay bondholders?

    FORBES: Goodbye Recovery, Hello Recession

  • The next pressure point comes this spring and summer, when Congress will have to raise the federal debt limit or else let the U.S. Treasury run out of cash to pay its bills.

    WSJ: U.S. Senate Approves Budget

  • Or, of course, the taxpayer can pay directly, simply shovel the money from the Treasury out to the water companies to pay these extra costs.

    FORBES: Women on Contraceptive Pill Should Pay $1,500 a Year More Tax

  • The new legislation directs the Treasury Department to borrow money to pay bondholders and make sure Social Security is solvent.

    NPR: House Passes Bill To Prioritize US Debt Payments

  • While his dollars were enjoying the security of the world's safest investment - Treasury bonds have never failed to pay out - most US investors were taking a financial "rain-check" and cancelling their summer vacations.

    BBC: Greenspan plays it safe

  • Paul Braithwaite, of the Equitable Members Action Group, questioned its independence - pointing out that the Treasury, which might have to pay compensation if Lord Penrose finds any regulatory failures, would also decide how much of it is published.

    BBC: Equitable probe hit by evidence snags

  • The letter echoes remarks made by the president Monday, stressing that an increase of the borrowing limit is not a commitment for additional spending, but merely an authorization for the Treasury to raise enough money to pay for programs already approved by Congress.

    FORBES: Geithner: Treasury Will Start Missing Payments As Soon As Mid-February

  • Mr Obama has let one former tax-avoider through: Tim Geithner, the new treasury secretary, who failed to pay self-employment taxes when he was a consultant for the International Monetary Fund. (Foes of America's absurdly complicated tax code were delighted to note that even a reputedly brilliant economic mind failed to comply with it.) But with the financial and economic crisis raging, Mr Geithner appeared simply too important to lose.

    ECONOMIST: Tom Daschle: The importance of being sinless | The

  • The stimulus row apart, the Republicans can claim to have behaved reasonably well, confirming Mr Obama's appointments without much fuss, though they did try, unsuccessfully, to vote down his new treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, for failing to pay his taxes on time.

    ECONOMIST: The first ten days

  • Lib Dem Mr Laws resigned as chief secretary to the Treasury two years ago after admitting he claimed expenses to pay his partner rent.

    BBC: George Osborne downplays Nick Clegg's 'rich tax' call

  • He said the main concern of many larger banks was to "shore up their balance sheets" and pay back any debts to the Treasury.

    BBC: Gloomy prediction for UK economy

  • When Congress engages in deficit spending the Treasury auctions off T-Bills to pay for it.

    FORBES: Congress' Money Vault

  • But Labour's shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Rachel Reeves, said the chancellor was borrowing billions more to pay for the cost of his economic failure.

    BBC: UK public sector borrowing worse than expected in October

  • That is when the government has to pay interest on US Treasury bonds.

    BBC: Wall Street waits as Washington debates debt limit

  • At exactly the same time, we have the U.S. Treasury's ability to rob Peter to pay Paul on the debt ceiling crisis coming to a head.

    CNN: Quest: U.S. economy to dominate Davos 2013

  • The nation actually reached its debt ceiling yesterday and, while the Treasury Department says that it can continue to pay outstanding debt obligations and other bills for another two months, there will need to be an all new debt ceiling battle in Congress beginning in February to allow the nation to continuing making payments on its debt obligations.

    FORBES: Here's The Deal On The Fiscal Cliff Deal

  • It is also considering introducing rules that will see Whitehall contracts awarded to firms who pay workers the living wage or above and giving Treasury-funded incentives to companies who introduce the wage structure.

    BBC: Duncan Smith: Welfare changes will make living wage easier

  • But in the meantime the Treasury would still have benefited from not having to pay all that interest.

    BBC: Why the Bank held off spending

  • The Ministry of Defence said the cost of repatriating equipment from Afghanistan would be met by the Treasury's Special Reserve - traditionally used to pay for in-theatre operations - rather than the defence budget.

    BBC: Defence equipment budget 'may be unaffordable'

  • It finds that a sovereign Scotland would probably - once it starts to issue its own bonds, rather than honouring a share of the UK Treasury's recent bond issues - have to pay an extra 0.4% to 0.6% on its borrowing.

    BBC: Scottish independence: Growth pains or pleasures?

  • Once a municipal bond is refinanced, (prerefunded) the issuer uses the proceeds of the new issue and purchases US Treasury securities (collateral) that are used to pay the interest and principal on the original, more expensive debt until maturity or the call date, whichever the escrow agreement states.

    FORBES: Pre-Refunded Munis Are A Bargain

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