• What we used to call the Tory press appeared to be Tory no longer.

    BBC: The power of the press

  • And founded in the teeth of opposition from the Tory party and the Tory press.

    BBC: News | UK Politics | Frank Dobson's speech in full

  • This is the price our politicians pay in order to try and persuade the Tory press to become Tory once again.

    BBC: The power of the press

  • Watching these programmes over the last few weeks, we've had - The Tory Party wants Kenneth Clarke, the Tory Party wants David Davis, The Tory Party wants David Cameron.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • If the choice were thus between Tory policies from their experienced originators and Tory policies from untried recent converts, it would be a simple one: vote Tory, if their policies are what you want.

    ECONOMIST: Can he win? | The

  • Tory after Tory going down to defeat.

    BBC: News | UK Politics | Charles Kennedy's speech in full

  • Joining Mr Kennedy was Menzies Campbell, Mr Dewar's university friend, and the Lib Dems' foreign affairs spokesman, who walked beside former Tory minister and Tory MSP for the Lothians region, Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, another of Mr Dewar's lifelong friends.

    BBC: A nation says goodbye

  • By scheduling a debate on the green paper - described to me just a few days ago as one of the 'most damaging' papers ever to relations between Welsh Tory MPs and Tory AMs - for Monday morning, Mr Smith accuses the Welsh Secretary, Cheryl Gillan, of banking on Welsh MPs not being there to properly scrutinse the proposals.

    BBC: Clinical strike or homing missile?

  • The break that Mr Cameron's speeches mark is with the years of Tory failure rather than the years of Tory success.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • If voters cannot spot the difference between Labour and Tory policies on health and education, Tory spokesmen are unlikely to be making a huge effort to point them out.

    ECONOMIST: Why the Tories are defending the welfare state

  • She described "a Tory-led government doing what all Tory-led governments have done since 1948 - attacking the NHS" and argued that the Lib Dems' reversal on student tuition fees was "blighting the life chances" of young people.

    BBC: Queen's Speech debate

  • Tory former defence secretary Michael Portillo summed up the Tory irritation at the fact that the deployment had been sprung on them.

    BBC: Hoon wins Commons support

  • Mr Cameron also confirmed that former head of the Army General Sir Richard Dannatt would become a Tory defence adviser and may serve in a future Tory government.

    BBC: I'm up to the test, Cameron says

  • Lord Cranborne also argued with Liam Fox, the Tory spokesman on constitutional affairs, over who should formulate Tory policy on Lords reform.

    ECONOMIST: Hague��s history lesson

  • "The councillors were elected as an antidote to brutal Tory cuts but so far all we have had is brutal Tory cuts with a little sympathy thrown in, " he said.

    BBC: Southampton City Council agrees ?16m budget cut

  • Yet whatever Mr Cameron's personal views, his party sees environmentalism as an indulgent luxury: in a poll, Tory MPs ranked climate change as the lowest policy priority for a Tory government.

    ECONOMIST: A looming electricity crunch could trip up a new government

  • Case in point: Tory and Chris Burch, who founded the preppy-chic fashion empire Tory Burch in 2003, divorced in 2007.

    FORBES: From the Altar to IPO: The Highs and Lows of Married Business Partners

  • And in so doing Mr Cameron revealed his inner Tory, perhaps for the first time in such clear, authentic terms Tory.

    BBC: David Cameron reveals his inner Tory

  • Tory Euroscepticism grew more virulent, as latterly did the determination of the remaining Tory Europhiles not to surrender to it.

    ECONOMIST: John Major

  • Speakers at the conference (which then moved to a nearby hotel) included a retired philosophy professor, a representative of the Catholic archdiocese of Westminster, the chairman of the Tory Party's oldest pressure group, the Bow Group, Phillip Blond (another Tory adviser) and Cristina Odone, a journalist married to an editor at this newspaper.

    ECONOMIST: Diversity and speech

  • The Tory backbenchers' shop steward, Graham Brady, is proposing a "free vote" of Tory backbenchers with ministers abstaining.

    BBC: Europe: The bomb's ticking louder

  • After the 1997 election, Tory policies on the Lords were clouded by clashes between Lord Cranborne and Liam Fox, the Tory spokesman on constitutional affairs.

    ECONOMIST: Peers versus people, round two

  • Insofar as people knew him at all, their overriding image was his speech at the age of 16 to the Tory party conference, with his floppy hair and his coy grin at Margaret Thatcher, then Tory leader.

    ECONOMIST: Twitchy times for William Hague

  • The outcome of this week's electioneering for places on the executive of the 1922 Committee - the trade union for Tory MPs - matters because of what it will tell us about the collective attitude of the Tory footsloggers to the coalition in which they are enmeshed.

    BBC: What the '22 elections mean

  • In recent years the Tory Reform Group, which is on the left of the party, has seemed out of tune with the Tory mainstream.

    ECONOMIST: On the up

  • But there was further criticism from within the Tory party, with John Strafford, of the Campaign for Conservative Democracy, saying Mr Ashcroft should resign as Tory treasurer when he becomes a peer to be replaced by an elected treasurer.

    BBC: Anger over Ashcroft peerage

  • Tory voters are telling Hague we should leave the EU now, according to a new YouGov poll publicised by Tory website, Conservative Home: with 68% of Tories wanting to leave and 74% wanting a referendum on UK membership.

    BBC: A vision for Britain outside the European Union

  • Tory MP Tim Yeo has said it should go ahead, two days after Housing Minister Grant Shapps hinted a future Tory government could consider the option.

    BBC: Heathrow third runway rethink urged by Tory MP

  • The Tory party's strategy at the boundary review - as a party - was to reduce the number of safe Tory seats so their votes were more evenly spread among more, winnable marginal seats.

    BBC: Boundaries: a running sore?

  • Tory Burch and her ex-husband Chris Burch remain entangled in messy lawsuits over the similarities of their respective labels, Tory Burch and C.

    FORBES: The Biggest Fashion Stories Of 2012: Raf Simons, Alexander Wang And Louboutin

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