• "Microsoft is creating end-to-end solutions for partners and customers to win in a changing industry where business agility and the use of information technology to drive revenue and profit growth have become critical, " says Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer , 43, in a press release.

    FORBES: Focus On The Forbes 500s: Microsoft Posts Earnings

  • Furthermore, the fact that white-owned firms need black partners to win government business tends to enrich those with ruling-party connections.

    ECONOMIST: South Africa

  • America's troops and our coalition partners are determined to win -- and they will win, if we continue to give them the moral and material support they need to do the job.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What are we fighting for?

  • And he adds that there is ongoing substitution of tablets for PCs, while Microsoft and its partners are not up to scale on Win 8-based tabs and hybrids.

    FORBES: Microsoft: Nomura Trims Ests On Soft Win 8 Debut

  • That could complicate Mr. Netanyahu's efforts to win over the religious parties he has relied upon as partners.

    WSJ: Israel Vote Weakens Premier

  • His Social Democrats and their most likely partners, the Greens, would have to win a Bundestag majority against the three parties of Helmut Kohl's present centre-right coalition plus the Party of Democratic Socialism.

    ECONOMIST: Reds at the ready | The

  • There was also concern that the CDU's coalition partners, the Free Democrats, would not win enough votes to maintain the coalition.

    BBC: German opposition wins Lower Saxony election

  • If the Social Democrats were to win only a narrow majority in the Bundestag, along with their preferred coalition partners, the Greens, Mr Lafontaine might be dispatched to become the majority's leader in parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • To win new licences, companies may have to show that they have black-owned partners and a comprehensive environmental plan.

    ECONOMIST: South African mining

  • The first was that Miss Megawati and her coalition partners would win a substantial share of the vote, but fail to dislodge Golkar from government.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia holds its breath | The

  • An even more troubling prospect arises from a bid Hutchison Whampoa and two partners (one an American company called Savi Technology) are making to win U.S. government contracts to enhance security at American ports.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Trading With The ��Enemy��

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