• The principal holds true with hostile states that what they say to their own people about us reveals their true intentions.


  • Yet there are credible reports that the Tigers can be as brutal to their own people as they are to their enemies.

    ECONOMIST: The war the world is missing

  • Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself.

    FORBES: WWJD*? Pulpit Freedom Sunday Likely to Bring Slams Against Obama, Romney

  • We ignore at our peril, and at Israel's peril, the hostile messages that Arafat and his Palestinian Authority colleagues continually deliver to their own people.


  • Without Arab money and Arab doctrines of political Islam, the Taliban would have remained a breed of reactionary seminarians, a terror to their own people but of no concern beyond.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's Afghan struggle

  • "In fact, I think what that symbolizes for many Syrians is the total collapse of any effort by the Syrian government to work with and listen to their own people, " she said.


  • We must look beyond the dishonest propaganda dished out to Western journalists and officials and examine the voluminous declarations made by Palestinian Authority leaders to their own people in their own Arabic tongue.


  • Let Hamas explain to their own people how such a policy is going help them regain possession of the holy land when no negotiations exist that the promise to stop this behavior can influence.

    FORBES: Give Up On Peace In Palestine: Try Detente

  • While these are undoubtedly problems for the United States, the deepest difficulty is that neither the Pakistani military nor political establishment have articulated to themselves or to their own people the plan they have to rid the country of its jiihadist militants, which were once clients of the Pakistani state, but have now increasingly turned against it.

    CNN: Commentary: Obama anti-terror plan could be doomed to fail

  • They will massively rig to get their own people to win.

    CNN: Pakistan official disputes tape

  • The fact of the matter is that the North Koreans have available to them -- the North Korean leadership -- an alternative, an alternative that would allow them to reduce their isolation, allow them to focus on the need to take care of their own people, to feed them, to educate them, to give them opportunity, if they would abide by their international obligations.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Wikipedia gives people the chance to post articles which they think are of cultural and social importance from their own countries, which people are encouraged to translate into their own languages.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | Open media to connect communities

  • And we will continue to work with our international partners to take actions that will increase pressure on Syria, to allow the Syrian people -- the Syrian regime, rather -- to allow the Syrian people to determine their own future.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • One of the toughest challenges was helping each of our team members learn to ignore their own inclination to judge people by appearance or behavior.

    FORBES: How Restaurant Visionary Ron Shaich is Tackling America's Hunger Crisis

  • Jeremy Binnie, Middle East and Africa editor at IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, said the significance of the defection was still unclear but that based on patterns of past defections by Syrian military personnel many of whom said they wanted to avoid killing their own people the pilot might have been motivated by possible Syrian plans to start using jets against the opposition.

    WSJ: Syrian Pilot Defects to Jordan With Plane

  • Their focus is common beliefs, and they think it natural to be kind and altruistic to other people of their own group.

    FORBES: Four Elementary Forms of Sociality Impacting Trust and Relationships

  • To encourage the Libyan air force to take this bold action, it should be conveyed to the air force leadership that should they continue to conduct airstrikes against their own people, they will be subjected to a devastating strike from U.S. and allied resources.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Regime change in Libya

  • Strunk and White, together with Fowler and, to some extent, Orwell, addressed their remarks to people who were of their own social class, or who at least had had an education similar to theirs.

    NEWYORKER: The English Wars

  • It tries to persuade local people to grow their own food and eat more healthily.

    BBC: Making a bee-line for city roofs

  • Pakistan authorities found themselves called to act by their own people -- and pressed usefully by the Obama Administration.

    WSJ: A Victory in Pakistan

  • To inspire confidence, the candidates need to tell both their own people and the world how they, if elected, would deal with such matters.

    CNN: The Economy, Stupid

  • It is up to the Syrian people to choose their own leaders, and we have heard their strong desire that there not be foreign intervention in their movement.

    BBC: Full text: Barack Obama statement on Assad

  • When markets are left to their own devices, people will bargain with one another until what they reach prices at which what people are willing to purchase equals what others are willing to sell.

    FORBES: Price Gouging Laws Still Hurt Storm Victims

  • His new strategy was to encourage more people to start their own businesses, to help existing firms to expand by, for instance, speeding up the spread of broadband, and to seek out new technologies which might spawn businesses.

    ECONOMIST: Scottish Enterprise: Wrong target | The

  • As this product rolls out and improves over the next few months, recruiters will have a chance to search within their own networks using specific keywords to find people for whom their unfilled jobs are relevant.

    FORBES: Graph Search And Online Recruiting: How Facebook Is Transforming An Industry

  • Unreasonably allergic to immigration, reasonably wishing to leave people to their own devices, Britain has sought to keep the colonies at arm's length.

    ECONOMIST: Is it a colony or isn��t it?

  • Especially now that they've shown their ugly face to the world, killing their own people in the streets, yet calling them rioters and terrorists.

    BBC: Iran views: 'Police everywhere'

  • Its algorithms have so far been directed only at websites, but it plans to deploy its search technology to help people find their own documents as well.

    ECONOMIST: Metaphorically speaking

  • The report is the latest government effort to try to encourage people to improve their own health.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Exercise 'five times a week' call

  • "Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land, " he said, urging the audience to "look at the world through their eyes".

    BBC: Obama urges Palestinians to drop settlement precondition

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