• It lacks academic and technical rigour, as well as clear links to the realities of the workplace.

    BBC: Business leaders raise concern over science curriculum

  • Let us hope that the reform that eventually becomes law is attentive to the realities of the 21st-century economy.

    WSJ: Hassett and Hubbard: Romney vs. Obama on Corporate Tax Reform

  • But it is much less clear how these ideas should be applied to the realities of contemporary economic policy.

    ECONOMIST: John Maynard Keynes

  • At the White House, the intellectual debates of conceiving and writing the budget had given way to the realities of campaigning for it.

    NEWYORKER: Money Talks

  • But the idealism of that 2008 campaign may have faded for some as the campaign turned to the realities of deal-making in Congress.

    FORBES: Obama And The Facebook Crowd Connect In California

  • It is a harsh introduction to the realities of Balkan politics.

    CNN: U.S. delegation looks at preparations for peace

  • Proximity issues stuck the Giants and Dodgers with long road trips back then, similar to the realities faced by any potential 21st-century Japanese or Korean club.


  • To Indyk, that kind of pronouncement was something a candidate can say on the campaign trail that doesn't easily adapt to the realities of complex international negotiations.

    CNN: Romney talks tough but differs little from Obama on Iran

  • However, in a high-tech nod to the realities of modern motoring, it automatically retracts into the vehicle when the Ghost is parked for the sake of security.

    FORBES: Rolls-Royce Ghost Review: The Spirit is Willing

  • And that's why we need to change the way we look at these issues so that our workplaces can catch up to the realities of our lives.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • It is a dark, dystopian vision, but one that speaks directly to the realities that surround us: chronic dependency, demand without limits, violent acquisition and addictive control.

    CNN: The price of our oil addiction

  • This visit is a great opportunity for us to open one more chapter of our partnership allying it to the realities and the challenges of the 21st century.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama, President Rousseff Meet in Brasilia

  • Fostering the active participation of the whole community to encourage ownership of innovative ideas and new action plans in order to adapt them to the realities of each community.

    UNESCO: Aprendizajes en Familia (Family Literacy Programme)

  • Yet today, the climate of innovation that has advanced technology at such a rapid pace, is being stymied by a patent system ill-adapted to the realities of modern information technology.

    FORBES: Patent Trolls: The Innovation Hijackers

  • Which beer brands the consumer has drafted is largely due to the realities of the marketplace and the levels of emotional engagement that can be crafted by the brand itself.

    FORBES: Something Beer Brands Can Drink To

  • More than being wrong, the dismissal was, in my opinion, tremendously wrongheaded in its treatment of the prosecutors involved, and seemingly oblivious to the realities of a longlasting, complex, international investigation.

    FORBES: Lindsey Prosecutors Deserved Better

  • Both foreign and Chinese companies will have to adapt to the realities of doing business with each other, and they will have to overcome considerable language and cultural differences in the process.

    BBC: Hong Kong hopes for trade boost

  • This is hardly an original insight, but there are plenty of progressive Tories who, despairing of their party's ability to adapt to the realities of modern Britain, would agree with Mr Oaten.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Costner, like many ageing stars, has also not found it easier to adjust to the realities of the market and he has reportedly lost roles by keeping his asking price too high.

    BBC: Sylvester Stallone meets his match in Driven

  • As a largely devout Muslim nation, Turkey never ceased to produce charismatic religious leaders, but they had to adapt to the realities of a secular republic or else face prison or exile.

    ECONOMIST: The Turkish model: A hard act to follow | The

  • While the EU has modernized and expanded in ways that its founders may not have envisioned, the architecture that underpins the Union has not adapted to the realities of a globalized twenty-first century.

    FORBES: We Are All Europeans Now

  • It surely has the right to be called a digital art work, even if it is then embedded in a commercial model that is struggling to adapt to the realities of the network economy.

    BBC: It's digital, but is it art?

  • Due to the realities of a constrained credit market, petitioners were unable to secure financing that would allow them to proceed with the completion of their plan to build a residence on the property.

    FORBES: Real Deductions for an Imaginary Beach House

  • Adapted to the realities of each country and the institutions that they choose to adopt to strengthen their national capacities in bioethics, the ABC project's intention is to allow recipient countries to address their needs.


  • The borders of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Lebanon were drawn up in 1916 by French and British cartographers, indifferent to the realities of tribal life straddling the new lines emerging over the desert sands.


  • "I am sorry for the timing and result of my action, but continue to believe that people working in traditional media needs to open their eyes to the realities of our culture in 2010 without denial, self righteousness or arrogance, " Mr. Abrams wrote.

    WSJ: Tribune Co.'s Board Weighs Future of Randy Michaels

  • While some have criticized the FTC for not bringing the lawsuit they have clamored for, this prudent approach after a thorough and warranted investigation shows that antitrust enforcement, in the hands of responsible regulators, is sufficiently adaptable to the realities of the Internet age.

    FORBES: FTC's Google Settlement a "Third Way" Approach for Antitrust Enforcement

  • He came to tell them that they - and the country - were on a journey to a better place "from the comforts of opposition to the hard realities of government, from the sacrifices of austerity to the rewards of shared prosperity".

    BBC: Nick Clegg's sticking to Plan A

  • As the Sudanese people adjust to the new realities on the ground, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement parties must shift their attention to the key post-referendum arrangements that will sustain the North-South relationship in the long term.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • And we discussed the need for international institutions, including the United Nations, to reflect the realities of the 21st century -- which I will discuss further in my address to Parliament.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House

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