• We might want to reduce gas usage for peak oil reasons, might want to do it for climate change reasons.

    FORBES: One Gallon of Gas Can Charge an iPhone for 20 Years

  • "Bearing in mind the approaching winter season and higher demand for gas, as well as the Ukrainian repeated failures to fulfil gas contracts, Gazprom will have to reduce gas deliveries to Ukrainian consumers if the debt is not settled in October, " the company said.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Gazprom may cut gas to Ukraine

  • Northern Gas Networks said it was replacing ageing metal gas mains with plastic equivalents to "reduce gas leakage and enhance network reliability".

    BBC: Generic water works

  • Clean coal is a trade term to describe methods and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of coal to generate electric power.

    FORBES: Romney Has It Wrong, Coal Is A Sell And Tesla Is A Buy

  • European Union member states are led by ambitious long-term targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Jersey's new draft energy plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

    BBC: Jersey energy plan aims to cut greenhouse gases by 80%

  • President Bush and the Republican-led Congress have rejected mandatory efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    NPR: Calif. Diverges from U.S. with Greenhouse Gas Cuts

  • All the G8 countries besides the US already pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels.

    NPR: Bush, Britain and Greenhouse Gases

  • Jersey's energy plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

    BBC: Jersey

  • The government is attempting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2020.

    BBC: Greenhouse gas emissions

  • Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has fought fiercely against any efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, backs the PTC.

    FORBES: Starbucks, Nike, Yahoo Tell Congress To Renew Key Wind Power Tax Credit

  • The goals going forward, the mayor continues, are not just to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also those tied to acid rain, soot and mercury.

    FORBES: Hurricane Sandy May Turn the Tide on Climate Change

  • The bill calls for a cap-and-trade system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 66% by the year 2050, as has been touted by its supporters.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hindsight to augment our foresight

  • Nevertheless, its report gives an interesting look at how the search giant sees a future with or without substantial investments and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    FORBES: Google Does Math To Show Clean Tech's Impact On The Economy

  • The company claims it will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5 million metric tons by the end of 2015 due to its palm oil policies.

    FORBES: Walmart Flexes Its Sustainability Muscles

  • The sooner we get to work on achieving proposed congressional targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050, the less expensive addressing climate change will ultimately be.

    CNN: Coal-burning CEO: U.S., China must fight pollution

  • If corn ethanol could be shown to reduce greenhouse gas by at least 20%, it could add enough new capacity, about 2 billion gallons, to reach the 15 billion gallon cap.

    FORBES: Obama: Corn Ethanol Isn't So Bad After All

  • It's a safe bet that even if there were no pressure to reduce greenhouse gas-related emissions from buildings, today's efficiency ethos and sheer economic self-interest would drive interest in cutting building energy use.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Much of the talk at this week's conference was how major urban centers could work toward adhering to the Kyoto Protocol, the existing environmental treaty that sets targets for nations to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations.

    CNN: Bill Clinton to cities: Act on climate

  • In the framework of efforts to reduce Co2 gas emissions, the Executive Heads participated in the inauguration of the new energy efficient office building for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN-Habitat in Nairobi.


  • The guide, released Monday, analyzes technology companies on operational efficiency and commitment to the environment based on factors including green products and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said Casey Harrell, IT analyst at Greenpeace.

    FORBES: Apple Falls Down The Rankings: But We Should Praise RIM

  • "I'm convinced that if we work at it, that we will be able to convince India and China that it is in their interest to be part of a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, " McCain said.

    CNN: McCain holds first talks with UK PM

  • Block voluntary programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including Energy Star and Green Lights, both of which enjoy wide support in both the environmental community and U.S. industry, precisely at a time when these programs are beginning to show significant results in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    CNN: Climate change funding curb fought

  • The Executive Order commits Federal agencies to lead by example toward a clean energy economy, and sets targets to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, increase energy efficiency, reduce fleet petroleum consumption, conserve water, reduce waste, support sustainable communities, and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies.

    WHITEHOUSE: Browse White House visitor logs

  • Those Annex 1 countries that ratified the accord only managed to reduce their gas emissions by three percent from 1990-2000 (in real terms their emissions actually increased by 8 percent, although that figure was offset by a sharp decrease in emissions from the collapsing economies of the former Soviet Union).

    CNN: Kyoto: The next generation

  • Chesapeake Energy tacked on 6.3% after the natural-gas producer said it plans to further reduce dry-gas drilling activity by 50% and to curtail its gross gas production by about 8% in response to a drop in natural-gas prices.

    WSJ: Dow Breaks Its Win Streak

  • The inability to establish a legally-binding, global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions has been attributed to lack of political will, the lobbying efforts of industry groups, incompetent journalists, impotent international institutions, uncompromising environmentalists, greedy capitalists, public apathy and stupidity.

    FORBES: Why Global Warming Deals Go South

  • Such was the case during the negotiations in Kyoto to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, which ended this week.

    ECONOMIST: The Kyoto compromise

  • Canada, for example, signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, in the process pledging to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

    BBC: Durban: Climate summit looks back and forward

  • Recently, Indonesia's government announced a two-year moratorium on primary forest and peat land conversion as part of its commitment to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

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