• But I think if the country isn't able to break out of the crisis, then dictatorship is unavoidable.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • During the worst year of the Great Depression, 1937, a writer named Napoleon Hill picked the theme out of the gutter and lifted the spirits of the country, with a best seller called Think and Grow Rich.

    FORBES: The American Dream And The Gospel of Success

  • Ultra-restrictionists such as the Center for Immigration Studies who care about nothing else except hounding immigrants out of the country might think this is a good idea.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "I think she had a hard time getting out of the country then, because she called my youngest daughter and said, 'If I'm not home by Friday call the US embassy', so I think she ran into something over there, " says her grandmother Carole.

    BBC: US woman Nicole Mansfield 'brainwashed' into Syria fight

  • Meanwhile, German voters are aghast at the prospect of a second Greek bail-out, which they think would merely tip more money down the plughole of a country that is incapable either of repaying its debts or of reforming itself.

    ECONOMIST: The euro crisis

  • "I actually think people out in the country are far more aware of the impact of the events of September 11 than some of the people who write in the newspaper are, " says UK Defence Minister Geoff Hoon.

    CNN: Britain's war of words

  • If we join together, starting today, and demand change, think about how different this country could be by the time they are out of high school.

    CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy

  • Convinced that money can be used to trick those who use it to exchange real wealth, Morici and many others think a devalued drachma will make Greek products cheaper such that the country can export its way out of its depressed state.

    FORBES: Message To Greece: To Leave The Euro Isn't To Leave The Euro

  • Whatever the status law's fate, Mr Orban's brand of unashamed nationalism may be less out of style in Hungary than the country's neighbours, and Brussels, would like to think.

    ECONOMIST: Hungary

  • "I think the president did a fine job certainly laying out what he would like to see happen as far as the future of the country, " the second-highest ranking Republican leader in the House said.


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