• Human rights, democratic reform and the development of a market economy are not luxuries for North Korea they are the very essence of what will permanently end the threat to peace in Northeast Asia.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Don't Reward Kim

  • The prime minister called Iran the biggest threat to peace in the region.

    CNN: Obama, Netanyahu discuss U.S.-Israeli disagreements

  • Taken together with the U.S. administration's refusal to come to grips with what truly is the most serious threat to peace in the Middle East - Iran's rising power and growing aggressiveness, reflecting in part its incipient nuclear weapons capabilities - the stage is being inexorably set for the next, and perhaps most devastating, regional conflict.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama sows a Mideast whirlwind

  • And that is also why I have done everything to convince policymakers that the nondemocratic nature of his regime was itself the greatest threat to peace and security.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What Undid the Middle East 'Peace Process'

  • Sinn Fein immediately condemned the verdict as an insult to the family of Karen Reilly and a threat to the peace process.

    BBC: Soldier cleared of Northern Ireland murder

  • "Rogue states are the main threat to peace and freedom, and they require a strong, comprehensive policy response -- a policy that I call 'rogue state rollback, ' in which our goal is not simply to contain rogue regimes, but to drive them from power, " McCain said.

    CNN: McCain decries influence of politics in military

  • Americans were surprised and angered by an opinion poll, published by the International Herald Tribune in October 2003, of 7, 500 citizens in fifteen European nations, indicating that Israel was considered to be the top threat to world peace, ahead of North Korea, Iran, or Afghanistan.

    NPR: Jimmy Carter on Conflict in the Middle East

  • EU. For the unvarnished fact is that the main threat indeed the only real threat to European peace in the latter half of the 20th century was never from internal squabbling among battered countries like France, Germany or Britain.

    ECONOMIST: Providing pensions

  • South Korea's envoy to the UN, Kim Sook, described the North's nuclear tests as "grave threat to the peace" on the Korean peninsula and the wider region.

    BBC: Asia

  • When asked about whether he believed there was a guarantee that IRA guns had been silenced, Mr McGuinness said the IRA had made it clear in the past that they posed no threat to the peace process.

    BBC: Government 'no clue' about stalled NI politics

  • The greatest impediment to Middle East peace and the greatest threat to international security today is Iran's nuclear weapons program.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft

  • The dishonesty caused the loss of thousands of lives without in any way assuaging the terrorist threat, bringing peace to the Middle East, or securing the West's oil supplies.

    ECONOMIST: War words

  • Most governments agree that the spread of all such weapons is now the greatest threat to world peace.

    ECONOMIST: And the will to enforce them

  • Of these, NATO can be regarded as the biggest threat to world peace.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will NATO Expand To Include ��Trojan Horses��?

  • The Maoists' threat to withdraw from the peace process may simply be born out of fear that they will fare badly at the polls.

    ECONOMIST: Asia.view: Ashes or embers? | The

  • IR Looking at the photographs of Hitler and Stalin it is obvious that (a) men, and (b) men with moustaches, are the greatest threat to world peace and prosperity.

    ECONOMIST: Letters | The

  • But even in the western chunk, some 48% of those polled said they thought the United States was the biggest threat to world peace, against 29% who plumped for Russia.

    ECONOMIST: Ukraine��s two minds

  • Yet even today, there are those apparently including our own former President Carter, who believe that it the use of military power without broad international consensus that is currently the greatest threat to world peace.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Although in its resolutions the Security Council has labelled the crisis in Kosovo a threat to peace and security in the Balkans, it has pointedly not authorised the use of force against Yugoslavia.

    ECONOMIST: Law and right: When they don’t fit together | The

  • Pro-American countries in Asia, such as South Korea, reacted nervously to the potential threat to a security alliance that has helped preserve peace in the region for decades and acts as a counterweight to a strong China.

    ECONOMIST: Friends and neighbours

  • But coming at the same time as a Eurobarometer poll showing that 59% of Europeans see Israel as a threat to world peace, the affair has led to some broader soul-searching.

    ECONOMIST: The Christian Democrats eject a right-wing extremist

  • China's ambassador to the United Nations said the test posed a serious threat to peace and security, language that could hint at tough sanctions against North Korea.

    NPR: Bush Urges Decisive Response to North Korea Test

  • "We understand the threat to Pakistan's peace and security, but I have urged President Musharraf to use the normal democratic process to respond, " Prime Minister Gordon Brown said.

    NPR: Musharraf Gives Up Pakistan's Top Army Post

  • While some world leaders are extremely concerned about the real threat Iran poses to peace, with Ahmadinejad announcing just recently on January 29, 2008 that it was close to its target of producing nuclear energy by saying: "We are moving towards the summit on the nuclear path, " the Tehran menace is much closer to the US than ever: in Nicaragua.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Tehran threat in the US' backyard

  • In each case the Security Council, which has declared the spread of such weapons a threat to international peace and security, is implicitly or explicitly the presumed enforcer of last resort.

    ECONOMIST: Iraq’s damage done | The

  • The recent release of the U.S. National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report on Iran's nuclear program has been received by critics of the Bush administration as vindication of their insistence that Iran poses no threat to peace and stability in the Persian Gulf region and beyond.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Questionable intelligence on Iran

  • If those four were the only businesses government got involved in, there would be no cry to free us from the burdens of bureaucracy because the state would be no more of a threat to innovation and job creation than the New Zealand army is to world peace.

    FORBES: Dear Professor Elizabeth Warren: Is This Really The Best You Can Do?

  • The foreign ministry also stressed that China's arms exports abide by legal norms and pose no threat to global peace and stability in response to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on China replacing Britain as the world's fifth-largest arms exporter, says Beijing Times.

    BBC: China media: Japan radar lock

  • "This serious deterioration of the situation threatens even more the stability and integrity of Mali and constitutes a direct threat to international peace and security, " the council said.

    CNN: State of emergency declared in Mali

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