• Lord Strathclyde said the last time a Conservative backbencher had put forward an amendment against the advice of the clerks, both he as shadow leader and the then Labour leader of the House had agreed on it being withdrawn.

    BBC: Lords clashes over delaying of boundary changes vote

  • The shadow leader of the Commons, Angela Eagle, claimed in the Commons that the Sheffield Hallam MP had "refused to appear" on BBC Radio Sheffield to answer questions about the impact of government cuts on his own constituency.

    BBC: Nick Clegg reveals he was given a 'big green onesie'

  • But still the shadow of the past is in every conversation, from the indicted leader in The Hague, who is filling newspaper inches every other day - and there are an awful lot of newspapers in Liberia - to the young adults whose education was disrupted, to the nation's ruling elite.

    BBC: African view: Land of liberty?

  • The issue was raised by shadow Commons leader Angela Eagle who accused the government of not being able "to organise a concession in a conservatory".

    BBC: Defeat possible on home extension plan, warns MP

  • And there is speculation that Harriet Harman, who is already in the shadow cabinet as deputy leader, could be offered a job shadowing one of the big portfolios.

    BBC: Shadow cabinet elections: 49 MPs enter ballot

  • Shadow leader of the House Baroness Royall said she "shared the deep concern" of peers about human rights in Saudi Arabia.

    BBC: Saudi Arabia debate

  • Shadow leader of the Lords Baroness Royall declined to push the matter to a vote but attacked the government for failures on the economy and on social policy.

    BBC: Queen's Speech debate part two

  • He was subsequently made shadow leader of the Commons by Mr Cameron and took up the role on the government side when the coalition came to power after the May 2010 general election.

    BBC: Profile: Sir George Young

  • On 1 March 2012, during business questions, shadow leader of the house Angela Eagle said there had been public criticism of the inquiry into press standards from Education Secretary Michael Gove and London Mayor Boris Johnson.

    BBC: Conservatives attempt to undermine Leveson say Labour

  • Shadow leader of the House Baroness Royall of Blaisdon claimed that as a result of the bill "17, 000 rape suspects would be immediately removed from the DNA database", a move she described as "irresponsible and dangerous".

    BBC: Protection of Freedoms Bill

  • Shadow leader of the Lords Baroness Royall said it was "risible" to suggest that the issue was a pressing one, at a time when "people across the country are deeply worried" about the economy, jobs and rising prices.

    BBC: Ashdown: Peers are 'creatures of patronage'

  • The go-ahead deputy leader of the metal-workers' union, Walter Riester, has become his shadow labour minister.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s economic conjurors

  • After Iain Duncan Smith became leader, Mr Redwood was offered the role of shadow trade and industry spokesman again, but turned it down.

    BBC: John Redwood

  • We have noticed that shadow cabinet people have not been coming out in huge numbers in support of the leader over the last few weeks and months.

    BBC: Transcript of Peter Hain interview

  • Shadow Commons leader Angela Eagle said Labour was "broadly supportive" of the Commission's proposals, which set out plans in 2010 to make savings of 17% by 2014.

    BBC: House of Commons administration debate

  • Shadow Lords leader Baroness Royall of Blaisdon called on Lord Strathclyde to make a statement on the matter, and to confirm the government could have waived financial privilege.

    BBC: Peers hit out at MPs for welfare defeats

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