• The former star of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air delivers his finest ever performance on the big screen, coming as close as anyone could to capturing the charisma that made Ali The Greatest.

    BBC: The triumph of Ali

  • The recent deployment of Prince William to the Falklands in his role as a Royal Air Force search-and-rescue pilot, as well as Britain's decision to send a new warship to the area, further fueled tensions.

    CNN: Falklands war wounds still fresh, 30 years later

  • The recent deployment of Prince William to the Falklands in his role as a Royal Air Force search and rescue pilot, as well as Britain's decision to send a new warship to the area, may have fueled Argentine emotions.


  • The Washington Post reports that in a major reversal, Saudi Arabia has agreed to new agreements that will allow expanded U.S. air operations from Saudi territory, including full use of Prince Sultan Air Base as an air operations center, in the event of war against Iraq, according to senior U.S. officials and diplomatic sources.


  • In June, after U.S. investigators discovered the spent casing of a Russian-made surface-to-air missile lying in the desert near the Prince Sultan air base, Saudi intelligence arrested 11 Saudi members of an al-Qaeda cell for plotting to shoot down U.S. jets that use the facility and for preparing attacks against other American targets in the kingdom.

    CNN: Do We Still Need the Saudis?

  • Removal of the US Air Expeditionary Wing from Prince Sultan Air Base, for example, should help improve our relations with the Saudis, and relocating US forces south and out of the densely-populated Seoul area in Korea will help remedy various problems with the Korean public while serving other important military purposes as well.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Transforming the United States Global Defense Post

  • It was presented with a new standard by Prince Philip, the Honorary Air Commodore of 201 Squadron, in March.

    BBC: Squadron's standard to be laid up in a Guernsey Church

  • The Royal Air force has stressed that the posting is a normal part of Prince William's training and says he will not perform any ceremonial duties.

    BBC: Argentina condemns Prince William Falklands posting

  • Chicago fans have taken to calling him Carlton, after the diminutive high achiever in television's Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

    WSJ: Bulls: Does Chicago Need Derrick Rose?

  • Behn's high-nosed, thin-lipped and French-educated Oroonoko is essentially an idealised European prince in blackface, while the sighs and tremblings of the lovers and the wanton dalliance of the king have an air of cupids and harpsichords and peeping breasts.

    ECONOMIST: Theatre at Stratford

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