• Whatever happened in your country in the past, the present generation is not responsible for it.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Geert Wilders in Berlin

  • On the one hand, the present generation of Oxford editors is admirably permissive.

    ECONOMIST: English language

  • The present generation of financial bosses, who live in and like London, may tolerate it for a while, but younger ones are feeling the pull of Switzerland, Hong Kong or Dubai.

    ECONOMIST: Global finance

  • When VanDerWerff talked to CNN about the article, he also said that the present generation that grew up on "Friends" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" grew weary of the copycat versions that networks churned out.

    CNN: Multi-camera sitcoms dominate in ratings

  • In contrast, the present generation of Britons, which presumably has never committed adultery, divorce, bad parenting, tree-hugging, overspending or even the odd drag at a joint, delights to sit in judgment on the royals who have.

    ECONOMIST: They just won't fold up their beds and slip away

  • The present generation of factory robots is akin to early mainframe computers in offices, reckons Rodney Brooks, a co-founder of iRobot, an American firm whose products include the Roomba, a robotic vacuum-cleaner, as well as military robots.

    ECONOMIST: Automation

  • This may result in a gap in transmission of knowledge regarding the production of costumes, instruments, interior decorations and particular dishes associated with the event - intangible heritage that may not outlast the present generation of residents.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • The reality is that a sacrifice of some sort will have to be incurred by the present generation for the sake of people who will exist many years from now, in richer societies than ours and, most probably, in countries not our own.

    FORBES: Carbon Prices, Not Quotas

  • The western media lapped it up but misinterpreted Wen as being the politburo maverick engaged in a power struggle, not only among the present fourth generation leaders as to which faction will succeed them in 2012, but also between them and the fifth generation leaders worried that their designated positions will be upset in the power struggle.

    FORBES: Looking for China's Democratic Path

  • It no longer meets the needs of the present and future generation.

    FORBES: Rethinking Education: Why Our Education System Is Ripe For Disruption

  • High School Musical star Zac Efron will present Stiller with the Generation Award.

    BBC: Ben Stiller to receive MTV honour

  • Many people hope that the present case could be this generation's version of the Nuremberg trials, which were designed to punish Nazis, to remind the world of their atrocities, and to set a standard for fairness.

    ECONOMIST: A farcical start to a lengthy process

  • After all, the GOP has been seen as more robust on national security than the Democrats for a generation and much of the blame for our present vulnerability could rightly be laid at the feet of the Obama administration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Is it time for more attacks?

  • He read my poems and included some of them in a kind of reading he organized to present the work of the younger generation at a Chilean-North American institute.

    NEWYORKER: Meeting with Enrique Lihn

  • Based on the assumption that all future generations will have to pay the bills that today's generation has left behind, Mr Kotlikoff tries to measure the present value of net future taxes (that is, taxes to be paid minus benefits, such as pensions, to be received) for individuals of different ages over their remaining lifetimes and, collectively, for future generations.

    ECONOMIST: The perils of privatisation | The

  • Three main infirmities plague Washington and constitute a clear and present danger to the prospects for the next generation.

    WSJ: Canada, Druckenmiller and Warsh: Generational Theft Needs to Be Arrested

  • All eyes in the pharmaceutical industry will be watching as participants present research that could boost the sales of current medicines and introduce the next generation of cancer blockbusters.

    FORBES: This Year's Cancer Debutantes

  • Mudiyettu serves as an important cultural site for transmission of traditional values, ethics, moral codes and aesthetic norms of the community to the next generation, thereby ensuring its continuity and relevance in present times.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Even if Germany and the other European Union countries can prevent the immigration population from growing -- and that is a very uncertain if -- they must find ways to deal with integrating the immigrant population already present, both first- and second- generation.

    CNN: Germany's Merkel is right -- multiculturalism has failed

  • But if he seemed to be encouraging recklessness in the older generation, in August 2000, he was able to present a study showing the success of his message about the risk of cigarettes.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Lung cancer scientist dies at 92

  • The energy they produce costs us more than other forms of generation at present.

    FORBES: How Darn Stupid Do You Have To Be To Both Subsidise And Tax Green Energy?

  • The architect is part of this continuous process of action and reaction in which each generation repudiates the one before to make its mark on the present.

    ECONOMIST: Architectural styles

  • If present trends continue, the report reckons that 30-40% of the next generation of black men will be permanently disenfranchised.

    ECONOMIST: Disenfranchised for life

  • That statement could easily be applied to our present generation of revolution-boosters who have hyperventilated themselves in virtual swoons over the unrest in the Middle East.

    FORBES: Democracy, The God That Failed

  • These shows were legendary among the theatre students of my generation, and many of my classmates claimed to have been present, as children, at one or another of these performances.

    NEWYORKER: The Idiot President

  • At present, the ceremony, although popular with older residents, is diminishing in popularity with the younger generation.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • On my desk at present: Keeping The Millennials, Millennials Rising and The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking up The Workplace.

    FORBES: How To Stroke The Millennial Ego

  • Many of our present Nifty Fifties sell at six to seven times revenues, but they are much more profitable operations than the older generation growthies.

    FORBES: Market Trends: I'll stick with growth stocks

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