• Swift found that it wasn't the drone campaign that had swelled the ranks of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula but rather because the group was able to offer jobs to desperately poor young men.

    CNN: John Brennan, Obama's drone warrior

  • The council said it had set up its task group examining the peninsula's planning policies in response to the concerns of tourist operators.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | 'Ease planning law' call on Gower

  • Letter, possibly from bin Laden, to the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (PDF) The author tells group to focus on the United States, not the Yemeni government .

    CNN: The Osama bin Laden documents

  • The militant group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has claimed responsibility for the plot.

    CNN: Cheney, White House spar over terrorism

  • Authorities say AbdulMutallab may have received training in Yemen from the terrorist group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

    CNN: Obama on intel system: 'This was a screw-up'

  • Bin Laden's death might have underlined the weakened state of al Qaeda, but affiliate groups, including the Taliban, al-Shabaab and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, "remain committed to the group's ideology, " said a U.S. intelligence report released in January.

    CNN: Bin Laden's death brought 9/11 'closure'

  • The most active offshoot group is al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, led by Nasir al Wahishi, bin Laden's former secretary in Afghanistan who escaped to Iran, was arrested, and subsequently extradited to Yemen in 2003.

    WSJ: Threat From al Qaeda Endures

  • The U.S. military accelerated strikes against Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula following December's failed attempt by the group to blow up a Detroit-bound American airliner.

    WSJ: Covert CIA Role in Yemen Proposed

  • We also know that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a terrorist group based in Yemen, continues to plan attacks against our homeland, our citizens, and our friends and allies.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Statement on Security Alert

  • The flagship of the ultra-luxury Peninsula Hotel Group, this icon has been famed for its white glove service, opulent public spaces, fine dining, and fleet of custom "Peninsula green" Rolls Royces since it opened in 1928.

    FORBES: Peninsula, Hong Kong

  • The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center's Web site says that after al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula emerged in January 2009, its leadership was composed of al-Raimi and the group's emir, Nasir al-Wahishi, both of them "veteran Yemeni extremist leaders, " as well as two Saudis, one of whom surrendered to Saudi authorities last year.

    CNN: Yemen says 6 al Qaeda leaders killed

  • Their group, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was determined to show that even well-protected targets outside Yemen were not beyond their reach.


  • It appears that he joined an affiliate of al Qaeda, and that this group-al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-trained him, equipped him with those explosives and directed him to attack that plane headed for America.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: The Fight Against Al Qaeda

  • Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced on its website, Sawt al-Jihad, that "elements in the Saudi police provided the group that carried out the operations with official uniforms and police vehicles and set up false roadblocks".

    BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Profile: Saudi al-Qaeda leader

  • Mr. Kim was born in 1941 in a remote Russian village, where his parents led a group of communist guerrilla fighters against the Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsula, according to published accounts that rely on North Korean and Russian sources.

    WSJ: A Dictator Steeped in Myth

  • The group made the border crossing Saturday in the Yellow Sea off the west of the Korean peninsula, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said this week.

    CNN: South Korea won't return 9 defectors from the North

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