• Japanese political parties (Your Party, the Japan Restoration Party, and the New Renaissance Party) are scheduled to announce their intentions today on the confirmation votes for Kuroda to become BoJ governor and for Hiroshi Nakaso and Kikuo Iwata to be named deputy chiefs.

    FORBES: Yen Selling Eases In Face Of Bearish Investors

  • On a muggy night in May, a hundred-odd people gathered in the window-lined lounge at the Renaissance New York Times Square Hotel to see the latest work by the protean director Robert Wilson.

    NEWYORKER: Slow Man

  • Ten galleries on three levels have been created to house the new Medieval and Renaissance galleries, which are due to open on December 2nd.

    ECONOMIST: The new Medieval and Renaissance galleries are a treat

  • Four centuries after the Golden Age, a period of prosperity and artistic achievement that transformed Amsterdam from a fishing village into a wealthy hub of international trade, this delightful city is in the middle of a new renaissance.

    FORBES: Amsterdam's Striking Conservatorium Hotel

  • From entrepreneurial growth, the progression of the digital media and biotechnology industries, and the development of the new multi-billion dollar medical corridor, New Orleans has witnessed an economic renaissance that is bringing new companies and investments into the region for the first time.

    FORBES: America's New Frontier For Business Opportunity

  • The centre, with its gleaming glass shells, is the most visible symbol of the cultural renaissance that will usher in a new era of creativity, revitalize the downtown and return Kansas City to the dynamic, creative and worldly place it once was.

    BBC: Kansas City's Midwest renaissance

  • Just as the printing press, by improving the spread of ideas, helped bring on the Renaissance, mind to mind connections could herald a new era of progress.

    FORBES: Better than the Borg: The Neurotech Era

  • Cheng has just listed hotel-management firm Renaissance Hotel Group on the New York stock exchange.


  • In fact, the new painting has led experts to speculate that the woman who sat for the Renaissance Masterpiece was in her early 20s - much younger than the Louvre's original appears to show.

    BBC: Mona Lisa copy reveals new detail

  • By the 1990s, intrepid tenants had given new life to the old structures, and Red Hook's renaissance was underway.

    BBC: A remote hook in New York��s harbour

  • But now with the inexorable advance of new roads, electricity and mobile reception these villages are set to share in the renaissance that is underway in the rest of Iraqi Kurdistan.

    FORBES: Iraq - but not as you know it.

  • But Amgen is on the brink of a research renaissance that could yield more new drugs, in a broader range of diseases, than ever before.

    FORBES: Biotech Behemoth

  • Artists and musicians began to blossom in new ways, surrounded by the cultural excitement of the Harlem Renaissance.

    FORBES: Vintage Fashion: Unzipping The Mystery

  • Without the fear of God, they are unlikely to pay for a new Renaissance.

    ECONOMIST: Botticelli and his bankers

  • While a waterfront renaissance is nothing new, Malaysia is now realising the opportunities in drawing investments and creating iconic global attractions like this one.

    BBC: The Maldives meets Dubai, in Malaysia

  • Great financial centres have often been great artistic centres from Florence in the Renaissance to Amsterdam in the 17th century to London and New York today.

    ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

  • Kim Iskyan of Renaissance Capital, who has written a new study of the banking system, believes that without reform another crisis is inevitable.

    ECONOMIST: Russian banks

  • Ubisoft has proven its technological prowess in bringing history alive, as each new game has brought more realistic time periods from the Middle Ages to Renaissance Italy to Colonial America to life.

    FORBES: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag: A Pirate's Life 4 Me

  • For Berenson, looking at a picture was always an emotional experience, a new discovery and only then to be placed in the continuum of Italian Renaissance painting from Duccio, Masaccio and Giotto through Botticelli, Titian, Leonardo and Michelangelo.

    FORBES: Overpriced Art Versus Cheap Stocks

  • And so, you know, many of the problems that Africa has now with this new generation of leaders, with this newly energized civil society, with people who are saying - you know, like the movie Network, we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore - I mean, there is a new vibrancy among those who want to see a renaissance in the continent.

    NPR: Gault Book Details 'Africa's Renaissance'

  • This new business model will be the most important trait of America's manufacturing renaissance.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • Certainly, Silicon Valley, the temple of much of this new money, offers mixed evidence of a philanthropic renaissance.

    ECONOMIST: Philanthropy

  • Ministers talk of a renaissance of nuclear power, involving the construction of up to eight new reactors over the coming decade, coupled with a huge expansion in renewable energy.

    ECONOMIST: Britain can have clean energy or cheap energy, but not both

  • But despite the feeling of continuity and history, one senses that a global renaissance is taking shape, as people mix the old and the new in fresh ways, defying geography, linking us all in elements of a common culture.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Culture on Demand: Letter from Cortona

  • But as this special report will argue, if China's state-owned enterprises enjoy a renaissance under China's new leaders, it will be to the detriment of competition and increased consumption as a new driver of growth.

    ECONOMIST: China's new leaders

  • The renaissance came in the late 1960s and early 1970s, driven by a new generation who were able to push governments into changing their tune on the issue of public patronage for home-grown writers, actors, singers, directors and dancers.

    ECONOMIST: The wizards of Oz come of age

  • Adam Landes, director of oil research at Moscow-based Renaissance Capital, said Lukoil was unlikely to get a new deal on the same terms as last time.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Lukoil wants fresh Iraq oil deal

  • Meanwhile, Jobs was experimenting at his new company, NeXT Computer, with the far-out ideas that would later spark a renaissance at Apple.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Renaissance of Europe created strong nation states, which parlayed science and technology into weapons for building new empires.

    CNN: Building On A Golden Age

  • NPR's Special Africa correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault's new book, New News Out of Africa: Uncovering Africa's Renaissance, chronicles modern day life and the changes happening on the continent.

    NPR: Gault Book Details 'Africa's Renaissance'

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